Featuring a dramatically larger world, full weapon and armor upgrade systems as well as bigger and more challenging dungeons and vast array of new enemies and bosses, Darksiders II strives to improve on every aspect of the original hit on PS3.
Also on PS3 this week, inspired by classic Hollywood and Asian cinema style action thrillers, Sleeping Dogs is a gritty open-world cop drama set in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. Explore the bustling and crowded Hong Kong island, through its neon-lit side streets and sprawling street markets, an incredible story unfolds of loyalty and betrayal where Wei begins to question his own motives as he is sucked in deeper than he could ever imagine.
In Papo & Yo exclusively for PSN, you play as Quico. Build his friendship with Monster by solving puzzles together and adventuring through a magical, surrealist world. Use Monster’s emotions, both good and bad, to their advantage if they want to complete their search for a cure and save their pal. Enjoy this week’s The Drop.
PlayStation 3
Darksiders II — Darksiders II follows the exploits of Death, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, in a weaving tale that runs parallel to the events in the original Darksiders game. This epic journey propels Death through various light and dark realms as he tries to redeem his brother War, the horseman who was blamed for prematurely starting the Apocalypse in Darksiders.
Sleeping Dogs — Sleeping Dogs catapults players into the role of undercover cop Wei Shen, tasked with taking down one of the world’s most fearsome criminal organizations from the inside… the Hong Kong Triads.
Offering players an island packed with action, every street corner, market stall, harbor dock or city skyscraper can become an opportunity for intense shoot-outs, adrenaline-fueled street races and intense, brutal martial arts combat. Featuring one of the most intuitive and imaginative combat systems, Sleeping Dogs empowers players to perform an extensive set of martial arts moves, singlehandedly taking on numerous opponents. Players perform bone-crunching kicks and combos, vicious counters and a cinematic set of environmental takedowns making use of countless real-world items from circular saws to phone booths, incinerators to refrigerator doors.
PlayStation Network
Papo & Yo — Papo & Yo is the story of a young boy, Quico, and his best friend, Monster. Monster is a huge beast with razor-sharp teeth, but that doesn’t scare Quico away from playing with him. That said, Monster does have a very dangerous problem: an addiction to poisonous frogs. The minute he sees one hop by, he’ll scarf it down and fly into a violent, frog-induced rage where no one, including Quico, is safe. And yet, Quico loves his Monster and wants to save him.
CSI: Fatal Conspiracy — CSI: Fatal Conspiracy features five connected cases that will allow players to experience an authentic crime-solving video game with real CSI characters, heart-pounding interrogations and enhanced graphics.
- Papo & Yo
- PS3 and PS Vita Madden NFL 13
- Hustle Kings
PlayStation 2 Classic
Shinobi — Following a massive earthquake, Tokyo lies in ruin as mysterious forces seek out and obliterate what is left of the Oboro clan. In this rebirth of the classic SEGA action franchise, you take the role of Hotsuma, leader of the Oboro clan, as he battles through the demon-filled streets of a post-apocalyptic Tokyo in search of answers.
Using a unique stealth-dash technique, Hotsuma has the ability to move from enemy to enemy so quickly that a ghostly after image is left behind. This not only confuses Hotsuma’s enemies, but is also a key component in chaining attacks together to consecutively destroy hordes of enemies. “Ninja Magic” also provides Hotsuma with the upper hand in more desperate situations. In addition, Hotsuma has mastered the ability to run along walls, as well as scale buildings to reach hidden areas and special foes.
[Editor’s Note: The following dates are subject to change. Game details are gathered from Press Releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
Hey Rey, tell SONY about this idea; u could make us Vita owners happier by making some of the PS Vita games FREE w/ Plus next month
where is the ps1 update for the PS Vita? Jack Tretton said, “beginning this summer” please dont make promises you can’t keep.
