Today is a very exciting day for PlayStation, all of our loyal fans and the entire gaming industry. The highly anticipated PlayStation Vita, our next generation handheld gaming device, is now officially available here in the US. We celebrated this momentous occasion from coast to coast last night, kicking off at a midnight event in New York where an enthusiastic crowd from the PlayStation Nation came to get their PS Vita units.

When we set out to create PS Vita, we were determined to deliver the best handheld gaming experience the industry has ever seen, an experience that would rival current consoles and set the bar infinitely higher for those exploring the portable gaming space. In the year following its announcement, you’ve heard us throw around words like “revolutionary,” “innovative,” “game-changing” and more. In the past few weeks, fans like yourselves and members of the press have begun to share in our sentiments. Early reviews have hailed PS Vita as “the best handheld ever made” and “the most advanced portable gaming system ever made.” It’s clear that PS Vita is making a phenomenal impression on gamers across the world.
Once you have your PS Vita in hand, the choices are yours. With 25 titles available at launch, more than 70 others in development, and fan-favorite franchises such as Call of Duty, UNCHARTED, Assassin’s Creed, Resistance, Mortal Kombat and new IP like Unit 13 coming to your PS Vita, the hardest decision will be where to start. Our goal is to ensure that PS Vita owners are never without new entertainment choices. We’ve worked hard to create a lineup of great content unlike anything you’ve ever seen from a handheld gaming device and to add social features, services and functionality the will continuously enhance those great experiences anytime, anywhere.
We know that PlayStation has the best fans in the business and we want to thank you for your ongoing passion and dedication. For those of you who may just be joining the PlayStation Nation we say “welcome” and to every proud new owner of a PlayStation Vita…we hope you never stop playing.
Im really happy with my new PSVITA!
I was there last night &… Jack nearly stole the show. He was so jumpy & thrilled to be around so many fans of the Sony platform. Jack shook hands w/ pretty much everybody, spoke on the aspects of the Vita, & all the while smiled like a he’s everyone’s college buddy. It was a great mid-night release!
Now a few things the Sony needs to address for the Vita:
1. Fix/replace the browser. There’s hardly any performance difference from the PSP browser.
2. Integrated apps are great- parallel these releases to the PSN store update.
3. Incorporate a Vita app store in the PSN store hub.
4. Improve multi-tasking on Vita’s OS.
5. Improve UI performance & usage (less taps per screen to activate an app, apps opening at a snappier pace, etc.)
6. Improved UI organization: decrease the clutter by offering greater user control on sorting/moving/deleting/renaming items.
7. Allow the Vita to be in use (not off/in sleep mode) while plugged in for charging.
As for the PSN store, as much as I love looking for new/old releases, this really needs consideration:
1. The “blue” color scheme on the icons is getting overboard. Give Vita/PSP/PS1/PS2/PS3 (and DLC, Add-ons, Videos, etc) all DIFFERENT colors on their icons. The design of the icons are very similar to me & I find myself placing my cursor on each icon just to verify what it represents. If no one has an issue about this, please disregard.
2. Allow for proper sorting in a users downloads folder, which also contains all the purchases.
3. Incorporate a countdown ticker on the PS3/Vita OS and/or the PSN store indicating when the new content will be up- thus informing everyone when the current deals will expire.
@101(luvtoseek): Please explain #7. My Vita can be used while it is charging.
I had a 3g vita preorder but looks like its not coming out here in Canada???I had to cancel my preorder and I tried to get my wifi only today and all ebgames in my city we’re sold out….I guess I’ll have to wait a couple days.
@ 103, Heatseeker125- I mean when connected via USB. Should have made that point clearer.
Well you guys are slow. I got mine way earlier. xD
can someone please go test their vita by going into a pitch black room and looking at the screen when it is also a pitch black background (like the ones in the uncharted golden abyss loading screens)
Is your screen a perfect black? or do you see darker looking splotchy things all over the place? I can’t see them when anything else is on the screen, such as when i’m playing the actual game, and i can’t even see them on the loading screens when i am in a fairly lit room. but i was playing in my room with the lights off and my OCD just couldn’t ignore it any longer!!!
