We’re always looking for ways to deliver PlayStation gamers the entertainment you crave. Hot off the presses from Comic-Con is news that we will be the exclusive launch partner for VIZ Media’s Neon Alley – a 24-hour anime channel – to PlayStation Network in Fall 2012. Neon Alley will be a subscription-based service available to all PS3 owners in the U.S. and Canada for $6.99 per month. Neon Alley will include a mix of action, adventure, science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, and horror anime, all uncut and dubbed in English, and presented in HD (when available), including include blockbuster anime titles like Naruto Shippuden, Inuyasha: The Final Act, and Death Note, as well as new titles such as Tiger & Bunny, Berserk: The Golden Age Arc, Zetman, Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, plus original content that provides news and behind-the-scenes access for anime and manga fans.
That’s not all, though. It was recently unveiled that the Crunchyroll App will be coming to PSN, streaming directly from your PS3 console. Current subscribers will be able to log in with their existing account to access all the benefits, including streaming the episodes of popular anime shows such as Naruto Shippuden, Shugo Chara, Hunter X Hunter, Sket Dance, and Korean drama shows like Dr. Jing, Jumong, The King 2 Hearts and more. And if you’re not a member yet – you can also sign up for a 30-day free trial directly from your PS3. The packages include Anime membership (all anime titles and simulcasts for $6.95 per month), Drama membership (all drama titles and simulcasts for $6.95 per month), or All-Access membership (all titles and simulcasts for $11.95 per month).
So that’s it – great anime content will be streaming directly to your PS3 soon! What are your thoughts on a dedicated anime channel on PSN? Share your feedback with us in the comments below.
So are we allowed to pay for just a month’s worth and then stop whenever we feel like it then pay another month when we want the service again? Just like how you can pay for a month for 3G on the Vita and just stop whenever you want. Or is it more complicated than that?
I’m Interested in neon Alley For The English dubs, but can you ceachup on epasoed you missed.
Sorry for my spelling,It’s not my strong-suit.
7T Primal
I love watching anime and I’m a huge fan of it, but I prefer watching subs than the dub versions.. Will I be able to watch subs if I subscribe?? It might be just me, but I really rather watch the sub versions =P
As someone who already has a crunchyroll subscription I’m excited to have the crunchyroll line-up on my PS3. Definitely eager to watch the latest anime on my PS3.
Nice can see myself subbing for atleast a month to try it out, hoping its something we can just buy a month at a time not requiring a valid cc the entire time.
Sony, you rock for adding these anime apps AND for making super-awesome anime games like Hyperdimension Neptunia and Rainbow Moon. BTW, any word on Jet Set Radio HD’s release date?
This is great news Sony. I just started watching amine this year, just finished Chrome Shelled Regios.
great news, glad neon alley is also coming to Canada, always end up missing out on content video wise here in Canada. Is crunchy roll also coming to Canada as well?
off topic:
would it be possible to create a video streaming app for the vita similar to ps3, would be great to stream my computer’s content to my vita like I do with my ps3. FYI I already posted this suggestion in the suggestion section of the playstation site, but it never got approved from what I know.
off,off,off topic:
are the rumors true, a new super slim ps3? why
sorry for the double post, but another off topic question, but anime related nevertheless. Is it possible that we will ever see some of the japanese psn avatars hit north america and possibly europe? the ones I really want are the evangelion themed avatars. :)
@59 crimsonsoulz I’ve asked that question twice. I would love to see it. Also the AU & EU stores have had the Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City avatars since last year. We (U.S.A.) still don’t have them. I really don’t get why Sony does stuff like this.
And i guess that we in the EU wont see anything like that in the next few console generations >.>
any chance of either of these being free or discounted if your are a PSN+ member?
I really hope the CR app comes out soon
@CalvinandHobbes3. Sony didn’t make Hyperdimension Neptunia, that game was developed by a third party developer called Compile Heart, for the PS3 and 360. It also wasn’t published by Sony, the game’s publisher was NISA who only localized the PS3 version of the game.
naruto shippuden on my ps3!!
Theres some important info absent from this which I’m sure I’m not the only one. Firstly can this be paid for with PSN cards? if not its a definate deal breaker. After the outage last year I nor many others will trust PSN with credit cards ever again. Also many who’d want this are under 18 and don’t have credit cards.
Also will the content be the same for other countries like canada and so on as it is for the USA? I know for many streaming services it isn’t notably crackle on home, psn video store and others. And is there sites for these 2 services that list programming schedules?
Whats the video / audio quality like? since both are paid services they need to be much improved over what crackle offers via the ps3 browser. These questions should be answered as combined they’re make or break issues for many of us Anime fans.
“Neon Alley will be a subscription-based service available to all PS3 owners in the U.S. ‘AND CANADA’ for $6.99 per month.”
Lots of love,
Here is the article! http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/06/30/crunchyroll-app-coming-to-playstation-3-and-vita.aspx
Whoa whoa whoa ….whoa …you said US & Canada? That had to of been a typo? ;)
I’m not a HUGE anime fan, watched a lot of Dragonball (and Z), Pokemon, and Inuyasha back in the day, so yeah …I’d definitely give this a chance for $6.99 to have some new content to watch on my tv. Count me in to at least try it out! Yay for Canadians getting some love!
WastelandDan Wrote:”Will the Crunchy Roll app coming out later for the Vita support play over 3G and/or Wifi??”
From what I understand on the forums that they will make the Vita app 3g compatible like they do for the phones and definitely will support wifi
Been looking forward to this, although CR states Summer release along withe the Samsung App releasing before this one. But I guess it’s your definition of summer and fall that matter more :)
The free version will allow SD (480p) viewing of the content and the premium hopefully follows more along the lines of the website with 1080p viewing that I get from my computer
The yearly subscript is worth it to me cause the simulcast from Japan (allowing enough time to sub the content) allowing me to watch the content I like. I prefer subs but some dubs do some anime justice. Take a look at the website to see what it offers, cause the app should offer the same shows and pricing structure for those that want to know.
