The first two episodes of Telltale’s The Walking Dead joined the Instant Game Collection last week, and today, we’re announcing even more content coming to Plus! We’re excited to welcome PSN Games Outland and Bloodrayne: Betrayal to the PlayStation Plus family. Read on to learn more about these games and other great content coming exclusively for Plus members.
August 14th PlayStation Plus Update
Free for PlayStation Plus Members
This innovative PSN Game blended open world 2D action color-based puzzle platforming to deliver an experience like none other. Heralded by critics, we’re happy to bring Outland to Plus members. Make sure you check out the co-op challenges scattered throughout the game’s world to get the most from Outland’s breathtaking world.
Bloodrayne: Betrayal
Free for PlayStation Plus Members
With this year’s PSN PLAY in full swing, we thought we’d revisit one of last year’s PSN PLAY titles to deliver free to Plus members. Sporting incredibly slick animation and amazingly detailed characters, monsters, and environments in luscious (LUSCIOUS) high resolution, this is a game that many might have missed, and now have no excuse not to check it out.
Papo & Yo
20% discount for PlayStation Plus Members (Regular Price: $14.99, PS Plus Price: $11.99)
We’re always looking to get members the best deals on new releases,so we’re making the anticipated PSN Game Papo & Yo that much easier to snag when it drops on 8/14. It’s an amazing world crafted by the team at Minority. Follow a young boy named Quico and his best friend Monster through the surreal favelas of his homeland. It’s a dangerous journey through a constantly changing world, and you get an exclusive price break on the new adventure. Check out all the great features on Papo & Yo and pick up the game this week!
August 21st PlayStation Plus Update
Dust 514
Closed Beta Access and 50% off Mercenary Pack Add-On
Remember that Beta I talked about earlier? I know, it was a bit in the making but we’re happy to welcome our friends from the Dust 514 team into Plus with exclusive access for the closed beta. Dust 514 is the free to play first person shooter that may change the face of how we battle online in games. Help test the first live direct connection to the extremely popular EVE Online MMO as players on the main server in DUST 514 and EVE Online can chat in real time and send in-game mail between games. It’s a first in gaming, it’s free to play when it releases later this fall, and exclusive access is coming to Plus members on 8/21. You’ll have until September 4th to jump in the Beta. Read more about the features available in this Beta in a post from Brandon Laurino, Executive Producer on Dust 514.
We’re also sporting a 50% discount on the Mercenary Pack DLC for Dust 514 which gives access to in-game currency to spend in game, skill boosts, and exclusive gear. Now I know what you’re thinking: this is a beta, how can I buy Add-Ons if it’s in beta? Good question! Any Add-Ons that are purchased with Dust 514 while the game is in Beta will be carried over when the game releases later this fall. So buy with confidence! There’s a ton of great Dust 514 blog posts; read up on the game and jump in the Beta.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
20% discount for PlayStation Plus Members (Regular Price: $14.99, PS Plus Price: $11.99)
It’s the return of the king. The first editions of Counter Strike back in the day paved the way for what online shooters are today. Now Valve is partnering with PlayStation to deliver this new release 20% off when it becomes available for download on 8/21. The final title of the PSN PLAY promotion, make sure you’ve picked up as many titles from PLAY as possible so you can get the most amount of PlayStation Store credit back on September 7th.
Natsume Sale
50% off for PlayStation Plus Members (Regular Prices: $14.99, PS Plus Price: $7.50)
Natsume fans! Got a PSP? You’re in luck. 4 of Natsume’s best titles including some of the best from the Harvest Moon series are going on a nice 50% off sale. Adventures To Go!, Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl, Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon , Reel Fishing: The Great Outdoors, and Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley are all part of the sale.
Watch the PlayStation Store Updates for more news on additional Plus deals. Stay tuned for our next update scheduled for August 27th, and as always, let us know your thoughts in the comments.
I’ve been kind of wanting to try out Bloodrayne, so that’s something.
Think I’m gonna look into getting a Euro + Account. Get the great content they are currently offering every month, and whenever SCEA gets it’s act together, I can get great content here too.
Seems to be a disappointing store update this week too, but Last Story comes out this week, so I really don’t care that much anyway.
@49, Oh god, please, don’t let this be true…….
Why are people complaining? ITS FREE!!! in my opinion the service is awesome keep it up, I just wish you would let us know sooner about the PS perks thats all for now ill be playing Playstation All Stars, which I have to ask has it really been delayed? was that article a mistake? PLEASE RESPOND!
