PS Vita – Your 3G Questions Answered

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PS Vita – Your 3G Questions Answered

The much anticipated launch of PS Vita is finally here, and gamers can now get their hands on the most robust handheld platform ever to enter the gaming space. The introduction of new technology often brings a multitude of questions, and while several were answered in the PS Vita Ultimate FAQ, we’re still getting additional questions related to the 3G feature set and how this “play virtually anytime and anywhere” approach to gaming will change the way that we consume content and compete with friends via the PS Vita.

Check out the following FAQ regarding the 3G compatibilities of the PS Vita and how to best take advantage of the features it offers.

How can I activate my 3G data service on my PS Vita?
Activating the 3G data service doesn’t require going to an AT&T store or even being at a computer. From right on the PS Vita’s home screen, touch the icon entitled “Network Operator” to launch into the process.

Once you’ve initiated the process, you’ll automatically drop out of any WiFi signal you’re attached to and begin syncing with the AT&T 3G service to pull up the activation site.

You’ll be prompted to purchase a DataConnect Pass, which is month-to-month with no contract.

Continue the process by filling out basic information into the website in order to activate your service. Do NOT hit the PS button to back out of this process or let your PS Vita go to sleep while filling out this form, or you’ll lose all progress and have to start from the beginning.

What are the benefits of a 3G-enabled PS Vita?
With the 3G-enabled PS Vita, you can game with real-time connection and immediately socialize with your community through news feeds and turn-based multiplayer game sessions. You won’t miss a beat since you can stay up to date with continuous scores and game ranking news feeds with LiveArea, compete for in-game Trophies, cross-game text messaging with Party, and connect through popular social apps like Facebook and Twitter, all while on the go. Don’t forget that you can also login to the PS Store over the 3G network to download add-ons for some of your favorite titles and browse new games and content.

What are the different sizes and prices of the data plans offered for AT&T’s 3G service?
Data plans can be purchased month-to-month with no contract (see step-by-step instructions above). The plans come in 250MB ($14.99), 3GB ($30), and 5GB ($50) varieties.

How do I access the Free 250MB 30-Day Promo from AT&T?
Here is how you can gain access to your free 250MB DataConnectPass once you’ve paid for and activated your 3G data package (250MB or larger before 3/31/2012):

  1. Login with your user ID and password
  2. Expand the “My Devices and Plans” in the account overview
  3. Select the Vita device
  4. Select “Add a Plan”, and then select “You have earned coupon(s), would you like to redeem?”. The redeemed coupon will be stacked – meaning after the initial purchased session is consumed/expires, then the earned coupon plan will go into effect.

What free game do I get with the AT&T promotion?
Along with the free 250MB DataConnectPass, purchasers of a 3G data package will also receive a digital copy of the newly released Super Stardust Delta Bundle, featuring the full game plus DLC for PS Vita ($14.99 value). This redemption code will be sent to you in an email within 30 days from the date of purchase of a DataConnect Pass.

If I have a DataConnect Pass with AT&T for my iPad, can I login with the same credentials?
No. You will need to create a new account using a different email address for your PS Vita.

If I travel internationally, will my 3G unit still work?
The 3G / WiFi unit will still be able to pick up a 3G signal even when outside of the country. However, additional data packages will need to be purchased in order to cover your data usage during these scenarios. These plans can be purchased on the PS Vita just like your standard 3G data packages.

  1. $24.99 for 50MB in over 100 select countries*
  2. $49.99 for 125MB in over 100 select countries*
  3. $99.99 for 275MB in over 100 select countries*
  4. $199.99 for 800MB in over 100 select countries*

*see for a list of countries. Countries in the Global Data Connect plans may change at AT&T’s discretion.

Who can I contact if I run into service issues with the 3G service?
The AT&T customer care contact info and hours are as follows:
AT&T technical support hours: 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 9:00PM Saturdays, closed on Sundays (Local Market Time)
AT&T Customer Service number: 800-331-0500

How can I view my current data usage?
From the PS Vita, go into the Network Operator application. Once there, selecting “My Devices and Plans” will bring up a list of all of the 3G activated devices under your account. Upon selecting a device, the current data usage will be displayed.

How can I cancel my data plan?
From the PS Vita, please go into the Network Operator application. Once there, selecting “My Devices and Plans” will bring up a list of all of the 3G activated devices under your account. Upon selecting a device, there will be an option to cancel the data plan.

