My fellow LittleBigPlanetians,
I’m happy to report to you all that the LittleBigPlanet Karting Beta will begin next Tuesday, July 10th. Those of you lucky enough to be selected will start receiving codes next week, and we will be sending out vouchers to more people as the test continues through Tuesday, July 31st, so if you haven’t registered yet, make your way over and sign up ASAP right here.
In related news, we recently had a really amazing group of LBP creators join us for an entire week here at SCEA’s San Diego Studio where they were able to get their hands dirty experimenting with LBP Karting’s Create tools. I think it’s safe to say that a good time was had by all, and the participants gave us invaluable feedback on some tweaks that will end up giving you all really great experience when LBP Karting hits store shelves later this year. The LBP franchise has always had a strong community element so it was great to have the people we’re making the game for in our studio face to face talking through their creative ideas and processes. At the end of the day, this level of interaction helps us make a better game.
Big shouts out go to Spider-Jew, JustinArt, LamboLover4898, ConfusedCartman, codibear8383, Crazy_s, and Taffey. We are truly grateful that you all could spend some time with us at our studio – thank you for your continued support. We had an awesome ti-… You know what? I should let THEM tell you about it. Check out this link to read about their impressions on creating in full 3D, some fascinating stories about mad cow disease, what it’s like to work with the team here at San Diego Studio, and something about a save fairy that sounds totally weird.
Thanks again, hope to see you all online next week!
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