If someone could test this out I would be very appreciative.
@ 107, Zero_169- can you upload a video to youtube? My copy of Uncharted won’f arrive till Monday.
Dude, stop trolling. It’s like you have nothing better to do with your time than waste it complaining about a portable gaming device on a blog.
If you’re not going to buy it, don’t. No one is forcing you to.
Other people are going to purchase it no matter what you think. All you’re doing now is making yourself out to be an attention whore.
I own the first edition ps vita and it was definitly worth it..Although i was very impressed, what didnt impress me was 1. how i was unable to watch any videos on the web browser..2. unable to create a folder to organize all my demos and psp gmaes and so forth..also..3. how it connects to the ps3.Im not trying to be a jerk but isnt bluetooth the future of wireless data transfer..i can transfer music photos and videos through my pc and phone but not with my PS3 and Vita..SMH..these 3 issues need to be fixed asap. Besides these minor issues..that im sure will be fixed in the future, im looking forward to the SONY SUITE games and AAA games..like Killzone and Infamous or even a GTA or SaintsRow game. Its only a matter of time people realize how powerful and impressive the PSVITA is. I – being a huge SONY FAN MAN – have faith in SONY to make my entertainment life alot more interesting. Keep up the good work and LISTEN and DELIVER to your FANS..for we are the ones who will keep this company ALIVE =P
@ luvtoseek:
“7. Allow the Vita to be in use (not off/in sleep mode) while plugged in for charging.”
uh… you can use the vita while it’s plugged in for charging.
ZERO_169…. Yup that’s what I’ve been hearing happens with the vita screens in DARK rooms with only the screen light you see and the black spots or black lines appear. I swear sony can’t make anything right. Can’t play blueray games a lot or you risk the laser crapping out and so digital games is the way I go on ps3 for that issue to make my ps3 last more than 9 months. For psp it was never guaranteed you’ll NOT have dead pixels all over the screen. I had to exchange a psp 3 times in the past due to dead pixels. Now I hear black spots on the vita lol. Oh and for the idiot saying Ipod touch 4th gen doesn’t shoot 720 p hd LOL. You’re an idiot that must have NEVER owned one. IT SHOOTS 720 P HD you idiot. How else do I make HD youtube video on it huh? Oh and its web browser walks all over a Vita so shut up and stop being a stupid SONY fanboy. You idiots are so wrapped up sony products butt you can’t see a flaw in the product if it jumped up knocked ya out. Take you’re fanboy butt else where. I speak the truth on Sony flaws and I own sony products so shut up.
Nice photobomb, Jack Tretton
The NEW Ipod touch 4th gen thats 274.99 at best buy when using the online price and they will price match in store to that online price. That ipod is 274.99 and has 32 gigs built in and front and rear facing camera’s as well. It will shoot video in full 720 P HD video so to the idiot saying no Ipod touch shoots in hd is a full blown fanboy of sony and needs to do RESEARCH before you rant on facts you have no idea about. The vita shoots video is only SD format and the color is dull looking to. The ipod has GREAT color in HD. The ipod has a awesome INTERNET BROWSER that works FAST and youtube works on a Ipod touch 4th gen to. I can make HD videos with a ipod touch 4th gen and then post them on my youtube channel all from the ipod touch over wifi EASY. There is TONS of free APPS and GAMES on the apple app store for the ipod and iphone. Have fun paying 30 dollars on average for vita games and having to buy a Memory stick that only works on a vita to. So saying a ipod touch 4th gen at 274.99 with 32 gig BUILT IN and free 3gb cloud storage online as overpriced is stupid compared to vita at 250 and 300 and you HAVE to buy memory still. If you get a overpriced 32 gig stick you’re actually paying 350 to 400 for a vita.
I wish I could meet Jack Tretton!
Ontopic: Sadly, I cannot afford a PS Vita right now, but once I get the money, it’ll be the first thing I buy!
SIgh.. the life of a [college] student SUCKS.
