Special Launch Day PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Bundle Announced

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Special Launch Day PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Bundle Announced

With only 27 days until the launch of PlayStation Vita, we are excited to announce two PS Vita 3G/WiFi bundles. If you were one of the lucky consumers to pre order the PS Vita First Edition Bundle, in addition to the PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi hardware, a limited edition case, a 4GB PS Vita Memory Card and Little Deviants game, we will now be including an AT&T DataConnect Pass good for one free 250MB data session (a $14.99 value) upon purchase of one 250 MB data session, and a PlayStation Network game ā€“ both provided upon 3G activation on the AT&T mobile broadband network. And the best part, you still get it a week before the official launch date.

Vita First Edition Bundle

We are happy to announce today that we will be creating an extremely limited edition PlayStation Vita 3G/Wi-Fi bundle designed to reward those who brave the cold to stand in line on February 22nd (or even those who come in the few days that follow). In addition to the PS Vita hardware, we will be including an 8GB PS Vita Memory Card, an AT&T DataConnect Pass and a PlayStation Network game all for the usual MSRP of $299. This SKU is part of a promotional offer and will sell out immediately so we strongly recommend that you purchase your PS Vita early to make sure you get the extra value!

While the system is a fantastic option, the addition of 3G-network access is perfect for the gamer that wants convenience, community and connection ā€“ basically the ability to immediately socialize with your gaming community. Using the AT&T mobile broadband network also allows you to engage in multi-player gaming, utilize GPS location-based digital gifting, stay up to date with continuous LiveArea scores and game ranking news feeds, compete for in-game achievements, engage in PS Vita to PS3 cross-platform game play, cross-game message with Party, and have access to software updates, all while on the go. Youā€™ll also be able to login to the PS Store and download new content and add-ons for some of your favorite titles.

There are lots of exciting updates still to come as we get closer to launch, and we will be sure to keep you posted. Our goal here at PlayStation is to transform every aspect of life into an entertainment experience. We know when you get your hands on Vita you may really never stop playing!

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8 Author Replies

  • @ John Koller


    The DataConnect Pass provides 250MB of data after you activate and complete your first session. And the PSN game has not yet been announced but will be a $15 value.

    So does that mean SONY will be picking the game for us? And will it more than likely be a Vita game?

  • Just another annoyed First Edition Bundle adopter. I pre-ordered it on the day it was available. Those who think getting it a week early is worth the price difference are just… silly. I wrote Sony (as I think many others should also do) and received a stupid response, as I expected. I even wrote that in the body of my conversation, citing that whomever received my concerns would most likely skim the e-mail and come up with some bogus response.

    Funny thing is: the rep also told me that this *new* 3G $299 bundle was not available for pre-order and then copied and pasted the “designed for those who brave the cold” blah blah blah.

    Gee, that’s funny; ’cause I see on here that it’s available for pre-order. Conundrum.

    Good move on Sony’s part by doing this, but as I stated in my e-mail:

    “Maybe I won’t get anything at launch and wait for the 3G/Wi-Fi + 32 GB card + every game ever for $200 bundle since apparently that’s what taking the wait-and-see approach gets one nowadays.”

    Just wanted to share. I won’t be throwing my money at you anymore, that’s for sure.

  • They both are the same only difference is unlimted cloud storage with the 3g and the case. Those who buy the wifi only can save a few came via memory card but i dnt if they have cloud storage unlimted of 250 mb.Some please inform me onthe facts of that

    Both are good value, Also alot are for getting to add the 250 storage in the 1st bundle is free for a limted time.

    I think the data plans are bi monthly, not every mth and are optional meaning not forced on you every mth.. Like every 2 mths it will 14$ or so..I think psn plus should play a factor in monthly plan prices with discounted games. We need a vita psn plus pakage plan.

    Also hey Mr koller :)

    vp-psn legionairee group

  • What cloud storage? And if it’s AT&T side…orz. I hate AT&T.

  • also, it’s not bi-monthly, it’s monthly, 15 for 250mb / 25 for 2gb. although sounds like they might be raising it to 20 for 300mb and 30 for 3gb.

  • I contacted Gamestop and they said this wasn’t available. I told them about this offer on the official GS website and they said it wasn’t in their database. What’s going on?

  • @iBOCK_ GS ID is 020163 for this edition, and its listed as the 3G version (they switched it for now) Had to double take myself too.

