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Now that gamers are livin’ la Vita loca (wince), today’s episode is dedicated to tips, tricks, and interviews focused on the newest member of the PlayStation family. During PS Vita’s big launch bash in New York City, our own Jeff Rubenstein caught up with SCEA President and CEO Jack Tretton to discuss early reactions, what’s in store for the next six months — even Tretton’s favorite strategies for boosting his Hot Shots Golf leaderboard placement.
We also spoke with Funbits Interactive to discuss Escape Plan’s use of PS Vita’s dual touchscreens and unusually detailed stat tracking. Then NetherRealm Studios described their experiences in translating Mortal Kombat from PS3 to PS Vita, the importance of hitting 60 frames per second on a handheld console…and even first word of an upcoming playable demo.
We also share first word of next week’s PlayStation Store game lineup (including a surprising turn for a celebrated multiplayer shooter), answer a slew of user questions, pass along a mildly creepy new user tip, and serve up a farm-fresh PSN Gem of the Week.
Give it a listen and let us know what you think. And if you picked up PS Vita, tell us what you’re playing in the comments!
Action Items
Note: Though mentioned on this episode, Storm is not available on PlayStation Store at this time; stay tuned for updates related to the game’s PSN release.
The Cast
- Sid Shuman – PlayStation Sr. Social Media Specialist
- Jeff Rubenstein – PlayStation Sr. Social Media Manager
- Nick Suttner – PlayStation Sr. Product Evaluator
Thanks to Cory Schmitz for our beautiful logo and Dormilón for our rad theme song and show music. Special thanks to Astro Gaming headsets for providing audio gear.
[Editor’s note: PSN content release dates are subject to change without notice. Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
Also love the show !
Here’s a PS3 question I’ve never found a definitive answer to: Does the PS3 require defragging, and if so how do I defrag it? Also does the slim model, or perhaps one of the recent firmware updates, add support for TRIM?
I really hope Sony considers doing ‘launch bundles’ for future hardware releases. It wasn’t my choice for Vita (very happy with my wifi-only Vita, though), but I’d jump at the chance to get a PS4 a week early.
I finished third in the first Hot Shots Daily with a -13. First place had -15. How the heck to you shoot -15 in 9 holes?
Wow…that’s actually a really smart idea for the KZ3 multiplayer. I never bought KZ3, but I had fun with the KZ2 multiplayer. Anyone know if there will be trophy support for the free game? If there is, im definately jumpin on
Hey guys!
You guys mentioned people listening to the Blogcast on their Vita via streaming. But you can also listen to the Blogcast by putting it right onto your Vita from iTunes :D Hook your Vita up to your computer, and after a quick instal of the Content Manager and you can pull all your favorite Podcasts and Music right onto the Vita :D
When is the FourSquare app coming?
Please oh please, cover the big “NEXT MGS” thing Kojima Productions is doing at GDC. Interview them if you can (Ken the Producer knows English) and also cover this “secret” announcement they also got coming up for everybody else (non-developers). I’m really looking forward to what they got planned up and their hiring call is by far the most Epic call out ever lol.
“Developing Without Borders”
“Big Boss Wants YOU!”
As for Gravity Rush, I would ask them when can we expect a demo. Speaking of demos, the Netherrealm guy mentioned an MK demo. Did you guys get an estimate or something for when we can expect that? Can’t wait to get my hands on that bad boy.
Sadly I have been listening to your Podcast from the start… I did not wish to comment till now because It was not a positive comment that I had to make. I like information, and I do not relish making discouraging comments when I do not have to… Yet I would like to let you as a group know that I find the pod-casts a bit monotone and boring. Just a suggestion, you all might want to think about a visual addition to your cast. The words alone are on the boring side, yet the info is wanted by the public. If you would be willing to do screen captures and maybe video of the subjects or even still frames I really think it would be a huge plus for this talk show. I do not mean videos or pictures of you as the people, I often find that boring as well… yet I really do think visuals of the subjects being talked about would help the listeners a great deal… even if you do not have the resources or time for full length videos to accompany the talking time, placing screen shots and pictures or short videos here on the pages that link the download would be a great improvement…
Also on a side note, maybe if you have a female in the department that would be willing to join the group that would be a plus, no females on the crew seems a bit sexist. I would love to hear female input on these subjects as well, not all of your fan base is male. I don’t mean putting a female that plays games casually either, get one of your top female Devs in there or something… I know they exist, just don’t get to hear from them too often, even if its just a step in for an episode or two…
Day 3 with Vita: Now thinking about it at work — can’t wait to get my paws on it. The screen just gets me every time I first turn it on. Incredible. Looks like my iPad has officially become a browser/email-only device.
