Hi, Everyone. If you were following all of the coverage from E3 last week, you know that there’s plenty of great content coming to PlayStation Vita. From the first unveil of Assassin’s Creed III Liberation (which will also sport a limited-edition PS Vita bundle) to the announcement of PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale coming to Vita with PS3 cross-play support, from PSone classics support via a system software update (coming this summer) to new streaming partners (Hulu Plus and Crackle), the content lineup for PS Vita is stronger than ever.
In the coming months, you can look forward to new game reveals and other news for Vita; in the meantime, we wanted to let you know that a minor system software update will be released tonight that improves software stability. The update (v. 1.69) is completely optional, but we did want to give everyone a heads up that it was coming.
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