Can we please have an update on GTA III? It was supposed to be out two weeks ago and still isn’t. Does it really take this long to get the licensing done on one song? Just take the song out and get the game out. I hope we at least hear something this week.
Summer ends September 21st so there’s still over a month to go.
Sleeping Dogs
For you people complaining about the number of games for the Vita. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get developers to make a game for a device that is not selling well?
Sony has its own development teams as well
The Vita isn’t selling well since Sony doesn’t care about RPGs. If they had the quality RPGs, that put the PlayStation brand on the map in the first place, then their system wouldn’t be selling so badly. I know I don’t want a Vita if there’s no quality RPGs for it. I can’t think of a single must have game for Vita I want. I want a AAA blockbuster JRPG like classic Final Fantasy, and turned based, with high production values, and not the crappy RPGs that come out these days.
Oh and…
@50, Aiza- wowzers! It’s supposedly a tough plat., where a mode unlocked after finishing the story “albums” are driving tropy hunters nuts. You’re probably the 1st person on the planet to earn 100% of the trophies for Sound Shapes… congrates! (=
I think that the reason for lack of info on a lot of these questions is because they want to announce the stuff at
Please let me be right.
pretty please? or at least a reply? I wouldn’t have to keep asking, but I already asked you guys politely at least 10 times and you have not responded and it is ridiculous that you have not put this in a firmware update yet. This should have been included with the PS3 from the very get go.
pretty please? or at least a reply? I wouldn’t have to keep asking, but I already asked you guys politely at least 10 times and you have not responded and it is ridiculous that you have not put this in a firmware update yet. This should have been included with the PS3 from the very get go.
Do I have your attention yet?
what about playstation plus game
For the past several months, almost every week I have been asking this same question in various threads why we do not have alphabetical sorting yet. I don’t understand why you guys won’t replay, and I do not understand why the PS3 lacks this essential feature.
Please explain why the PS3 does not contain the basic function to sort games alphabetically.
Can’t get you guys to reply even though I ask you every week, so I guess I have no other option but to spam your boards until you answer and/or we get this much needed feature.
Pretty please and thank you.
already gotten Shinobi on PS2(probably the best Ninja game out there)
they should also put Nightshade(Kunoichi) on PSN.
shame Kunoichi doesn’t have dual audio like Shinobi did(wtf this is a ninja game)
i hope sega makes another Shinobi game with Platinum games and Overwork games developing together along with HIdeki Kamiya ^^
So, my brother comes over this weekend for some MW3 playtime and says “Hey man, I’m thinking about picking up a Vita when I get paid what games do you recommend?” And I turn to him and straight up tell him that buying a Vita is a fools downfall. I say “Save your money bro on something better, Like perhaps that Ipod touch you’ve been wanting.” Trust me, You will get more use out of IT then a OVERPRICED, glorified PSP. He says, “Yeah, I suppose your right.” He can thank me later…!!!
The current library for PS2 Classics are weak. Give us something that’ll make us all go nerdgasm. It would be awesome to have the Fatal Frame series into the PS2 Classics. I’m sure a lot of us are still waiting on the update where PS1 classics can finally be played on the PS Vita and I hope you guys let us PS+ subscribers play the PS1 classics we’ve earned so far.
Playstation, you need to take a look at your development team for the vita. There are already hackers running ps1 and ps3 titles off of vita. Why don’t you hire them?
Spamming a message board will not get sony to add this feature any sooner. Your only going to anger the credible gamers that come to these boards to view ” INFO” on upcoming PSN titles. Adding a feature to a device does not happen overnight, it takes time to test, run real time on the machine and get green lighted. So just be patient. Im sure sony has seen your post and if it is in the works, it will get announced, if not , oh well. you still have the ability to place your titles into folders, “Ps3/Ps1/Turbo Grx/ and so on , as most others have been doing. stop acting like a spoiled brat with the constant ranting, its making you look childish.
People have been asking over the years, and I have asked like once a week for the past several months, and lately, a few times each drop.