Did the 3 Hot Shots dailies today while listening to the blogcast. Finished 5th 9th and 20 somethingth.
I was ranked 7th after the first day of dailies, but messed up yesterday and dropped to 11th. Hope I’m back in the top 10 tomorrow.
I’m most curious about PS Plus benefits for Vita owners, and have been holding off Store purchases because of this. Is there any news on this yet?
I think I must be the only one that thought deus ex: human revolution was garbage… im sorry but i thought it was a horrible game, boring, the constant switching betwen first and third person got literally nauseating and out of four endings youd think one would be a good one but no theyre all crap
when will you guys give a youtube app for the ps vita because it would be really cool to watch videos on that oled screen
Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2 is public by NISA (same as Hyperdimension Neptunia)
Finally got my Vita and I listened to the podcast on it. Great episode.
As for my Vita…I LOVE THIS THING!!!! I thought that the dual analog sticks would have been my favorite new feature, but it is easily becoming the OLED screen. I know people used to talk about how beautiful it looks, but it is one of those things you need to see in person! I also think it has one of the most responsive and sensitive (in a good way) touch screens I’ve ever seen. Another one of my favorite features is the (kind of overlooked) multitasking. I love how you can easily go from one app to the next in seconds without having to close anything. Really handy feature!!!!
Great job Sony, I just may take your advice and Never Stop Playing!
I have a user tip for the show…I was just playing Gran Turismo 5 and they gave me a free car from the year I was born, so if you guys have GT5, log in on your birthday and you too can get a free car from the year you were born
I love the Vita so far. One thing I miss though is the rss feed capability. You mentioned the possibility of an app for accessing the OPS-Blogcast. Any chance it will be able to aggregate all my favorite feeds? What about video feeds?
I also have a suggestion for a segment:
“The Long View” – a look forward to what’s on the horizon in playstation news (e.g. 1-3 months away from release). Discussions about early builds, closed beta experiences, and interviews with developers about games still in development (e.g. Alpha/Beta).
I have a pretty interesting user tip that I just found out.
When using remote play, you can assign buttons like L2, L3, R2, and R3 to the rear touch pad. To set this up click on remote play from your Vita. When the screen comes up asking you what type of connection you want to use, click on the little … bubble in the bottom right hand corner and click settings. From there click on Assign Buttons and choose Type 3. Now L2 will be assigned to the top left section of the rear touch pad, R2 on the top right, L3 on the bottom left, and R3 on the bottom right.
Hey guys I love your podcasts. Your actually one of the first podcasts I have gotten into, and like a gateway drug I’m hooked and want more. What other Playstation/Gaming Podcasts would you recommend for me to check out? Keep up the good work!
Great show guys.
Just wondering if the three AR games that cowered free with the Vita are going to have trophies? When you check out the information on the three games it says that trophies are “eligible.”. Thanks
I am loving the vita and am glad your bringing back Skype for it. Now, if you would bring back the internet radio app for it or one for connecting to podcasts, would be even better. Have been playing psp games I have downloaded as well as Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Modnation Racers. Oh, and I wish we could have some compatability between Media Go (PSP’s media content manager) and Media Content assistant for the Vita. Would be nice to copy those games I have stored in Media Go to my vita.
@Majorpain2587 I would try PSnation podcast. They are at http://www.psnation.org and they are a pretty good podcast, doing both interviews, reviews, what they are playing, and what is coming up in stores and on the PSN.