Money. It’s like a baby in a burning building or a snail in the middle of a busy sidewalk; pretty much everyone wants to save it.
Since nobody wants to be the jerk that steps on that poor, innocent snail, we (the fine people at Atlus) are dropping prices on our PlayStation Store library of PSP system titles, not unlike the PS Vita’s undocumented ability to drop smaller articles of sub-clothing. We’re calling it…
Want to own the complete PSP Persona collection, including Persona 3 Portable, which is tied for the second-best-reviewed PSP game of ALL TIME, according to Gamerankings.com? It is now far more affordable to do so. Also getting a drop in price is the very recent Persona 2: Innocent Sin, a stunning handheld remake of one our company’s most highly anticipated games!
Always been a fan of Sting’s series of Dept Heaven RPG and SRPG genre-benders? Perhaps you’ve always been curious to see how Knights in the Nightmare, with its incredibly novel blend of tactical roleplaying and bullet-hell action, looks and plays? Well, for less than half the price of a new console game, you can own every PSP Dept Heaven game we’ve ever released (which should set you up nicely for the upcoming June release of Gungnir for PSP, the next entry in the acclaimed series).
Besides the aforementioned two collections, there’s a terrific mix of other RPGs and even an action game—Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble—that are sure to offer something for every type of gamer.
Whether you’re a PSP system owner who has watched Atlus RPGs from afar, your eyes glued to your pervy game-watching binoculars but your wallet unable to open itself for the cause… Or perhaps you like to spend your evenings making sexy time with the two nubs on your new PS Vita… Now you can dive into a library of critically acclaimed Atlus PSP games that delivers hundreds of hours of deep, compelling RPG adventures and promises to thoroughly satisfy your hardcore gamer cravings.
Here, let us move that snail out of the way for you. Step freely, friends… Step freely.
I have question I downloaded Twisted Metal Head On on my ps3. And I tried to copy it to my PS VITA and it won’t show up in the content manager at all! Please if you have an aswer to why this is please respond PLEASE!!!!!
if I put money on my account before PSOne releases for Vita, I’m getting Crimson Gem Saga & Hexyz Force. (later on the persona’s when I hear confirmation 4 for vita will release for NA :). If PSOne Support comes for Vita First, then I’ll continue My Final Fantasy Collection and get V &VI, and IV if I’m Lucky lol, then get those. But yeah other then Lunar Silver Star Harmony, Crimson Gem Saga, Hexyz Force, Persona 1, 2, 3 and Final Fantasy IV complete. I just need to get Bomberman Legacy, Power Stone Collection and Sonic Rivals 1 to complete my collection of PSP titles needed, that is till Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Anniversary release online :P
Hmm, I have to wonder… for those who have a Vita but not a PS3 and are having issues finding some of these titles on PSN, would another workaround (assuming you still own a psp) be to buy it on the psp, then go to the vita store and use the download list to get it there?
Just got a PSP-3000 yesterday (I sold my last one a while back but started having Crisis Core flashbacks and had to repurchase…plus KH:BBS). Had Persona 1, 2, and 3 in the cart at Amazon for $105, I procrastinated, surfed around, played P4 for a while and fell asleep. Only to wake up to all this good news the next day. Short story…procrastination ftw!
oh Atlus thank you so much!! at least 5 of these games were on my list to play before my original psp was stolen and now you drop the prices so instead of paying $165 i pay only $95! BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!!!!!!!
We’d write the Happy Birthday song in here for you, but apparently we’d have to pay someone a royalty for it or something so…
[REDACTED] to you, [REDACTED] to you, [REDACTED] dear Ziichomega, [REDACTED] to you!