Mogan, you have no idea how much I regret buying a 1 year subscription to PlayStation Plus. I guess the only thing I can do now is to advise my friends not to get one.
Its not free. Its a paid service, and people aren’t getting what they expected when they signed up, so of course people will voice their complaints. The three month sign ups from E3 should be up next month, so maybe the Plus team will finally realize they need to give a better service if their subscription numbers fall through the floor then. I know I won’t resubscribe when mine is over unless they start delivering more by then.
i was expecting Motorstorm Apocalypse and Sorcery!!!!! how about psvita games like ModNation Racers Road Trip, Little Deviants or Escape Plan?
I regret paying 50 dollars for this. I’ll just stick buying games instead of subscription based services. I don’t see the benefits of PS Plus to be honest. I don’t care about discounts, I care about extra content, the PS Plus games are only for rent and the free stuff you’re getting isn’t that special.
@56 That seems to be their plan to me. They will offer good content every 3 months to keep people renewing plus. Other than that it will be garbage in between.
I already bought Outland :(. well Bloodrayne shall be :)
PS Plus Betrayal
for free!
The instant game collection stuff has been genuinely impressive and unexpected. Many thanks
Why does it matter whether it’s a retail game or a PSN game as long as it’s a good game? PSN games aren’t cheap pieces of crap, a lot of them are better than retail games. If you haven’t played Outland then you should be happy to play it now.
@64, we want the full games it was promissed for us. Getting PSN games is fine for me as long as they release PS3 full games for a change. We haven’t recieved any new full games since the new service started. And we are just losing them every week.
Morgan, I have a very concerning question.
The PlayStation Plus police just arrived at my door and they said that I’ve been “stealing” from you guys and they want to take me away. They said that even though I’ve been a subscriber since day 1 and continue to do so, that I’ve been spoiling myself with too many discounts, free games, avatars, themes, and the hundreds upon hundreds of dollars I’ve “stolen” from you guys.
I told them that I’ve paid $100 over the course of two years, and will be paying another $50 in October, but they seem to disbelieve me and want to take me away. I didn’t realize you had such a department deep within your great team!
Help me!!!
(Not before I “steal” more of this great content though!) =P
You guys should be happy about getting Dust 514!
I want to know when the 50% discount for the mercenary pack is coming because I’ve been thinking about getting that. Sad that I spent some money on FFXIII-2 DLC when if I didn’t I would’ve had $10. Then I would’ve gotten a card for The Walking Dead Season Pass.
Oh well I’ll figure it out soon! I’m really happy about the Walking Dead! I hear Bloodrane sucked BUT I bought outland last year and it was very good!
I’m so happy you guys are ACTUALLY discounting DLC for once!!! I’m happy! I’m going to buy something worth $20 for $10! Even though Aurum isn’t necessary, you’re basically getting 4000 for $10. Whereas a pack of 5000 aurum costs $20! You get this plus bonus stuff too.
This is LAUGHABLE to say the least. Seriously, PSN+ EU is getting a much better service and any idiot with a brain would know that. I definitely will not be renewing my PSN+ subscription. I was actually looking forward to a good game not some trash like BloodRayne.
@PA7VTY_RA1D3R: What’s garbage to you is not garbage to many other people. I’m fine with these PSN games, even though I bought TWD E1&2 before I got them for free. They are great games, and Plus members definitely need a chance to check them out if they haven’t already. If you own one or more of the games released then that’s something you should have expected when signing up for Plus.
Now the point I can agree on for some of the recent months is the lack of extra content we get. Sure PSN and PS3 games each month are cool, what I’ve seen is a lack of DLC and avatars or price cuts in any of those departments for Plus members recently. Also, minis are virtually non-existent any more with the updates.
I’m actually quite pleased with this update! I’ve been itching to try Outland and Blood Rayne looks interesting. Thanks for delivering!
Nice update a shame that I already have Bloodrayne: Betrayal but is a grate game if some one docent heaved.
I have been thinking on playing Outland for some time looks like is my time xD
Morgan, I’ve never complained about Plus, and I’m even a little reluctant to do so now because I’ve told a lot of my buddies how great this program is. But, I feel really displeased with this month’s offerings and the general course of PS Plus. This is a multiple post argument, since I only get 1250 characters.