Awesome news.
An anime channel on the PSN? I highly approve of this idea, It needs to happen. I use Nexflix mainly for anime anyway so i might switch.
Sweet! looking forward to checking out Neon Valley. heard of it a few weeks ago.
Hey! I can’t complain! I don’t watch a lot of anime but this channel thing on PS3 may be the start of something new!
Please Tell Me This Will Work In Israel!!!
Awesome, My wife and I have really got into Anime lately. Is it going to be released in EU at a later date? Or are we going to be left out?
If I can pay with PSN money, I’ll do it. If not.. probably not.
will it also come to the EU PSN?
Nothing new as usual pay for subscription? Sony you could’ve used this idea with PLUS! or better yet start a new idea hmm dedicated servers have you ever heard of that? I think its time that we finally get online connection! Sorry but I’m sick in tired of TACO-BELL connection! Heck its no wonder COD rocks on XBL! PSN is getting outdated with no new idea’s or faster and a more reliable Network you morons! I rather PAY 2 PLAY then deal with hacker’s & cheaters Sony! I’m sorry but I’ve been with your console for years now but you haven’t done squat! Is this the future for Sony? I should just say to you then “I don’t even want to try to fix the problem and that’s you Guys Sony! Thank but No Thank! Sony your time is soon up 1995-2013! I mean you can’t always have FREE NET cause it sucks!
Lol you can already stream this type of media on NetFlix etc lol. This is nothing new kiddies! They need to ban kids from Call Of Duty then dealing with silly things like this! Sorry Sony but your days are the same as usual Slacker’s lol!
i hope there’s japanese dub and english sub
“Dubbed to English”…. No, thanks.
People, we are talking about Anime, not some Sub normal Cartoons from Cartoon Network or something like that. Of course, Those crappy cartoons don’t need to be dubber but, I’m sure you understand my point. I’m sure We ALL prefer Original voices with Subtitles.
Red 5.
Sorry but, not subscribing unless all the content has original VO + english subtitles.
LOL this is the funniest thing I have ever heard of! Cause while all of you are paying to watch something you can already watch for free on the web lol. Also the USA anime that is being air dubbed is 3 to 4 years old or longer. While most of you are still watching bleach for me the show is over its done Aizen is dead Ichigo killed him. As for Naruto Shippuudin the Fourth Shinobi World War has begun!
Get your Portable ID!
This will be awesome, and I’ll be able to get it. I hope they have some DBZ
I’m definitely gonna grab the Vita app for Crunchyroll once it’s done; it would be neat if it integrated the kind of SD/HD toggle that the YouTube Vita app currently enjoys.
As for Neon Alley; I’m frankly supprised that it’s going to be working here in Canada. (the main issue with VIZ Media’s current uploads is that they are hosted on Hulu; which isn’t available in this country just yet.)
Perhaps the new service will have a separate host altogether, which would allow Canadian viewers not to have to wait for Hulu to cross the border (if that ever happens) in order to watch it?
That said, for my part, I’d have to wait and see if a Vita app is on the cards for that service, too…
Crunchyroll on ps3!!! What did I do to deserve this!!! Thanks to everybody behind this great news, so happy right now!!!
Will we be able to purchase these in a bundle mayhaps? I already have a sub of crunchyroll and I plan on getting Neon alley, but it would be nice to have a bundle.
…. and when are we getting a decent Crackle app?
Does Sony not find it at all embarrassing that their own Crackle service is a lovely app on the Xbox 360, but is a terrible web based interface on the PS3?
(or is there an app for American’s and is it just us Canadians that are getting shafted?)
It’s nice to see new pay services coming, but Crackle is free (and has anime series) and it would be nice to see a proper app for the service.
Neon Alley is dub only? Boooooooooooo!!!
Paul, many fans and I appreciate all the hard work. I do have one criticism for you. There are many anime where the English dub is terrible. Are there any plans to have Japanese Anime with English sub instead?The Japanese voice many times are magnitudes better than the English counterparts.
Oh damn, i wish i lived in Canada now TT_TT
W00T anime FTW i like crunchy roll pretty good stream but wish they would have uncensored ep of the shows they got i hate that annoying white line thing just sayin….
I am not sure what demographic you are targeting with the dubbed anime episodes in Neon Alley. I think all anime fans (myself included) I know of prefer the original voices with English subtitles. That alone is the reason I do not download any anime from the Playstation video store (even though they have a lot of good episodes). I prefer to get my content subtitled from Cruncyroll, Netflix and others.
This is very exciting news :-), now i can finally keep up with the episodes of shippuden on english dubbed.
i can not wait un tell crunchyroll and neon alley comes out on the PSN PS3 and PSVITA
I was wondering, Can you pay for the subscription via PSN cards? After what happened with the PSN outage, I don’t feel safe using my credit card info.I feel like this APP can be extremely successful if the use of PSN cards were implemented. Thank you a lot in advance!
I’m pretty sure Neon Alley is the same as Crunchyroll in the sense that you pay them directly, on their own site. Though I just looked on Crunchy’s FAQ and saw they support Rixty, another one of those cash cards you can pay for certain web services with. So, for Crunchyroll, yes, but you need to use Rixty prepaid cards, the retailers are listed on their website. As an alternative, Crunchy also allows paypal; I know you said you feel unsafe, but you know, paypal is the only company you’d have to give your card information to, and since when have they been hacked? Hope this helps.