Hey all, we have a special holiday message from David Jaffe, Co-Director of the new Twisted Metal and co-founder of Eat Sleep Play.
While Dave and the team are hard at work finishing up Twisted Metal, he wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy holiday and make a special holiday announcement!
David Jaffe: you are like the Shigeru Miyamoto of Playstation. All of your games are proof video games can be art, albeit a quite gruesome art.
sadly, I woont be buying twisted metal day 1 :P With the PSVita coming out a week after, I dont feel I’d get enought time to enjoy the game as much as possible. but it’s still gonna be AMAZING
I LOVE the TM series, it, and Ape Escape, were my favorite games back in the day! That’s why I hope that Small Brawl and 1 come to the PSN Network. Black is EASILY my fav Sony PS2 game. I’ve been thinking about what kind of cars could make it into the game since I was like, 8. I like the new direction the series is going in. I just have a request for next time, Mr. Slamm and Twister! As my friends put down the controller when I pick them! (‘Cause I always pick stages with drops… heh-heh…)
Slamm and Twister are at the TOP of our list of the game is a big enough hit to merit DLC! In fact, I want to say Scott already started modeling a next-gen Twister in hopes of us getting to make more TM content. We’ll keep you informed. And I’ll be sure to run if I see you online driving Twister if it ever comes available. Making a mental note now: Johnnyray+Twister= RUN! :)