Drumroll, please…
We’ve tallied up the votes, slipped into our tuxedos, polished up the trophies and are now ready to reveal the winners of the second annual PSN Gamers’ Choice Awards. Votes were cast this year across 10 categories in the PlayStation Store, including the community award for Best PSN Indie, which was voted online by the community.
First off, we’d like to thank all of the nominees for being a part of this year’s PSN Gamers’ Choice Awards. All of the games that we showcased were some of the highest and most user-ranked games released in 2011, which is an honor in and of itself. Second and most importantly, we want to thank all of you for casting your votes both online and in the PlayStation Store to determine our winners.
We had an incredible turnout during the voting period this year, which made for an intense competition. Things got so heated, in fact, that the battle for Best PS Move Game literally came down to the last day between Dungeon Defenders and Dungeon Hunter: Alliance. But only one could come out with top honors.
Without further ado, here are your winners for the 2012 PSN Gamers’ Choice Awards:
- Best PSN Exclusive: inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (PS3)
- Best PSN Game: Resident Evil 4 (PS3)
- Best PSN Game Playable Online: Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition (PS3)
- Best PS3 Full Game: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (PS3)
- Best PlayStation Move Game: Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (PS3)
- Best 3D Game: God of War: Origins Collection (PS3)
- Best PlayStation Classic: Chrono Trigger (PS3/PSP)
- Best Mini Game: Angry Birds (PS3/PSP)
- Best PSP Game: DISSIDIA 012 [duodecim] FINAL FANTASY (PSP)
- PlayStation Community Award – Best Indie: LIMBO (PS3)
The celebration continues as the award-winning titles will be discounted 30% in the PlayStation Store for one week, starting later today, with a 50% discount available to all PlayStation Plus subscribers. Don’t miss out on the chance to score these great games! And don’t forget to start rating the games that you’re playing throughout 2012 so your favorite games can get nominated next year.
really i just seen reviews on it and they its good but just looks bad and they say its real short
You could vote for any game. Ownership is not a requirement.
See the nomination thread where folks complained that the winner will be the games people want to buy on the cheap. Winners, which are opinions, last year reflected this thought, or at least judging by the comments on last years post.
lol ps+ is garbage some of the discount are good, overall whats the point of paying for good discount every so often!!
@BigRig dude you’re crazy if you think its not worth it, just look at all the free game we’ve gotten and beta access, to me it just sounds like sour grapes
So happy I have PS+
Sadly I have most of these already, but I may get Duodecim again for my Vita. It’s a hard decision to rebuy a game I already own on PSP though.
If only Chrono Trigger was compatible for Vita!
lol try again have had it twice and will only get and most of what u is garbage!!! that is why i say ps+ is garbage overall yea beta is cool the game that are free suck and discount are good every 3 to 4 months a part. so not that great of a deal to me. no sour grape don’t plan on getting any of these games. and the games i do want that you get a better price then me i will gladly pay the extra for!!!!
I can’t find any discounts. ChronoTrigger is still 10 bucks. and G O W is only for + subscribers. Help me out, please.
wait wait wait. I just saw Chrono Trigger at Best Buy on the bargain rack on the way out for $20, I also decided to spend $10 on a PSN card. Now people saying the PS1 classic isn’t really a good version? I would happily skip it. But then again it’s $5 so I may as well get it =P
@reptilehand yeah the ps1 version is kinda laggy and has some annoying load times
disappointed that the only 3D game i wanted in Tetris didnt win..now ill probably never get it. but i will jump on that SF3 sale once again..missed the first one.
@bigrig how about plants vs zombies all the crash and spyro games, simpsons arcade game,bomberman,burn zombie burn,marvel pinball,swords and soldiers,stacking,
@yungshep totally agree I just wish you can rate them from game library and not from the store
>Chrono Trigger
>Best PSNES1 Classic
Called it. Some times it really sucks to be right. Enjoy your bad load times, worthless anime cutscenes, and overall inferiority to both the original the DS release. :D
Dang. Pretty much all of the winners are game I already own in some form. I was hoping to get ACII, Tetris and Dungeon Defenders on the cheap. :p
@Elvick_ To be fair…all these games are basically more or less ports.
@megamixer Yeah, sure, it could be better, but my first experience with it was on the PS1. I can wait one or two seconds of my life for a battle or a menu to load. It’s still one of the best games ever made regardless of that.
YEAH DISSIDIA 012 [duodecim] FINAL FANTASY……………..
need to try limbo though……….
@Husteen: Oh? I don’t feel left out at all, if I payed for a suscription I would damn well expect some benefits over people who don’t. Get off your “must have everything for free” horse :l
@RedHood9 Don’t forget that we’re also getting Sly Cooper and SFII Turbo HD for free this month. Also we just got all the Sega Genesis stuff for free (even though they did it last year as well) and Final Fantasy V. I’ve been constantly impressed by the free stuff I’ve been getting; a lot of it is stuff I would’ve bought down the line anyways.
Well, most of the titles I voted for won, which means I own most of these already. I didn’t bother voting for the Minis, PSP or Indie categories, as I didn’t think any of the available choices deserved to win. However, for the easy trophies, I’ll pick up Limbo, now that it’s finally at a realistic price, considering how old it was when it released on PSN.
Woot! Woot!! AWESOME!! Hey!!! Ummm… Will DISSIDIA 012 [duodecim] FINAL FANTASY be PSVita enabled??? Pretty plz!!!!!! :D
PS+ from day 1 to LIFE!! Woot!! I’m all kinds of SONY hooked!!!! Now let’s keep it rolling shall we? Hehe! :P
Hmm. Sounds like reviewers do not have kind things to say about the ‘HD’ in RE4. Oh well, maybe next year the Gamer’s Choice Awards will have something for me.
@ ChaseHammerJ:
“First the crappy nominations, then a crappy discount, even at 50% more than half of these games arent even worth my time much less my money.
Sorry, pass.”
@ BIG_RIG_2010:
“lol ps+ is garbage some of the discount are good, overall whats the point of paying for good discount every so often!!”
you aren’t subscribed to PS+, so how do you know it’s garbage? it’s not only discounts, there’s free content available just about every week, and early beta access. i’ve personally gotten well over $300 of free stuff since subscribing to PS+ and have taken advantage and saved lots of money with the discounts on games i’ve purchased, so the $50 investment i’ve made has paid off.
Please don’t spend money on that awful Chrono Trigger port. Its literally unplayable.
Happy inFamous won, but I don’t understand how dungeon hunter wins over dungeon defenders. Wanted to get that game cheap.
How do you rate the games. I have never noticed when i buy games online that it says please rate
@thebgj it is there on the product page (somewhere below the buy button) in the PS Store. You can rate any game you own.