I don’t care about looking/acting childish. Is this not the USA, home of freedom fries and American toast? Is it now illegal to act childish?
Why would I want to put every game into a folder? How inconvenient.
Where is the TWD Episode 3? :(
@ luvtoseek: Seriously? I think I had more trouble with the last level of Beat School than with any of the Death Mode levels. Some of them were hard, but it was basically just learning the patterns and how to get around each screen quickly. But thanks for the ‘grats. :)
Proof, lol.
@58 You don’t know if they’re already developing games (either PS3 or Vita) so no use begging.
I don’t mean to complain but Sony should let go projects for the psp. Come on just focus on the Ps Vita. We gotta beat Nintendo. Also give us that PsOne game update you promised!!!!!!!
Sigh, still no RCR. :(
Good Lord. The Vita situation is just getting straight up embarrassing.
Show some Vita love!! PSone classics, PS2 classics on Vita, reduced PSP games!! Take my money I need a new memory card when PSone classics are available. Do you not want my money?
I need help with the trophies ModNation rancer road trip, need to help me do my Downloads of tracks, karts, mods is that I win three trophies I need, to add me on psn: Grayson-_gadelha, please help me T_T .
@72, Neuropunk: pretty funny response. I’m no longer annoyed with you for the spamming. I think they ban people who spam, I’ve seen it before so be careful.
My list of digital games is getting pretty long, too, so alphabetizing would be helpful.
Is it just me or anyone else not interested in ps1 or ps2 games for the ps3? If I wanted to play an older game I’ll take my old system out of the closet and play it…
Also, where is the Rainbow Moon demo? I was interested in it when it came out but my interest window if closing quickly with all new games coming out.
“interest window”…that’s a good one…
The Vita is already dead. I’m watching people trade it in every week, and I already traded mine in. Since no one from Sony will talk to a Vita user on this blog, you may as well cash in on it while you can. I don’t know why they gave up on us but it is a real shame. Even Nintendo gave early 3DS adopters a nod.
Trading my Vita in was the smartest thing I did all summer. I can always buy it again later at half the price and get a 50 to 75 dollar store gift card with it. Those who shelled out the 400 at launch just got screwed.
Quit showing your lack of age with the spam. It is very bad manners.
You may have felt like you have gotten screwed, but not me. Speak for yourself. Good luck on hoping that the Vita will be half price, at any time. You’re saying that you will eventually be able to buy a Vita for $50 with discount? Hahaha, bless your soul. Whatever puts your mind at ease, right? I think you just got screwed by believing that.
It is not just you – I am with you.
Yay, games!
With Sony purchasing Gaikai there is a good chance all the games you are playing on the PS3 will be playable on the Vita its just a matter of waiting for the update . Hopefully it will be part of v1.8.
It´s better to sony bring some “dont have public” japanese games like Project Diva, Dream Club, etc
because the ocidental support for Vita is dead… almost 1 or 2 months without a major demo or game since Gravity rush
@neuropunk: Dude, we get it. While I agree with you that the PS3 should have the ability to sort games alphabetically, I wouldn’t hold my breath at this point. I’d throw that in along with cross-game chat, parties and an appear offline option.
Basically what you see is what you get with the PS3. Sony is no doubt deep into development of the PS4 and all of their resources are devoted to that now with only a skeleton crew working on the current PS3/PSN. Updates to PS3 going forward will be minor. Chances are if you’ve been waiting for a feature for the last 5 or 6 years, it’s probably NEVER coming. I don’t agree with this or like it, but I’ve just accepted it by now.
The fact the Vita does have cross-game chat as well as a party system is proof enough for me these features will be included with the PS4.
What Sony really needs to focus on in the next few months starting tomorrow at Gamescom is repairing the Vita’s image.