I have a very specific 3G PS Vita and/or AT&T question, is there a place where these answers might be?
For more granular questions pertaining to the 3G / WiFi PS Vita or AT&T’s service, please refer to our detailed FAQ —

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8 Author Replies

  • So the 3G is pointless then. Point taken.

  • @48 dont get me wrong i love it but paying 15$ to get a “free” games seems pointless. i should just return it for a wifi version and use the extra 50$ to buy another game. just saying.

  • This is a ridiculous scam. I’m lucky I check the PS Blog to see that I have to go back and redeem a coupon that it already knows I should get. There are going to be thousands that will assume that after you activate you will still get the 2nd month free. I got it now, but I’m very upset it is so hidden. I love my vita, but the overall experience with my AT&T data plan has been terrible.

  • I have to say that Sony really mislead everyone with the free month of data. Before the release of the Vita they did not make it clear at all that you would have to buy one month first and that the SECOND month was free.

    Also, there was absolutely no mention that you would have to wait a month to get the PSN game. I don’t complain very often but this was really bad. I would have gotten the 3G version either way but I really hate being mislead. Bad Sony.

  • I was wondering if i can use the 3G service back in Asia? cus I’m picking it up at New York this March when i hit US. Even though I’m going to use the Wifi most of the times, but personally i’d go to the most high featured, hope $300 is not a waste.

  • I got the bundled little deviants psvita which was much higher then the other psvitas and they come with 8mb memory cards mines only has 4b and where’s my at&t data promo? where is the sykpe? I don’t even see four sqaure on this thing. is feeling ripped off…. 350 bucks for a carrying case everyone else is getting free data pass bigger memory and a free game

    • Hi Sweetlight- your bundle actually qualifies for the free DataConnect Session and the free PSN game just like the other bundles with the 4GB memory card!

  • @50, how is 3g pointless? It keeps you connected thats all it does lol.

    3g for canada please.

  • Here’s my beef. I bought the 3g for the free memory card and free game with datapass activation which was advertised as a Free Month. There was no Buy one month get a game and a month free in any of the marketing prior to actually getting the box open and trying to sign up.

    The 3G is worthless to me, I’d rather tether to my phone’s wifi and have 4g access. I figured for $300 I was getting a $40 memory card and a $15 game. Sadly, my memory card is full, and I have to buy the game to be able to play it because I’m not paying for a datapass I don’t want so I can wait 30 days to play SSD.

    Totally feels like bait and switch/false advertising. I would have bought a bigger memory card to had the advertising been complete.

    Other than that, I love the vita. I disabled the 3G since it is worthless. The Augmented Reality freebies are great, Escape Plan is awesome, and Uncharted is amazing. Now if the PSP, PS1 Classics, and Minis support will improve, maybe last year and a half of PS+ will be a little more worth it…

  • hmm.. so i have to PAY for a plan before i can get the FREE DATA and the FREE GAME that says on the package?
    Maybe i should have gotten a taiwan version that doesn’t lock the sim card……

  • I’ve had every playstation system including a psp go! Lol…. I opened my 3G vita expecting the great stardust delta included as a code in the box. Very upsetting so have seen that it was not. Fine print or not I feel I was missled and as an employee ast a game retailer I swayed people’s purchase toward this belief as well. Love the vita and the playstation brand but I regret my 3G purchase because this wasn’t as clear as it should Have been. The box indicates a game with activation, nothing indicating further payment is needed to obtain the entirety of this bundle.

  • I have a idea sony. Team up with straight talk and let us use their 45 dollar a month UNLIMITED DATA PLAN cards with the 3g vita’s LOL. That would be perfect!

  • Wisdom of the day + Lesson for Vita 2/PSP 3 launch: Stay away from AT&T.

  • hey why mi ps vita always conect at nat type 3 i check the routher settings a reset them the vita etc etc and always conect at nat type3 hope u can help me with that cuz everything else conects ok the ps3 and all my hardware but the vita always type3

  • Haha some of yall are really spoiled. I mean cmon man this is a GAMING system, so anything other than gaming is just another perk. For those of you complaining about the browser and camera, what is that in your pocket; oh wait thats a smart phone! Everybody has laptops and/or phones nowadays so stop crying. As far as the 3G data prices, well, it is optional so you do not have to get it. I think it is a little much also but just be patient it will change eventually. I mean the damn thing was JUST released just be patient and keep telling them what the vita is missing and I’m sure they will take care of the rest.