  • Essentially, it comes down to the First Edition people not feeling as special about their purchase as they once did because of this new deal. Admittedly, I am one of those people, lol. (Although I would get over it easier if the first edition came with 8GB, not the 4GB)

    From Sony’s point of view, this will help to get the Vita ball rolling, as the 3DS is gaining pace and the Vita hasn’t exactly blown up Japan. The increased sales from this would help us all in terms of content for the Vita in the future.

    BUT…I still don’t feel as special as I did before. Oh well. Guess I’ll just buy an 8GB card.


  • I just noticed something. You get a 8gb card with this bundle but the box also says “Memory card required (Not Included).” So is our free card in the box, a voucher, or do we have to send for it? I hope not the latter but I will if I must. Just curious, thanks!

  • I’m sure this has been beaten to death but this new bundle makes no sense. All of this mess has just made me cancel my Amazon Launch edition preorder simply because I don’t feel the launch edition is worth 350 dollars now. The first edition bundle comes with an 8mb card and saves me 50 bucks, the launch comes with a 4gb and cost me 350 . With the 50 bucks I save I can buy the extras to make mine better than the launch bundle with a bigger card instead of a week early — Id rather have a bigger card. Also I don’t really care about Little Deviants or a free PSN — if little deviants isn’t in a bundle I doubt I would ever buy it anyway, how about giving us Uncharted!

    Honestly I’m not even going to do another preorder yet, I am going to wait to see if Sony wises up and gets these deals to makes sense, if not I may just wait till the holidays when it will probably be cheaper and a better bundle. First edition needs an 8 or 16 gb memory stick.

    As one poster stated-

    “So if I buy the $299 bundle, $30 game and a $20 case I end up with the same as the $350 bundle except I now have a bigger memory card in exchange for a week laterā€¦? See how that devalues the $350 bundle?”

    – That about says it all

  • First edition needs an 8 or 16 gb memory stick. — I meant Launch edition.

  • Since they don’t have At&t in other countries will the PS Vita 3G model be available unlocked or set to a different provider?

  • @John Koller

    When will the PSN store for the Vita be up?
    I’ve been dying to play my psp games allready, but content manager won’t transfer them from my ps3 or PC.

  • Please add multiple Users. I need more than one user. I dislike people playing on my account.

  • I’ve read over everything… You need to stay on the Datapass for 30 days, thus you wait a MONTH-> A freaking MONTH to receive your free game. Not only that but the way its worded just… makes it seem like we may have to pay the first $15 before the free 250MB is usable. Thats even more potential for hidden fees & the “Free PSN game?” question is WHICH (I hope its a retail title, I got Halo Reach for signing up for XBL Gold + 20% off, I think Sony can do that kind of Incentive for early adopters too), everything so far about the bundle is extremely shady, TBH im only staying on it for the free Memory card as I have a case & idc about little deviants to justify the extra $50 on the FEB. Maybe once the curtain is unveiled a little more… Because Im still waiting to see if I should swap UMVC3 with Gravity Daze.

  • What about those of us that pre-ordered a wifi only edition ?? We are the only ones left outside of this.
    It doesent seems right to me. That every one is getting something more expect us.
    I mean we pay for it also, we deserve something too, i didnt buy a 3g version cause i dont need one not cause i dont like it, but i will not pay more for something ill not be using.

    First edition gets something
    3g edition et something
    Wifi edition we are being left behind.


  • And i forgot to mention, i already buy a starter kit and games, so is not that the firat edition bundle wasn’t great, but i didnt need it the 3g thats the only reason why i buy it apart.

  • The First Edition Bundle would be a lot better if they gave us an additional 8GB card, or gave us a 16-32GB card instead. THAT would make it more worth it.

    Extra 4GB of Stoarge on a Card shouldn’t be a big deal, and doesn’t beat Little Deviants, but how many of you are also picking up a starter bundle?

  • Why no bundles with Uncharted or other better games? And why a 3G bundle? Like most others I prefer a WiFi bundle. My prediction for sales on PSVita will be flat. Just not appealing but also bad timing. Like a lot of people, why after Christmas?

  • @DreadnecK you got ti backwards its the First Edition bundle that comes a week early and has the 4GB card, while this Launch Bundle comes Feb 22 and gets an 8GB card, you had it right when you said the First Needed the 8-16, but than wrong when you changed it lol.