They have to prove to all the naysayers what all of us who own a Vita already know. That mobile gaming on iOS/Android devices doesn’t hold a candle to gaming on the Vita. You simply NEED dual analog sticks for a lot of games which is also why the Vita is superior to the 3DS (nevermind the fact the screen blows the 3DS screen away).
The Vita is the closest thing ever to an actual home console experience in a portable device. Time for them to start bragging about it a bit more. I’m not saying I’m expecting a ton of surprise games being announced for immediate release, just announcements confirming the existence of a lot of the games we’re all hoping for would be a start.
hey every1 new games coming for us ps+ members next week? stay tuned!
No comment on the Vita!! haven’t played one yet;(
Still love my PSP though and PS3 is/ has become one of the greatest consoles of all time. PS3 birthday is 11/17 and it will be 6 years old:)
hey morgon every1 is asking about new games for us ps+ members they wanna know about any new games for us members ? let us know okm thanks also do you know when grand theft auto 3? is gonna be on the playstation network? let us know ok thanks! your doing a great job! do you know any thing about the tester4? any try outs yet? let us know thanks!
hey cant wait for this week game papa-yayo! 1 more game and i get my $10 bucks awsome playstation your great! also any other good games coming 2 playstation? your guys games are really great this year! keep u pthe good work!
I’ll definitely be getting Darksiders II, but Sleeping Dogs I’m a bit hesitant on.
Still deciding if I’ll even consider Shinobi since I never played it on the PS2.
ZOMG ZOMG! Getting Darsiders 2 CE & Sleepings Dogs delivered on front of my door step! woot woot! plus a few new fre ps+ games? LIFE IS COMPLETE!
Yet again as a Vita owner I am consistently let down by Sony and 3rd party devs. I feel everyone is giving up on this great machine, probably(at least in my opinion) the greatest handheld ever. Sony you are letting us down with inconsistent content for the Vita and you need to rope in those 3rd party devs whom reports state have jumped ship to develop for the WiiU. You need to take a stand Sony, give those devs incentives to develop on the Vita. Its the great games that make or break a console in the long run whether or not the machine is top notch. If you want Vita to be a success in Japan you need an exclusive Monster Hunter and the Vita will sell like gangbusters. We need Killzone Vita Infamous and other big name games that are good games and don’t make sacrifices to the game by adding in unnecessary tilt and touch functionality if it doesn’t work(i.e. Uncharted Golden Abyss). In summary Sony and 3rd party devs please don’t give up on the Vita the reason its not selling well is because of a lack of games that people really want to play, this is what moves units. If you don’t have the games people want to play then don’t expect it to sell, because it won’t. Come on Sony give us a reason to own the Vita.
I am speaking for myself, by virtue of having posted using my account.
You’re welcome to disagree, but getting snarky and irrationally angry doesn’t make your correct.
And no, my post did not state that I could buy a Vita for 50$. Read the actual comment I wrote instead of being in a hurry to attempt to school someone.
I want discounts and price drops for Vita games =). Maybe some free stuff for PSN Plus members.
@56 the vita isnt selling well?…..maybe because it cost more then a ps3…..it always amazes me how greedy game componys are..sure selling a new system for a huge price nets u a good profit but then what?…the buyers are broke…if they release systems with a cheaper tag then thy could sell more systems….and in the long run this mean more people have your system and they didnt buy it to look pretty so they will buy games and since they saved money they will buy more games and controllers and such..in the long run you’ll make more money then charging high prices on the system……….just smarter marketing
that being said WHERE THE HELL IS DAWNGAURD???!!! its been far over a month since other system got it…what is going on??? i didnt complian when you guys didnt work with bethesda to get me voice controlls like the other system got which you could more then do with a bluetooth…..but its getting old waiting for a dlc i should have had by now.
and i had darksiders two payed off and ready for pick up but i went down and got my money back….i will not support a game that has dlc out before the game is released…and i dam sure wont support a game that has no online but charges me 10 bucks for a pass the access a mode in the game…that pushing it way to far n i cant get behind that