  • “..and I’m sure they will take care of the rest”

    That part made me lol.
    Sony listen to their customers.. please. Are you new. They barely even respond to anything around here.. ever.
    You white knights have got your heads so far up there you don’t even have any concept of reality anymore.

  • I mean who the hell comes up with idea’s at sony I mean REALLY? They all suck and are half a*s idea’s. Who puts a SD camera that the color is DULL as hell in a new high tech vita or they SAY it’s high tech. We see how the ps3 went. Its soooo powerful they say but it had a web browser over 5 years that cell phones did better than it had and that was ridiculous. Then after 5 years of rants on in game chat they just throw out there that its ram isn’t enough to support what a 360 does but now a vita can do lol. I mean COME ON! They put that on a vita and it probably doesn’t even work right and they never put it on ps3. Then a vita can screen capture in games but a ps3 can’t? I don’t get their logic at all. The ps3 is underpowered and they lied of course saying it DOES EVERYTHING lol. No it DOESNT!

  • I swear I should go to one of the sony game interventions and just put them on the spot in telling what the vita and ps3 can’t do and should have and do. I hope a news crew is there to to film it. I bet they all call security cause I’m asking truthful questions and they panic cause OH NO they can’t be put on the spot to all their hyping they do.

  • Sony runs their company like politicians run this country. Keep feeding you lies and promises and never deliver a solid thing of what they promise or say. They keep scamming you for you’re money and could care less about you afterwards. If you need their help THEY AIN’T THERE! But they sure love you’re money they blackmail ya to get!

  • I feel kinda burned by this whole 3G bundle thing. An employee from my local GameStop called me and let me know that, if I wanted, I could upgrade my WiFi preorder to a 3G preorder, and would get a free 8GB card, a free 250MB session, and a free game. I went into the store, and, sure enough, that’s exactly what the packaging said. A total of $300.

    This is quite unlike the reality. Instead, I find out that I have to spend $15 to activate a service that I have no plans to use, activate their buy-one-get-one-free coupon, and then wait a month to get the aforementioned free game.

    Because I previously had no intention of ever utilizing the 3G functionality, I feel like I’ve been tricked into buying the premium model. If I didn’t buy this bundle, I would’ve spent $250 for the Vita, $35 for the card, and $10 for Super Stardust. ‘Would have totaled $295. Instead, I’m expected to pay $315, and wait a month to play Super Stardust.

    A difference of $20 isn’t really something to hold a grudge over, but this doesn’t feel right. The deal wasn’t an outright lie, but it was certainly misleading.

  • Okay I’ve got a few quibbles/questions of my own that weren’t covered:
    1) Say that I purchased a data package instead of activating my free 2GB free option during the initial set up of my Vita, am I still eligible for Super Stardust Delta, since I did purchase it on my actual gaming device?
    2)How do you connect it to your PC to transfer files to and from the device? Now I followed the onscreen prompts, even physically downloaded the device onto my PC via the link you provided on the Vita, made sure the CMA was open on my PC and even toggled the USB Power option not to any avail. Yes I was sure that the device was plugged in correctly to both ports, I even tried it on all three ports of my laptop, and my laptop USB Hub, and a USB extender since I notice that the USB felt very loose inside the ports. When I tried it with my Vita’s USB power turned off my computer wouldn’t even recognize the device.
    3) I noticed that the joy sticks on my unit were calibrated differently, left stick was nice and loose, yet the right stick was rather stiff. Is that done on purpose to give players tighter FPS control or is that a manufacturing issue?

  • Deleted my comment huh? Guess yah don’t want the truth out there huh? Hurts your rep too much, huh sony?

  • I love my Vita, but have a suggestion and questions I hope you could answer.

    1. As already mentioned by someone else, I would like to see an alternative interface added so that navigation without touch is possible. Optimally, I would like to see the XCross Media Bar put in, identical to the PS3, complete with categorized game/App folders. (And while your at it, add some features that are sorely lacking on PS3 like sorting folder items by name and creating custom folders.)

    1. Is the top “Accessory” port, which is next to the game card port, currently used for anything? Can we expect a TV Out function in the near future to utilize that port? I would love to see HDMI Out.
    2. When I plug my Vita into the charger, the battery icon indicates it is charging with an animation. When my Vita is hooked to my computer or PS3, this doesn’t happen. Does the Vita not charge through other devices?