    To all those WiFi only I recommend you get the 3G/WiFi even if you going to be like me never have it, 3G ones comes with GPS maybe that could be useful when you need to find how to get somewhere at you got a WiFi signal, heck who knows if someone will not find away to Unlock this Vita allowing the 3G to be used with other carries, I manage since it use 3G from At&T anyone who unlocked their At&T phone could easy do the same with Vita. So best bet is to get the better pack of both WiFi/3G just for the chance you might use it or need GPS

  • If you use a Wifi, it wouldn’t be a GPS any more though. You’re using a wifi location scanning thing, which is something like a GPS

  • @djricekcn_usa no I think its the GPS that you see in cell phones, where you can use like google maps and what not to try and find your location. Like you uptown at a starbucks and you know their a store around you can’t find it you put in your location, place you want and it would tell you, of course with out a signal GPS is pointless, but you could read the direction and go from their. I figured I would not use the 3G unless I was on vacation and than I would buy the 250mb or 3G from sony that month. Still crossing my figures that they give free data even if its only 250 (I know you can’t do much with that) for free for Plus members. Right now Plus affects both PS3 and PSP so they need to add special things for Vita owners

  • I’m personally conflicted with what to do with my pre-order of the First Edition bundle. If they only decided to up the memory card in the FEB to the 8GB… I mean while it is nice to have a week early, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I have to wait an extra week. The rest of the other stuff you get with the FEB with the exception of the memory card is nice, but are they really worth an extra 4GB of memory and and extra $50. I’m probably going to be switching my preorder, although I might wait a few days and hope Sony comes to their senses and actually rewards the First Edition buyers by upping the memory card (yeah right, like that is going to happen..)

  • Yep, I’m kind of mad that they did this to me because I preordered the FE bundle. Oh well, it’s not like I planned on loading up to 4GB card with movies, music, etc. That’s what my iPod is for. I guess I will order a memory card that is bigger when I need it.

    AS for the data plan:
    1. Activate it
    2. Go to Options somewhere on device
    3. Turn off auto renewal
    4. Wait for free game!!!!

  • I actually like the hard case in the launch bundle better than the 350 dollar First edition bundle.

    50 dollars cheaper, a hard case and 8 gb card, the launch bundle is looking like much better deal imo. SONY will need to up the mem stick in the First edition or include Uncharted to make it worth it.

  • @ DreadnecK what you talking about Launch bundle having a Hard Case, I don’t see any case listed for it or any picture, where did you see this, because if you get a case with Launch that make another reason 1st Edition sucks, as it would only now have a game and 1 week early on this one, and if you just buy the game on 22 you still saving money

  • Personally I don’t really care. I’m still getting the First Edition, UMvC3, and a 32gb memory card so the memory card that is included means nothing to me, other than it will be a backup. I dont see why people are getting worked up. You all should be happy that Sony is including extras, I would be.

  • I definitely agree.

  • @363 I definitely agree. That’s what my iPod and iPad are for.

  • First edition is $349
    Little deviants $30
    4gb memory card $20
    Limited edition case=?

    3g version is $299
    8gb card is $30

    Little deviants and the 4gb card are not bonuses since you are pretty much PAYING for them in the bundle. Since its $50 over the 3g version, but with the 3g version you get a free 8gb memory card and you can take that $50 in savings and buy whatever game you want and still have some left over for a case depending on which game you get. I feel like i have to make a sacrifice to get it early or i can wait a week and get a much better deal! I think i will cancel my amazon first edition and preorder the regular 3g instead.

  • This is cannot be correct Sony? This is how you plan to win over consumer trust? You try to market the 3G model that no one in their right mind should be buying, but now you screw over the early adopters for the First Edition bundle? It’s not a better deal. Let’s be honest, no one is buying Little Deviants. 4GB vs 8GB, who wins there? The case? Most people would be better off buying the Vita at $299.99 and then buy the $39.99/$24.99 Starter Kit for the essential traveling gear: Screen Protector, Case, Headphones, Cloth, and/or 4GB Memory.