This month, beyond The Walking Dead episodes, you are giving us Bloodrayne and Outland. These games were heavily discounted over the past couple of months several times, and it’s a sure bet that many Plus subscribers own them like myself. It seems a trend that is occurring here is to offer for free that which has been discounted. You guys shouldn’t slash the price of games so drastically, have people buy them, and then turn around a couple months later and have those as the “free” games. If it happened with one game once in awhile, I’d understand, but that’s not the case here. (Notice: I’m not arguing about full PS3 games vs. DLC. I don’t care what I get as long as it’s not stuff that was once so cheap that spending a couple bucks didn’t hurt.) What hurts is when I don’t get much out of a month because I was already offered a great deal earlier on the content being given.
Speaking about discounts, why are the discounts now only 20% off? I don’t think I’ve seen a game discounted down to 50% for Plus subscribers since E3. I bought heavily from the discounted games, but at 20% on a fifteen dollar game, I’m just not biting. The only time I’ll do that is with a game like Journey, and those games just don’t roll around often. Discounted games are a great thing as long as they don’t eventually make up the majority of the free offerings.
And what happened to the minis and themes? We used to get two or three a month of each, and after E3, nothing. I really enjoyed some of that content, like A Space Shooter for $2, Alien Zombie Death, etc.
These are both games I played demos for and was seriously tempted to pick up, but didn’t in the end. So this update is perfect for me.
The only problem is that I’m running out of hard disk space, and I just recently replaced the 160 GB with a 320 GB.
As a side note, backing up the PS3 to an external USB HD takes forever. It would be awesome if the firmware could be updated to support incremental backups! Would be especially awesome if it could do this automatically along with the PS+ cloud sync.
Lastly, you guys gave us The Walking Dead episodes, which are fantastic mind you, but at the same time it’s not a complete story. I know you’ve said to others that there’s no guarantee the other episodes will come up on PS Plus, but judging from the history Sony and TellTale games seems to have, I don’t see any reason not to wait for them to arrive on Plus. We got BTTF completely free, and Jurassic Park was free if we renewed our subscription. Seems like TWD most likely will follow the same course, but my complaint is that it’s not a complete story and I’ll have to wait for it to arrive on Plus. I’m certainly not buying it, for the discounting reasons outlined above. I know the argument is that I own the content then, but as a day one Plus member, I’ve had no real reason to think about cancelling my Plus subscription until now. I’ve always planned on owning Plus, thus having the games you’ve offered available to me, but you guys need to do better because if this is the “new” system for Plus, it’s discouraging.
What happen to Qore the series is Dead? Some plus games I get never get to play becouse I’m working all the time.. BOO to work :)
The PlayStation Plus sales have been pretty weak lately. I don’t consider $2.00 off a $15.00 dollar game to be a great sale. The Natsume sale looks okay, but not everyone has a PSP. I’d rather see PSN games far half-off, even older games.
The sales are my priority when it comes to Plus, and yet lately, the regular store discounts have been better than the Plus discounts. Why is that? Are you afraid to discount other games because you’re trying to push PSN Play content?
I don’t know why everyone complains about the games Plus members get. $50 a year and you get tons and tons of games that add up to way more than $50. I know not everyone is going to like the selection but come on, there is plenty of good games to keep most people happy. If this months update doesn’t do it for you, there is always next month. I for one am a happy Plus member, have been since day one, and can see that us gamers are actually getting more content per month since the game collection went into place. You want here any complaints from me. I do miss getting PSone games, seems like we don’t get those as often, but I will gladly take the new games that Sony has offered.
Well damn.
I have until the end of the month to renew, was really hoping this week would finally give me a reason to.
So is this the last major update for Plus this month? If so I can make my decision to not renew for the first time since Plus started, right now. Hopefully there’s going to be more this month or it will be every single update since the Initial “Instant Games” thing started, that plus has been progressively worse.
I bought plus for Add-on Discounts, QORE, Full Game trials/discount, Free games that aren’t PSN rejects, ps1 classics that are actual classics, etc… Most of those things are rarely if ever around now.
Is this truly the shape of things to come or will Plus ever get back to being even half as good as it use to be?
What a massive disappointment. No matter how you look at it, PSN games replacing retail games is a downgrade. Keep in mind, it doesn’t mean the games that replaced them suck, it’s just that, the difference in value just isn’t fair. For meat eaters out there (I’m a vegetarian), it’s like replacing a Triple Baconator with some other random cheeseburger. I hate to echo the trolls, but EU PSN is doing much better with their Plus, which is making me think of subscribing with them once my NA Plus sub expires.
Hope the internet white knights here realize there’s no such thing as “morgan friendship points”.
another games from PSN?? where are the PS3 games??
you said you would always be some jogdo the PS3 this month and we now have 03 psn games!!