  • I want the 3g in Canada, if I trade in my wifi will I get some kind of deal? If I knew 3g was coming to Canada I would have waited. Early adopters iN Canada should get some consideration with this.

  • Looks like the trolls re out in full force, even bashing vita and they never touched one, lol. Learn the facts before posting.

  • @57 Ridiculously priced data plans are what makes 3G pointless, and you want it here in Canada? May as well double AT&T’s rates which is probably why it isn’t even offered here.

    Must have more money than common sense…

  • @77, ignorant as usual, you realize multiplayer gaming wont count towards your data cost right? 20 a month is hardly a lot of money LOL. You might want to research on what actually uses the data on 3g plans.

  • i apologize for my foul language but its frustratting

  • Ignorant? Where in this article did you read that multiplayer (turn-based, LOL) won’t count towards data usage?

  • Can a vita play multiplayer with a psp on psp games via ad hock?

  • The big question I need answered is …why does the Wifi version have a SimCard slot if its not 3G …. And what that slot for then…. I dont understand

  • wow, way to misleading your loyal costumers with that 3G bundle, also waiting 30 days for the “free” game sucks very much. I guess we’re the stupid ones for being loyal early adopters, this was the first console I’ve ever preordered and probably will be the last (even though I’ve been a gamer for more than 20 years)

  • Wish I could just pay a one time fee for a full year or something.

  • Love the system so far but feel swindled.

    BUYER BEWARE – Do NOT buy the 3G version for the “Free Game and Free Month of 3G Service” offer. Nowhere on the box does it state that the “Free Game and Month of 3G Service” come after paying for first month of 3G. To me, this was a blatant attempt by Sony to con people in to buying the 3G model for the added extras. (This means you will spend $15 regardless. The ploy here is that AT&T is hoping you forget to cancel the service before the end of the 2nd month (the free one) so that AT&T can continue to charge you for the service). Since this is the case, I will not be getting my free game b/c I will not pay for the first month of 3G service.

    I love PlayStation (PS) products and have been there with them since Day 1 on ever system released. With that said, this was the first time I felt swindled by Sony’ PS marketing. Unless Sony doesn’t make good on their poor marketing choice, this will be the last time I buy one of their products at launch.

    Make good Sony. Give all 3G adopters the voucher to the free game regardless of signing up for AT&T’s service.


    (PS – I’d love to hear how the moderator is going to spin this.)

  • @70 – both of my sticks are pretty sturdy/stiff. I think you may have a defective unit.

  • Dang Sony… Always greedy for other people’s money!!!

  • Wow look at that everyone! 2 of the truth Ipod touch 4th comments that twilight left to compare a overrated vita to. They deleted them off the blog. I see you guys deleted other bloggers comments to. You guys at Sony are pathetic. You never admit to faults of you’re devices and delete any negative thing that’s TRUE cause you want to TRICK everyone to thinking everything is ok. We should ban together and call you’re company out on LIVE NEWS TV. Lets see you DELETE THAT NEXY HUH ! Keep you’re overrated vita and now I want to return every sony product I have. So sick of you guys never admitting to screwing up and deleting customer comments cause we have a right to vent on negative stuff you do or have. You idiots never answer questions to people needing help on here EVER! Its always we will mark it down. You guys deserved to get hacked!

  • Now it says it all! Sony is all ran by greedy con artist REPUBLICANS. I hope you LOSE MILLIONS on Vita sales. Its a underpowered hand held. A dam* ipod touch 4th gen still kicks it’s A*S! lol. Truth hurts huh sony. I should drive to a sony intervention and make sure a tv crew is filming and through my ps3’s right in you’re face.

  • All you guys ever do is over hype you’re JUNK. I wasn’t stupid enough this time to fall for it. All the hype the vita got and promises of apps and the dam* thing can’t even play youtube video’s LOL. A new DEVICE you say is the best hand held now and a 1 year old ipod touch 4th gen can play youtube vids. Hell the 4th gen ipod can record video in 720 P HD. A vita is so advanced huh and thats why it shoots in VGA SD LOL.

  • Yep, just as I thought. This 3G “deal” isn’t really a deal at all. You have to buy one month of data to get the second month free, and you can’t get your free game until after 30 days? Wow, what a rip-off.

    I bought the PS3 cause I fell for the hype. I won’t be doing the same with the Vita, not until you guys get your stuff sorted out.

