5 more days till Starhawk drops in-stores! As you can imagine we are pretty excited in the office that everyone will get to finally experience the GLORY that we call the POD KILL. “What’s a POD KILL?” you ask? Well let me demonstrate-

The POD KILL, is one of many inventive ways to take out your enemy in Starhawk. Even if you have been playing shooters for years, you’ll be surprised at how many new ways you can be take out your enemy (and get completed served as well). And the fun is when you find a new way to kill, you can name it!
Whether you call it THE HEADS UP, THE MANCAKE, or THE PROPERTY DAMAGE, you haven’t lived until you have dropped a building on someone’s head. (We also like to call that getting “Dorothy’d”) With that in mind, it’s time to plan your path to PLATINUM with the full, official PSN Trophies list, and some tips to get them.
Bronze Trophies (+15 hidden)
First Blood Get your first kill in multiplayer. The First of Many Win your first multiplayer game. CTF Starter Win your first Capture the Flag game. Zones Starter Win your first Zones game. TDM Starter Win your first Team Deathmatch game. Prospector Starter Win your first Prospector game. Ready Up Use Build & Battle for the first time in the campaign. Build & Battle Use Build & Battle for the first time in multiplayer. Curious Builder Build one of every available structure in a single multiplayer game. Mancake! Kill an enemy by dropping a building on them. Saboteur Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Welding Torch. ARMed and Dangerous Kill an enemy with the A.R.M. Deadeye With the LR-3 Railgun, kill an enemy from more than 2,500 feet away. Mech My Day Shoot the pilot out of a Hawk while it’s on the ground. Out of the Saddle Shoot the driver, passenger, or gunner out of a Razorback. Takedown Kill an enemy with a melee attack. Rear Gunner Shoot down a Hawk with the Razorback turret. Eagle Eye Shoot down a flying Hawk with the Ox tank. Hat Trick Destroy a fully-loaded Razorback with R-Sec proximity charges. Minor Miscalculation Kill an enemy with his own R-Sec poximity charge. Annoying Little Fly Kill a player flying a Vulture pack by ramming them with your Hawk. Long Bomb Kill an enemy with a Tetranite Grenade from at least 200 feet away. Silver Trophies (+1 Hidden)
Outlaw Get 1,000 kills in multiplayer. Conqueror Win 100 multiplayer games. CTF Veteran Win 100 Capture the Flag games. Zones Veteran Win 100 Zones games. TDM Veteran Win 100 TDM Team Deathmatch game. Team Leader Play a perfect Team Deathmatch game (top player, no deaths). Lone Wolf Play a perfect Deathmatch game (top player, no deaths). Prospector Veteran Win 50 Prospector games. Perfect Harvest Win a Prospector game without losing any lives. Prolific Builder Build 100 Structures in multiplayer. 1 Hidden Gold Trophy
Platinum Trophy
Starhawk Veteran Earn every single trophy in Starhawk.
- If you’re feeling confident, all the Campaign-completion trophies can be acquired in one Mercenary-difficulty playthrough (Have you not seen the Campaign yet? Take a sneak peek here!)
- Skill-kill trophies such as “Hat Trick” or “Armed and Dangerous” are often easier to unlock in Single player or in Co-op mode.
- “Curious Builder” is easier to unlock on smaller Build & Battle multiplayer loadouts like “Lone Wolf” or “Air Superiority”
- There are a couple of tactics available to more easily unlock trophies like “Team Leader” or “Lone Wolf”; first, play in smaller player limit games with a lower score limit; second, a bunker is a good safe spot once you’ve already achieved the top score.
- For a good sniper, or anyone trying to unlock the “Deadeye” trophy, observation is crucial. Watch for vulnerable moments, like when a player is acquiring a Vulture Jetpack, to strike.
- Sometimes enemies will use their vehicle as a R-Sec Proximity charge delivery-device; this is an effective tactic, but it can be turned on them with a well-placed shot! This will also net the user the “Minor Miscalculation” trophy.
- If you want the CTF (Capture the Flag) and Zones veteran trophies, don’t forget those objectives! Kills only score in TDM (Team Death Match) or DM (Death Match).
- Apex Warriors are easily stopped by dropping B&B structures on them; which will also unlock the “Mancake” trophy.
- The “Saboteur” trophy is easiest to unlock by focusing on weakened or distracted enemy vehicles
- It’s a risky game to play, but “Eagle Eye” is easy to achieve when an enemy hawk is attacking your tank.
- For trophies that require taking out a passenger of a vehicle, like “Mech my Day” or “Out of the Saddle”, it can be easier to achieve with a Galloway Revolver at close range than with long range sniping.
See you ONLINE in 5 DAYS! (and if you haven’t pre-ordered yet- CHECK OUT THE GOODIES YOU GET!)
@38 Red_Khaoz
I did that all the time in Warhawk. Sneak into the enemy base with a few mines then plant them on the bottom of their tanks. Then just let the profit flood in.
dear to bad survival mado looking asawm:(
but i hope you planimg to do thete a survival mode
i need to esk this
the new map packs
mean new guns building nee tanks?
i hooe so i hooe you planimg the survival mode en
what dus murancery does?
gr haracombat
k this not far?are gou kiding my ?i buy the game i play singel player mision
i begon 7 hour i noq doen i complate the game???
i swer wtf ia this from 65 euro i especht more???
i bring the game back this is nothing man a few mision maps comon man you a game disinger
sorry battlefield 3 is the best you cent chance thet
i buy the game today 6 hour
play the mision game on 7 hour pm
im tot 23.20 pm??
wtf is this for a game this like payday the heist?wel
laat mision white thet big ghost monter is awaum the rest its. shame
YAHTZER: They enforce trophy boosting on the actual game itself. You can get your PSN id banned for boosting the trophies, from what I have heard. Sorry I didn’t reply, it wouldn’t let me