Hey everyone, Jakub from Grip Games here. For the past few weeks, I’ve been keeping you up-to-date with news about our upcoming PS3 and PS Vita game Foosball 2012. Today, I can finally tell you when the game will be released and how much it will cost!
You’ll be able to scratch that foosball itch on July 24th, when the game launches on the PlayStation Store. It will cost you only $7.99 for which will get both the PS3 version and the PS Vita version, so you’ll be able to fully enjoy the awesome cross-platform features we have implemented in the game.
PlayStation Plus subscribers will enjoy a limited-time discount, netting the game for just $5.99!
For more information about the game, like details on its PlayStation Move support, cross play and online multiplayer, check out our website, our Facebook page, and our Twitter, where you can join other foosball fans to prepare for this unique gaming experience!
I’ve searched the entire network and cannot find this game