And no I’m not a FANBOY of anything. If I was a fanboy of apple or anything why on earth did I take back my ipod touch 4th gen to get the funds for a vita then huh? I was excited to get a vita and all the hype that led up to its release is all lies. Now I’m pissed I returned my nice white Ipod touch 4th gen so I could buy a wifi vita. After all my research online in blogs and youtube video’s of the issues the vita is having and the apps that doesn’t work right on vita and the silent treatment sony gives about answering questions about the vita I don’t want the dang thing now. It sounds more of a headache than a cool device now. So I’m buying the ipod touch 4th gen back soon. Its just overall still better than that vita. Oh who cares about twin sticks. They are so little and the vita has no cool racing games or first person shooters on the system yet to enjoy them shooters so why waste my money when the games isn’t THERE. Oh and F1 and ridge racer is true racing games. Bring NASCAR and GT5 to vita with their own vita versions and you have my attention untill then a Ipod is better OVERALL.
Meant to say F1 and the ridge racer on vita ISN’T true racing games in my last comment. Typo. If they want my attention to get a vita then upgrade its BROWSER to work faster than a ipod’s and lower those memory stick prices and put verizon as a 3g carrier to cause I live in Montana and att isn’t up here so a 3g model is USELESS to me. Put a vita version Skyrim, GT5 and Nascar game on the vita and upgrade the SD format dull color camera on the vita and I’ll buy it. Untill then you fanboys can waste you’re money for a sound going out and then a freeze vita with black spots on the screen in dark room device. I’ll save the trouble and get my ipod back and stay on the ps3. How’s the friend list troubles of ps3 players not seeing you’re on a vita going? pissing ya off yet lol
got mine today n i love it!
@ 111, ziggurcat- see my reply at #105…
I need to express myself somewhere, and will be here. The Judges was unfair with EGORAPTOR on The Tester 3. Burn is the only one who should have been eliminated.
@101, not sure what you are talking about, the vita always worked while plugged in charging, there is already an App section in the store for vita. Most of the things you listed already are in place.
Agreed about the browser.
Not much of anything else you said is even relevant, the OS and ui and about as responsive as you can get, mine works as well as the Ipad’s screen.. Mine opens up with just 1 tap, and multitasking is a mere split second between apps.,
@166, you’re clueless, a vita is a gaming device, ipod is for simple 99 cent apps and music, saying ipod is better means you’re either a troll, or simple. Either way vita destroys ipod as a gaming device, that’s what vita is. Ipod is not better not even close, lmao, you expect people to take that seriously?
You say vita has no shooters or racing games umm games on ipod are garbage.
Who cares about twin sticks? HUH? Every gamier. You’re a troll, go back to angry birds and your over priced ipod lmao.
@ 120, “not relevant?” I love the Vita too but let’s not be so ignorant/blinded by tech lust… When you’re playing a game, can you pause the game & check your e-mail. No. You have to load it back up & the first gen Vita games have poor loading times. This is multi-tasking. There’s no reason why Vita can’t do this.
Multi-tasking & task switching are two different things.
The OS & the UI CAN be faster; I don’t know if it’s the animation or what.
These can all be improved in firmware updates & yes, they’re all worth improving/looking into.
As for the charging statement, I meant when the Vita’s plugged in via USB to a PC/laptop.
Destructoid has a relevant article on a few nagging Vita issues that was written when they received the first Ed. Bundle… maybe since the lot of us having just purchased the Vita, we haven’t noticed what CAN be fixed/improved, hmm?
Mine come after 7pm last night via ups, after they said rescheduled for today.
I count myself lucky I didn’t get a seizure from the editing of that video. It was near schizophrenic. What was the point of the video? Terrible job, honestly.
y’kn i would have preordered if ssomeone hadn’t of called me from Abigail’s office and told me i was getting one for free. I have had every single ps console n launch day, i have waited before in freezing rain just to get them, i still have my original 60 gig launch ps3, even though it no longer works. Calling me up and telling me I am to get one for free for the help last april and then not keeping your word is just plain wrong to me. I will still get one but the taste of disdain is in my mouth. I should totally be hooked up, pretty sure there was a big reward offered back April of 2011 for info on the hackers, of which i should be paid. but in leu of that BIG REWARD, i will just take the vita that was promised to me by one of your exec’s. I do own shares y’kno. i have had a ps1, psone slim with screen, ps2(fat brick) pstwo slim, psp1000,2000,3000( with imported gps and cam accessories), psp go,ps3 60 gig and now a ps3 slim and soon the vita. typing this on a vaio as we speak. i am ThatSonyGuy aka The Hacker Hunter. now hook us up luh!