    What sucks is that Sony has effective made an impossible purchase scenario with this move. There’s almost no logical reason not to get this bundle now outside of spending a bit more in the end but that could be offset from Amazon and no tax (depending on state) and free items you get from it. There needs to be FAQ explaining the free redemption of the 250MB plan. Does that also get us the free PSN game? I would hate to be forced to buy a month for $15 only to then cancel the auto-renew a month later so I can then technically get my game.

  • I just want to point out really quick, to all you people saying that people who pre-ordered the FEB are the Vita’s early supporters. BS. Just because you’re planning to get the system a week before the full public launch doesn’t make you any better than someone who had the SYSTEM itself pre-ordered as soon as it became available. The FEB was announced here on the blog on Oct. 27th, and I had my Vita already paid off by then. Stop claiming to be “early supporters” when you’re just another purchaser. The fact that Sony is blatantly pushing the 3G model to encourage more money to be sent AT&T’s way at the expense of any special promotion or deal for the Wi-Fi model as sad. This is what I’m upset about. Either have bundles for both, or don’t. Favoritism like this is not professional. And just because they can’t break contract with AT&T doesn’t mean they have to actively seek to push buyers into getting the 3G model. Make both systems have value bundles, and let the consumers decide what to support.

  • I think now that the hype about discovering this bundle so quickly has died down, it’s allowed me to think about it. For the people who were getting the 3G version anyway this is a fantastic bonus. For people like me who were only buying the Wi-Fi model but now are somewhat being hoodwinked into this launch bundle might not view the value as impressive. For me, do I buy the Wi-Fi from GameStop, pay $20 more in taxes but have the security of being able to go to the store if my system has a dead pixel or it’s defective on the spot or do I buy the 3G Launch bundle for $30 more than $270, have release date shipping for $1 more, pay no tax, but lose the ability of a easy return/exchange due to mailing the product back?

  • I was already buying a 32GB card for my normal PSP Games on my Go, was already buying the Starter Kit for $40, which came with my case, memory card, etc. The 4GB would’ve been used for the Vita games save data and that’s it. I don’t think spending the extra $30 for the 3G version, to then be forced to pay at least $15 to AT&T just to get my free 250MB month and free $15 game is worth it. For all intents and purposes I can just buy the Wi-Fi Model and get the 8GB card for $302 then, a dollar more than buying the Launch Bundle on Amazon. ARGH, this is stressing me out.

  • @339 XFRod

    And I said it was Sony’s fault, where? There are a lot of irresponsible people out there.

    @John Koller

    That’s good to know. $15 for 250MB of bandwidth though still kinda sorta blows but of course nothing Sony can really do about that..

    Now to sort out my “1st World Problem” of deciding to either stick with the WiFi preorder I’ve had since June or cancel it along my 32GB card and go with the 3G model and 8GB card and just get another card later. The problem is that I still have zero interest in 3G though the “free” stuff kind of minimizes the price difference and if for whatever reason I decided to use it past the time to get the “free” game, I could. Of course there’s my third option of just cancel everything and wait which is starting to seem more like the smart option. I think I’m going to give it a week and a half to really decide…

    When are we going to know what PS Store DD versions of games are going to cost versus retail? Of course assuming there’s going to be a big enough difference between them to really justify forgoing the benefits of having a physical copy of a game.

  • why is my other comment awaiting moderation? hummmm…… i didnt said bad words or anything like that….

  • @ Nightmare_Lord

    I am quite capable to decide what holds value to me and how much I wish to pay for it. My post to John Koller was my personal feelings about the additions that are now included in a product sku that I have pre-ordered.

  • seriously, I had my ps vita 3G preordered and its been canceled in Canada. How annoying. I guess the lack of 3G provider doesn’t help!!!!! Anybody can confirm that the 3G is not available in Canada??

  • Would you all please stop calling it a 3g bundle.. because it’s both a 3g and wifi.. Also, stop all your QQing over this. they are both good deals. What’s the difference between 4 and 8?? You’re gonna end up getting a larger one regardless. Maybe what Sony should do on the next release of a new product is NOT offer it in any kind of bundle and let you all pay full price for everything, maybe then you’ll all just shut up about it.

  • PS Vita Wifi model should get something too sense 3G got 8GB & free psn game. How about 4GB or anything cool. I think PS Fans would love some limit time extra things with their wifi model vita.

  • Okay so this is sort of off topic but, Best Buy has demo units to show customers. I got a hands on with the vita today! It was amazing in every sense of the word! Seriously once you have in your hands you wont give a rats about anything other than to have it! Make a trip to go see this thing in person then worry about what bundle you want….

