Hello everyone! Mass Effect 3’s new demo is launching later today on the PlayStation Network. Voted “Most Anticipated Game of 2012” at the Spike Video Game Awards, Mass Effect 3 plunges you into the boots of Commander Shepard, a decorated marine and war hero, as players lead the charge in an all-out galactic war against a nearly unstoppable foe.
Today marks the arrival of our single-player demo for the PS3, giving you a taste of what to expect when Commander Shepard takes Earth back on March 6th. When you download and play the demo, you’ll see that how you fight the war is entirely up to you. Choose your appearance and pick from a variety of specialized combat classes, each with unique and devastating abilities. As you progress in this war, you’ll choose which abilities to specialize in, which weapons to bring into battle, and which characters will join you in combat.
There’s more to this demo, though – starting on February 17th, PS3 owners will be able to play multiplayer for the first time in the Mass Effect universe! As a special bonus, Battlefield 3 owners who have redeemed an online pass on the PlayStation Network will get early access to the multiplayer demo starting today, February 14.
I’d say more, but I’ve got Valentine’s Day plans with Commander Shepard! Check out the demo when the PlayStation Store updates this afternoon.
To keep up with the latest updates on Mass Effect 3, “Like” us on Facebook. After you’ve finished the demo, let us know what you think by tweeting us @masseffect.
Central Time yah
Wednesday the Best Bet! -_-
@49 TY! :{)
My timing is pretty good, I just finished Mass Effect 2 last night. So excited!
bioware hasn’t been able to do anything right on the PS3 – i don’t expect this to be any different…
Minimum spec:
OS – Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7
CPU – 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)
RAM – 1GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista/Win 7
Disc Drive – 1x speed
Hard Drive – 2.5 GB of free space
Video – 256 MB* with Pixel Shader 3.0 support (Supported chipsets: NVIDIA 7900 or better; ATI X1800 or better. Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 9300, 8500, 8400, and 8300 are below minimum system requirements, as are AMD/ATI Radeon HD3200, HD3300, and HD4350. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.)
Sound – DirectX 9.0c compatible
Recommended spec:
OS – Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7
CPU – 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU)
RAM – 2GB for XP / 4GB RAM for Vista/Win 7
Disc Drive – 1x speed
Hard Drive – 2.5 GB of free space
Video – AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB or greater, NVidia GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB or greater
Sound – DirectX 9.0c compatible
The minimum spec isn’t too terribly outrageous, but I think this is a good time to point out that if you’re still rocking a gig of RAM and a GeForce 7900 series video card, you don’t actually have a gaming PC anymore – you have a word processor. Stop spending your money on games you can’t properly run and upgrade your hardware instead.
[It’s also kind of sweet that they still include minimum drive speed requirements. 1x? Seriously?]
UPDATE: As some of our readers have pointed out, the above specs reference the demo, not the full game. The full game, according to Gameranx, will require 15GB of drive space. Thanks to snfonseka for the heads up.
Mass Effect 3 comes out on March 6 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
@53 what are you talking about? The PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 was amazing :)
cant wait to play the mp today.. that is whenever sony decides to updates the store in my region
@53 This isn’t BioWare’s fault. Sony updates the PlayStation Store on its own time. BioWare can’t do anything about it.
ME2 was also incredible on the PS3. The added DLC and the interactive comic made it well worth the wait.
They Need To Start The Update on Monday so it Out On Tuesday!
Choice Word!!! Choice Word!!! Choice Word!!! -_-
I’m on the West Coast…it’s 1:37 p.m. here. Just checked the store…no ME3 demo. Not sure its a good idea to wait until later in the day to release this…there’s a HUGe demand for it and we all know that the PSN doesn’t work well in situations like this.
@61 LOL!
YEAAAAH Mass Effect 3 AND early acces to MP!!! a great day!!! March 6 can’t come soon enough!!
Monterey Bay are of Ca here. Store is never updated here until around 6PM and its usually so slow after a big name release its almost not worth looking at until the next day. Complaining about when it updates is pointless since they could do it a day sooner and someone would still complain its not soon enough. Sony has been very consistent here with PSN store update schedule. Cant really ask for more than that.