Got my Vita yesterday afternoon, along with Uncharted, Little Deviants, Modnation, and Ulitmate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Haven’t had a chance with any game besides Little Deviants (which is an amazing game to show off the basics of the Vita) but I had a blast with Welcome Park. Best “tutorial” game ever.
Connecting and moving/copying stuff from PC/PS3 to Vita was very simple.
Internet browser is better than the PSP’s but not as good as the PS3’s, but as a handheld, i can’t complain.
Video quality (as in watching trailers/movies/tv shows) is excellent. Neflix is nice for people who use it.
Near, Party, and Messaging are all easy to use. Friends List is the same as the PS3 (sad they can’t see you on the VIta).
Trophies is a nice new feature for a handheld. Too bad they can’t be seen on the PS3.
Nice that the 1.6 update (or whichever update) added Google Maps.
The camera takes okay pictures and the video quality from the camera fits basic needs (didnt see how long it would record).
Playstation Store is extremely easy to navigate.
Music quality is good. I love the LiveArea’s “elevator” music, very soothing.
Augmented Reality (AR) is pretty fun.
Haven’t tried Remote Play.
Glad they put a facebook app but as a gamer, i dont need it since the browser does it well enough.
All in all, I’m glad they brought the Vita to “life”. If I was a gaming critic, I would give it a 9.5//10 in a rate of systems compared to other products available. Easy to use, easy to pick up. Best investment I’ve made in gaming.
@122, you can pause a game and check e-mail and do anything on vita, you sound like a troll spreading lies. Do you even have one? Most of the stuff you complain about is not true. I had a game, facebook, near, and several apps going at once yesterday, all responsive with 1 touch.
Anything can be improved, but a lot of the things you state are flat out lies or incorrect info. YoU CAN pause a game and browse or do what ever you want……
I brought my ps vita 3G/wi-fi launch bundle from best buy yesterday and i am enjoying my new game system and looks pretty bigger than psp system as i noticed. I’m sure sony will put more psp games to be compatable with the vita since i almost got all of my psp games downloaded and installed on my vita, but i am missing 5 more games such as fat princess, lemmings, metal gear solid portable ops and portable plus, and papton 3. but i also copied all of the games from my ps3 system, but vita wouldn’t detect those 5 missing games yet. but i am still hoping in the future that sony would be able have digital comics on vita and more psp games like kingdom hearts: birth by sleep, metal gear acid 1 and 2 which those 3 games i still have for UMD only. i’m already in love with my new ps vita system and the graphics looks pretty awesome and i already have one game for it called uncharted: golden abyss and 32GB memory stick. however, i did noticed the memory stick kinda looked like a mirco chip sized. One last thing, all of the ps3 users never had an update on their ps3 system that improves the system software before, just like the recent update for ps vita does the same thing which is pretty neat. keep up the great work, sony and jack.
I will buy one once there is a revision. As of right now, the actual cost for me would be 400 usd, because I would want the largest 32memory card and at least one game. I hope the next revision of the Vita would be more like the PSPgo that had 16GB HD. They should revise to be more like the Go because i like the slide mechanism to hide the buttons, so if its just a touch screen game you don’t need the buttons out. Also please allow the next revision to have a built in HD. Also it would be nice if the browser is aligned to be more like an android or iPad style, so it could be more of a multimedia device.
Got my Vita at lunch on Feb 22.
Was up last night until 2:30 am and had to be at work for 8 am.
Tired, but worth the lack of sleep.
I love my PS3 & PS Vita !
@62 SackAttack .
I had the same problem last night connecting the Vita to the PS3 for copying.
But then found out the cable at the PS3 end was inserted upside down.
Once I turned it over, it works properly.
Not sure why some are saying the copying takes a long time, mine was extremely fast.
Something that I forgot to add was that I hope Sony adds a Youtube app soon.
