World Gone Sour on PSN Today, Starring The Sour Patch Kids

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World Gone Sour on PSN Today, Starring The Sour Patch Kids

Dear PlayStation.Blog fans, friends, countrymen: lend me your taste buds.

If you could ask the candy that you eat what its lifelong goals are, what would it say? Would it tell you that it wants to be an astronaut? Drive in the Indy 500? Run a marathon? Probably not. If you asked a Sour Patch Kid that question, the answer would be this: To make it to the human belly, their sweet rapture.

World Gone Sour on PSN Today, Starring The Sour Patch Kids

And that, my friends, is the premise of our new video game World Gone Sour starring the sweet-then-sour candy, Sour Patch Kids. We took that premise, added Creed Bratton from NBC’s ā€œThe Officeā€ as our ā€œsometimes sweet and sometimes sourā€ narrator, got Wu-Tangā€™s own Method Man to create a custom song included in the game, and set out to make a ridiculously fun game for you to enjoy.

World Gone Sour on PSN TodayWorld Gone Sour on PSN Today

World Gone Sour is a puzzle platformer made by the incredibly talented team at Playbrains (makers of the PSN-exclusive game Sideway where you play as an inch-high candy in a twisted miniature world where you play through sticky movie theatre floors, across sizzling hamburger grills, through a psychotic doll house, and over razor sharp buzz saws. You use the sour patch kid followers that you pick up along the way to absorb to get stronger, or throw them around like ammunition to help you take down ridiculous foes. You’ll face dust bunnies, rogue nacho cheese beasts, gum crawlers, and matchbook spiders as you wall jump, grapple, and swing your way through the multiple environments and settings.

World Gone Sour on PSN TodayWorld Gone Sour on PSN Today

If all of that wasn’t enough, you can also play with your friend in our local co-op mode at any time with drop-in and drop-out functionality.

It’s $4.99 on PSN and launches later today. Pick it up, chew it up, watch some Method Man, listen to the smooth vocal shenanigans of Creed Bratton, and let us know what you think in the comments below!

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