Hello everyone, we are very proud to present SunFlowers, coming this autumn to PS Vita.
At first sight this game may look pretty casual — indeed, its objective is pretty simple: you have to grow flowers using chain-reactions.
You control the Sun, and you have the power to grow beautiful flowers on the ground. To do this, you shoot rays of sunlight through passing clouds, which turns the sunlight into water, which in turn causes the plants to grow. But if a sun ray touches a seed or a flower, it starts to burn. Thankfully, a drop of water will clear that burn right up.
When a flower reaches maturity, two new seeds pop out on both sides of it. If one new seed drops on an empty space it will be planted. If there’s already another flower the seed will bounce on it until it reaches a clear slot (and that’s how you make Combos!).
Every flower grown during a game goes directly in your virtual garden, where you can watch your collection and even offer them to your friends or a “near” player. See if you can collect all the flowers!
Everybody can enjoy SunFlowers, from casual to core gamers, so the game’s got three different difficulty modes. The most unique flowers can be found in “Normal” and “Hard” modes, and also during bonus stages.
Whether you prefer taking care of your flower collection (you’ll come across 330 flowers among the two different worlds), or beating the highest-scores (from one of the six Leaderboards), there are plenty of ways to enjoy SunFlowers.
The PS Vita had not yet been announced when we came up with the concept for SunFlowers, but it seemed very logical to use a vertical display for a game like this. When Sony presented us the PS Vita at the beginning of 2011, we definitely thought that SunFlowers was a perfect fit for this console so we kept the display as is, just as it was originally designed in the early concept.
Every world is split into seasons, where specific weather happenings occur — you will need to use the PS Vita’s various features to get rid of them. For instance, during autumn some unexpected falling leaves cover your flowers — lightly shake your PS Vita to make them go away.
Last but not least, you may have noticed that the music from SunFlowers is directly inspired from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. We thought that this classical masterpiece would fit our game quite well. Speaking of culture, you should know that every flower you can collect in SunFlowers is based on a real one. Are you ready to level up your botany skill? Grab SunFlowers when it’s out this fall!
I think this little casual arcade game will be as fun as playing Plants vs. Zombies. I’ll give it a shot (as long it’s not more than $10).
PS: Any word of Plants vs. Zombies 2 releasing on the Vita the same time it releases on the smartphones and tablets?
I know there are some people that complains at everything, but also I think we have the right to complain. I mean, there weren’t any AAA title release for the Vita in the last 2 months and they announce a 2D game that looks like a 0.99 cents iPhone game. I’m sure this game is great, but you should agree that is not the kind of game people bought the Vita for.
Thanks Sony for bring us more Vita games. Localize as much games as you can,please. RPGs especially. Can’t wait for Ragnarok Odyssey and Little King’s Story : )
Looks kool. 1.99 $ and im in.
btw its this a ps vita exclusive??
I love Vivaldi, I love flowers, I love rain, I love sunshine, I love collecting things and I love my Vita….it sounds perfect for me.
Add in lots of trophies and a good price and it’s mine day 1!!
@52: What, did you just forget about all they showed at gamescom? You act like this is the only PS Vita game coming in the future.
Just because it doesn’t appeal to you, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist.
And please do not act like you know why “people” bought their PS Vita. I bought mine because it would touch on all aspects of gaming. Which includes games like this one, games like Tearaway, games like Need For Speed.
Tired of all the whiners. There are legitimate complaints, them having some games made that don’t appeal to you is not a complaint. It’s whining. The PS Vita doesn’t exist to solely please you. It’s made to appeal to a large array of people with different tastes in games and who are all looking for something different.
So quick people forget reality, just so they can whine about something.
sweet another casual addictive game :D, why does Patapon 3 is not yet supported on the Vita yet ?
perfect game for de vita! day 1 download!
For ps Vita oweners like me from day 1.
we better cooperate cuz this is ours year, the year is not gone fully yet!! so many things, ps3 is seat right in the couner and the vta seat down in the other! They will be de most famous! But vita will give you so much fun!
looks decent. maybe i’ll try it if the price is low enough…or if we get it free for ps+
I can’t believe some of you are talking about $10 being a fair price-point. You must be insane. This game would sell for 99 cents, on any smart phone app store. This is no Plants vs. Zombies, either. Sony is just throwing this casual game at us to quell the disapproval, but unfortunately, this is not the kind of game that the majority of Vita owners are looking for. If you don’t believe me, just try browsing the web for opinions and reviews of the Vita.
Sony is making a big mistake trying to market these casual games that belong on a phone, to Vita users. Most people already have a smart phone and have a much bigger selection of cheap and often free casual games. Why would people spend $250-300 on a dedicated gaming handheld, in order to play casual games that they could have played on their phone?
realistically, this game should be around 99 cents.. any more then that and ill have to pass, games like this could do really well if kept at a low price
Shame that this game is already today available on iOS for 3.99. Better hurry up and release the game the next week, even at lower price.
how do we play this, with the PSVITA sideways?
Looks really fun, and will probably make me divide my time from PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe and Piyotama. (I really wish Gunpey and Every Extend Extra Extreme were available as downloads on PSN.)
Since the Vita has lots of dedicated memory, will the music be HD-quality (losslessly-compressed)?
Looks like a fun game to play with my kids. Question, will this differ from the iOS version or have additional features?
YAY MORE APPS JUST WHAT I NEEDED! Like i don’t already have enough on my smartphone. sony enough with the apps and give us some good AAA games, then your ps vita sales issues should disappear. It does not take a genius to figure that out.
Between Dead Space, Battlefield 3 and Sly Cooper I can play this game too. I’m very open to try new game genres. Love the way it looks and I am sure its very challenging.
Sometimes I wonder why so many people complain. This system is made for a huge demographic group. It will have games of all types and genres to appeal to everybody. Don’t like it say so properly. Don’t cry, pout and ehine about everything Sony isn’t doing for you. Also, phones aren’t just for phone calls and gaming. I do banking and investing on mine. Would be nice to buy my games already on my phone on the Vita. I do support great companies and buy more than once if I have to. I bought Resident Evil plenty of times over the years and I don’t care. People stop being cheap and pay. Just because you are in PS+ doesn’t mean everything is free. These games aren’t cheap to make.
Based on certain complaints, it sounds like some people assume that Sony dictates to every company what game they should make. Do people expect Sony to go to The Game Atelier and say, “Don’t make your game for Vita, instead become a AAA developer and create the next big game!” It doesn’t work that way. I will never understand people dogging a game because it is not something they are interested in buying.
I would be really happy if this were free to play.Besides,us Westerns are in need of another free to play game.Japan has been dishing out a lot lately.