Okay, for give me for going off topic but I would like to know why my ps vita can’t play my ps3 games via remote play? Kind of a big reason why I got the system. Also when will the vita be able to use music unlimited?
Looks like a slick machine, but the one thing holding me back is the high cost of the memory cards. I don’t like being locked in like that. So this is a no-go for me at this time. If ever there is a bundle that includes at least a 32GB card, all for a reasonable price (sub $250), then I’ll consider it.
Why make the PS VITA 3G, when most cell phone compaines are moving to 4G and LTE speeds?
@139.. i dont the answer to that fully but i guess it was made when 3 g was the biggest thing and 4g is very new about like1 yr new. There might be a upgradeable plan down the road.. I think 3g is very good for gaming and surfing the net..
vp-psn legionaire group
The vita being able to play all PS3 games through remote play was just a rumor.
Sony it looks like you over hyped another system. Not to say it’s a bad handheld but it doesn’t deliver on things you said it can do.. Wheres the skype app? The 3g by AT&T is a joke. It’s limited and the cost is too high. 3g doesn’t work when using remote play or doesn’t work on my vita. You can’t play your ps3 games with remote play like the playstation video i watched on this site said you can do. That was the selling point for me btw. So i’m guessing we gotta wait for that right? Touch screens are cool but are over rated. Pretty much any half a** device has a touch screen these days. So big whoop on that. For me the ps vita is not all that great. Untill xbox makes a handheld the ps vita is the best handheld system out. Since you know xbox already has the best home console. lol
@ ZERO_169 The cross platform game play ps vita video is very misleading don’t you think? It shows Killzone 3 on the vita.
@ 131, I’m not a troll, I love the device. But it’s clear you’re the biggest, blindest fanboy here cheerleading Vita’s perfection. You also love to put down other people’s post where there’s truth just bescause you don’t agree with it or refuse to believe it. Go to Destructoid. Read the Vita article. Though we both know you won’t, am I right? It’s easier living in your own world.
Sounds Epic!!
I just noticed that the PSVita’s WiFi doesn’t support the “WPA Enterprise” security protocol. Can we look forward to support for this in the near future?
Also, can we please have a Google+ app too?
Sony you are a piece of work. You hide or delete the truth in comments. I’m not buying the ps4. You guys hype everything and never deliver on anything. You LIE and thats just plain and simple. I hope you’re sells on vita LOSES you tons of money. You deserve to go UNDER! You treat customers like crap and you know it. Its takes you all day to update a psn store and if we have to call customer service its a joke. You’re own sony employees are clueless to a sony product. My 3 year old son knows more about a ps3 than you’re idiots at customer service. You guys are a joke and I’m mad I invested thousands of my money in buying you’re junk. Won’t happen know more I’ll tell ya that. Oh and to you’re fake fans acting like sony is god posting in these blogs is a joke to lol.
@ 147, why are you raging? Yes, their CS is a hit or miss like alot of corporations. Just ask to speck to their manager. But honestly, I doubt your 3 year old son knows more than Sony employees but buddy- you are spouting nonsense like a 3 year old child. May your son hijacked your PSN Acct.?
a cool feature I like about the psvita is screen capture I wish I could do this with my ps3 also
A hit and a miss lol. Its called they all are idiots. Haven’t came across one yet that knows about a ps3 or psp. They put you on hold to ask their manager or put you on hold to look at instructions LOL. Its called hire people that use and know about SONY products. Thats what they are there for is to help you in fixing issues they are suppose to know. I once called them up to try and have them send me a umb of the new psp update cause I don’t use wifi only Cable broadband internet and at the time was only using my ps3 for the web cause I didn’t have a computer at the time and was asking them how am I suppose to update my software on the psp to play my games. They tryed telling me I could update it through the ps3. I told them I WISH but no you can’t do that with a psp. They argued with me and put me on hold and came back having me hook it up through usb and go to system update on my ps3 and I laughed saying I ALREADY TRYED THAT AGES AGO IT WON’T WORK. Proved them wrong and for a hour we got no where. Then I’m told their sorry can’t help me to go buy a laptop to update it LOL.