Anyone know why there is no “Drop” this week on the Blog ?
so its almost 5 and thats past afternoon, come on psn i would like to play it today.
@66 There was Yesterday!
4:30 Central & NO! ME3!
CHOICE WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M PISSED.
this is honestly my favorite game franchise of all time. if you havnt played it yet do yourself a favor and do so
Loved Mass Effect 2. Looking forward to 3. Will not be playing this demo. Maybe I’ll check out the multiplayer but I have zero interest in it no matter how good it turns out.
its my demo and i need it now!
I wouldn’t expect the demo before 8 PM EST. They usually update between 4-8 PST so we have a few hours to go.
someone tell me when the demo comes out ill be playing my second play through of me2 while im waiting
ok can you help me out here i can’t get the demo for some reason i mean i even have BF3 no code came with that though just saying you got the demo. Anyway i got into playstation store and i can’t find it in the demos and when i search it all i get are the trailers or ME 2 stuff please help!
thats bc they havent put up the demo yet even though its past noon
Most anticipated game of the year? For me, that would be either Borderlands 2 or Kingdoms of Amalur. And I’ve already got KoA. In fact, I’ve already got almost 80 hours in KoA. Good job releasing the demo for ME3 a full week AFTER KoA released. Now I have no reason to play it, as whatever Amalur bonuses I might get from playing it are gonna be worthless on my character.
Wake me when there is news about Dragon Age 2 DLC or Dragon Age 3…
*waits for PS Store to update in order to download all kinds of new things, besides the demo for this overrated tripe*
I downloaded & played the single-player portion of this demo on Xbox 360. IT IS FREAKIN’ AMAZING!!!!!!!!
I’m looking forward to downloading it & playing it on my PS3 later this week.
It’s a shame that the PS3 version does not have voice commands like the Xbox 360 version has for Kinect. Those voice commands work very well but you have to keep your room fairly quiet in order for the sensor to accurately hear your voice. The Kinect voice commands are great if you want to avoid having to pause the game & go into the weapon & power radial menus.
The graphics in the first part of the single-player demo are breath-taking!!!!
I played on normal difficulty and it was way more difficult than the exact same setting in ME2. There’s a big improvement in enemy AI and this makes the game much more exciting. You can’t just hang back in cover & pop-out of a cover a few times to shoot or use a power in order to beat most enemies. You really have to watch for enemies trying to out-flank your position.
I have the N7 Collector’s Edition pre-ordered for both PS3 & Xbox 360. March 6th can’t get here soon enough!!!!
@40, what are you talking about? If your PC ran 1 and 2 me3 will run fine on your PC, most console games run with ease on any half way decent PC. Me is just a console port. Me3 is not anymore demanding then 2.
I’m still waiting for the goty demo…..
It’ funny how they say it will be out today to get people excited, then release it when 80% of the people who want to play it are already asleep.
6PM Central, huh? So 7PM Eastern. Good. Bought ME2 last month and I’m officially hooked. Hopefully this will make up for not getting ME1…. if ME2 hasn’t done that already.
NO console port!
PC Disk
O & my PC Is At The End of it Life! :(
Why hasn’t the store updated yet!?!?!?!? I have been checking ALL DAY. I want my mass effect 3!!
dude it’s 4pm pst the store still not updated, ughh.
twirling fingers impatiently waiting all damn day for Mass Effect 3 demo to come out?
sony has got to be the slowest company ever
update the store already please!
It’s 7:22 PM EST. Please sony? Could you just update like right now? I’ll be your best friend!
USPS OR Snell-Mail?
Sony has a track record of bad timing. Asking them won’t change that!
We all know that.. but all corporates are farking everyone over these last 2 years… it used to be all about the customers now its all about the farking profit margin If I had a choice and if there wasn’t laws i woulda condemned all those corporate fat cats
I think someone at Sony with a peculiar sense of humor is having a laugh :)
this is the only thing that got me excited to wait and check the store every 5 minutes,Hell ya Mass Effect 3! I got the ULTIMATE EDITION!
Still Waiting…
I’m fully expecting the server to fall over within moments of the update due the the huge amount of attention this is getting and how excited people are on both sides of the Atlantic.