  • 8GB or 4GB is not enough to store my games, movies, and music.

  • @SuperTiso and everyone else on data, I been thinking and its not so bad if you got to pay for a month of either 250/3g before you get to use the free data card and get the game, but base off the price, cost 15$ dollars for the 250 mb data plan, upon activation you get free month of 250 after your 1st month and a $15 dollar game (confirmed in a reply by Sony) so when you think about it, for one time offer with those who get First Edition or Launch you pay $15 and get total combine value of $45(paid plan, free plan, and the game) so it pretty good deal even if you got to pay first as in the end you can chalk it to spending 15 for a game and getting 2x months of data free.

  • @382 Nightmare_Lord

    If you can stretch the 250MB of bandwidth out for a full month (no streaming video will help of course) more power to you but a lot of people are going to blow through it and the freebie well before two months are up. Just best be sure to disable auto renew ASAP. =)

    Still cannot bring myself to go with the 3G version, I have too many options outside of home when it comes to WiFi as I’m already an AT&T customer. What 3G offers simply has little value to me and clearly others too since Sony is getting more desperate to sell the model though now they’ve PO’ed a lot of people that were either buying the WiFi model or the FEB. It certainly jumped up on Amazon but how many of those new orders are from people changing from the FEB (which has dropped hard) for the better deal? I know a lot of WiFi people are jumping too much to Sony’s glee but how many changes are knee jerk reactions that will end up being cancelled?

    I’m pretty much 50/50 at this point (if I were to throw in the 3G option I’d be 40/40/10) as to whether or not I’m going to keep the pre-order I made almost eight months ago or cancelling it and my 32GB card and waiting for a another deal that’s likely to come after launch.

  • @lPHOENIXZEROl I get your point, I am the same 95% of the time where I am at I can get WiFi so that how I play my 3Ds online when I out or use my laptop to check my email, but for me I see having to spend a day wasting it before its expires because I would of not used it all up, its like a per-paid phone don’t waste all your minutes in first few days, even if you can just buy more kinda takes the point out of why you went per-paid over a contract.

    For downloading I can wait until I use WiFi, the data I get would be mostly used by my mom when she working the late shift at her job where she can’t get WiFi so when everyone a sleep and nothing needing done she can use the Vita and check her email, or her Cafe on FB. I guess it comes down to how much people would waste the data instead of just using WiFi if they could.

  • Yeah the constant connection doesn’t bother me to have. I’ll never use the 3G again outside of the free promo period and the $15 I’d end up paying just to even get my free $15 game and 3G month. It’s not a good value for me because I wasn’t interested in whatever Vita download games they’ll have at launch nor paying for the 3G upfront. I just want the model for the piece of mind that I have it if I ever did want to use those functions. But now the value doesn’t seem to hold the same weight to me since I already would have a 4GB card from my starter kit and my 32GB card as well.

  • Will there be digital content available on the 15th, when the Early Edition arrives? For example, would I be able to download Golden Abyss from the PS Store or should I just pre-order the physical game along with my bundle? I am under the impression that most, if not all, games are going to be available digitally and in physical form.

  • For the record, yes I know I put 40/40/10 and that doesn’t equal a hundred. Let’s just say the other 10 is my being unsure and will factor into which option I pick next week. <__>

  • Yea I made a mistake — no case with the Launch bundle.

    I would keep the First edition pre-order if it came with an 8Gb card instead of 4gb. I think that would have more lasting value than Little Deviants game or a 10 psn game. With a 4gb card I will need to replace it sooner than 8gb so I’m already looking at more money to spend.

    I can’t justify the cost of the First edition bundle anymore because really it boils down to, that for 50 additional bucks I am getting a case and Little Deviants, which together is probably 50 bucks. The week early doesn’t warrant paying for and a smaller mem card then than cheaper bundle only hurts the perception of the value when compared to the 299.00 bundle – for me.

    Sony now has me so conflicted on the bundles I actually have 2 of them in my cart now at Amazon. Since Amazon doesn’t charge you until it ships I can cancel the one I don’t want at any time. This way if SONY changes the FE bundle to include an 8gb card I am covered! Also who braves the cold — Just order it from Amazon and get it the day it comes out!

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