Really this time was to be disappointed, with two games “similar” platform adventure
What’s up with giving some old side scrolling games for free, what year is it. This will be my last ps plus sub waist of money for me.
Sony, you will lose lots of subscribers next month if you don’t do something about this.
There is still time to fix tomorrow’s update. I renewed for 1 year, so I’m screwed. But the ones who subscribed for 3 months should not renew it. The way things are going PSN US will keep disappointing us. I don’t trust SCEA anymore.
There is WAY too much whining here.
If you don’t like it, don’t subscribe to it. It’s that simple. It’s like for they’ve put into plus, people will just never be satisfied.
I never have a problem with the updates. And it’s BECAUSE as per the agreement of what we were all told when we first bought into plus, they never dropped the ball on that. All they did was add even more to it.
What I find funny is that a lot of the same whiners were complaining the same thing about four months ago (back when I was last hear). Stating “I’m not resubscribing to this garbage service when mine expires in a month”. Yet those SAME names still have pluses next to their names. And I won’t mention any names because you know EXACTLY who you are.
Boo hoo. I’m a crybaby and want to say that I’m not satisfied that I get hundreds of dollars worth of free games and discounts annually for the measly price of one retail game. I’m going to join all the other lazies of this country and cry about it.
Seriously, learn to appreciate what you get, and if you don’t like it, don’t renew. All this whining and crying is pretty pathetic, and it says a lot about people in our society today.
@84 It was promissed at least on retail game a month. AT LEAST. PSN+ EU sometimes get 2 retail games.
So no, hey did not add more to the service, they are ripping it apart.
@85 And? the month isn’t over yet now is it.
Why don’t you wait until August is over before you come with that complaint. And what’s with this “us” disappointed stuff?
Speak for yourself bro
really? so eu gets full retail and we get low rated psn titles. i see how it is. oh well. glad this influenced me to renew plus. NOTTT!
Voicing displeasure with a service one pays for isn’t wrong as long as one does it in a reasonable manner. Like I said earlier, I’ve had Plus for two years and I’ve never voiced a complaint because I was satisfied and loved the program completely. Yet, since E3 and the instant game collection, things haven’t been the same. That’s my complaint. I never posted once before E3. I just want Sony to know that I don’t care for this direction with Plus.
Man, some of you people complaining are complete nubs.
The ORIGINAL Plus was: 1 PSN game, 1 PSone game, and 2 minis per month. Sometimes we would get some avatars, DLC, and other minimal freebies.
With the NEW Plus we are getting multiple PSN games per month AND…..AND….full PS3 game releases.
How some of you are complaining is beyond common sense. If you are expecting new full PS3 games every single month, well, then you only have yourself to complain to. They NEVER said we would be getting full PS3 games every month.
Been a subscriber since the beginning and this new Plus KILLS the old Plus membership in almost every way.
You guys are too shortsighted and impractical to understand anyway, please continue to be the LCD.
Blah update….very saddeing as the new PS Plus format is increasingly feeling very stagnant compared to the old version if all we are going to get each month are rehashed PSN titles that many of us already have.
PS Europe has it nailed with the 12 week maximum game retention time…. see FAQ section at http://tinyurl.com/ctwg2a9
Why the hell people are complaining so much about a full game “being replaced” by a PSN game? It`s like you couldn`t play the old games anymore. Didn`t you download them? Well, they’re still there, in you videogame. And now you can download two new titles, and have all of them, and play all of them.
And we CAN complain and VOICE OUR OPINION. We PAY with HARD EARNED MONEY for this utter GARBAGE which should be alot better. They obviously favor other countries. Plus in EU is SOOOOOO much better…
ccrogers, please don’t renew. you are not smart enough to handle subscriptions apparently.
Really? you want the Old plus back?
Where you only got 1 psn game, 1 ps classic, and 2 minis as your free games?
several times i was about to buy bloodrayne , i´m really glad i didn´t cause i already own outland
Also, back in jan i remember plus was awesomer. The jan deal had 7 Psone classics free. Spyro 1-3 and Crash 1-3 and CTR. I remember that.
I think it’s time to put Siren: Blood Curse as a PS Plus FREE GAME. Good update already have Outland, and but don’t have bloodRayne.
Shut your mouth.
debate the topic please; let’s not tell each other to “shut their mouths’. All for good disagreement and debates, but this is a bit aggressive. please don’t attack someone because they disagree with you.