    I doubt I’ll even need the 3G, since so many places have complimentary free wi-fi now (McDonalds, Starbucks, Borders, etc.). Plus, I have a 3DS and it doesn’t have 3G, so why would I need a 3G plan for the Vita? Even the iPod Touch doesn’t have 3G, and no one complains.

    The memory card prices are ridiculous. I’ve heard that the prices dropped recently, but is that an official price drop, or done by retailers to boost sales?

    If Sony doesn’t fix their corporate mess by the time PS4 comes out, then I won’t be buying another PlayStation system. The games are good, for the most part, but the corporate greed really turns me off from supporting you guys.

    Nintendo and Xbox FTW!

    Ban my PSN account if you want. I really don’t care. :) BAN ME BAN ME BAN ME! F you Jack Tretton! F you Kaz Hirai! F you Ken Kutaragi! F you all!

  • And if it wasn’t for Uncharted, I wouldn’t even own a PS3. I don’t use Blu-ray (Netflix does the job just fine). I hardly play online over PSN. Most of the games on the PlayStation Store are terrible, and the download speeds are SLLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW…

    PS1 was a broken piece of garbage, and most of its games had horrible controls. PS2 was a great improvement, but it also had the disc-read error issues.

    Why can’t you guys build better quality disc readers in your game systems? I’ve never had a problem with my DVD players, but it seems most game systems always have low-quality disc readers.

    So again, I won’t be buying a Vita anytime soon. F you Sony, F you Kaz Hirai, F you Jack Tretton (you arrogant jerk), F you Ken Kutaragi, F you AT&T.

    I’m glad Nintendo backed out of that Super NES CD-ROM joint venture with you guys in the 1990’s. You guys don’t deserve it.

  • Big deal its only 15 bucks. Stop crying. You will get your free game. LOL

  • Hi guys, hi Crystal!

    I see alot of good feedback here.

    Crystal can you please explain the benefits of buying an US at&t locked model over say an unlocked european or korean model in which customers can choose their own 3g gsm provider?

    Thanks I’ll check back later for a reply.

  • Hey Sony, thanks for selling me a product and promising a free game and month of 3G on the box, but failing to mention on that same said box that I have to pay $15 to get my “free” stuff! Also, thanks for not replying to my email from 12 hours ago! I’m glad that you appreciate me as a customer, and the $610 I’ve spent on my Vita + games + accessories!

  • @P-R-I-N_C-E-S-S, dont let the door hit you on the @$$ on the way out!

  • @ Bigcalv2002 I’ll make sure I knock your fanboy A*s out before I leave. How’s that sound huh you Sony butt kissing fanboy?

  • After sid boy threatens to ban me and keep banning me then you guys at Sony can shove that vita up your A*S and I’ll buy a 360 instead. Kiss my NON FANBOY A*S!

  • yeah guys, don’t walk into an AT&T store. they are not trained at all to handle the VITA. I got mine on the 15th, walked into a AT&T and they wanted a huge 500 dollar deposit, now granted my credit score sucks, but I never pay for anything unless I can pay it right out. Anywho, yeah, don’t walk in to AT&T. Lol. Learn from me. However, once figured out, it is amazing. ^_^

  • I bought the 3g/WiFi version of the PSVITA and i’m disappointed with how the game console can’t play Netflix ,remote play, play games online, or access the PlayStation’s store while on 3g; which is one of the many reason why I bought the 3g version, and bought a at&t plan not just to only use the browser or Google maps. When they announced at the E3: you where suppose to be able to play a PS3 game, and continue it in the with the vita; which, wont do on 3G, but only on WiFi. This is outrageous, stupid, and pointless. Not been able to do that while on 3G. SONY ‘s “MAKE BELIEVE” give false illusions of functions that their product isn’t going to be able to perform. I just would like to know what was SONY’s thinking? What were their plans with the release of a 3G version, if it doesn’t do the most important tasks of this gaming device? I was really looking forward to the 3G functionality on the PSVITA! I would like an explanation of this problem on the 3G version? I would like to know what was the goal of the 3G model? If is there’s going to be an update that’s is going to enable to do what I just mention, and more with the 3G VITA in the future?

    Thank you.

  • @36, i got the FEB and if u follow the directions that this blog post stated it will be a payment method. but b4 u activate it u should look and see that it says the plan will start wen u update it unless a future start date is specified and idk how to do that

  • Do you have to use the 3G?

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