With the holiday season in full effect, we’re giving PlayStation Plus subscribers extra discounts and free games. The total value of all this month’s offers total over $250 with about $50 being free games.
This month’s free content includes the PS3 full game Tomb Raider: Underworld and PSN game Marvel Pinball. The free PSone Classic of the month will be Spyro Year of the Dragon. If anyone is keeping track this is the third PSone Classic from the Spyro franchise offered in Plus and since it’s the holiday, we’ll bring back the first two again to offer the full collection in December. To finish out the free games, take your pick from free early access to minis like Orbit, or mini favorites like A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks! or Mad Blocker Alpha.
We always look to give Plus subscribers extra discounts on top of existing PlayStation Store sales and promotions and this month is no exception. The Holiday Collection Sale will feature some great deals on PS3 full game bundles, with Plus subscribers getting an extra discount on top of these deals. With PlayStation Store promotions happening throughout the year, a Plus subscription always comes in handy. Check out the full list of discounts on titles like Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Renegade Ops, Darksiders and more; and watch for more details on the Holiday Collection sale soon.
New PS3 full games releasing on PlayStation Store also means new Full Game Trials for Plus subscribers. Your access to sample this ever-growing library of titles gets even better with titles like Dragon Age II, Motorstorm: Apocalypse, and Alice: Madness Returns hitting this month.
Check the full list below and remember these are expected games and discounts for Plus. Some content and/or release dates outlined may change. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, or continue the discussion on the PlayStation Community forums in the Official PlayStation Plus Update thread.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Click here to purchase your subscription today!
PS3 Full Game: | Tomb Raider: Underworld (PS3 Full Game) – 12/6 |
Free PSN Game: | Marvel Pinball (PSN Game) – 12/13 |
Free minis: | Orbit (Early Access, Exclusive) – 12/6 Mad Blocker Alpha (mini) – 12/6 A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks! (mini) – 12/20 |
Free PS one Classics: | Spyro the Dragon – 12/6 Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage – 12/6 Spyro Year of the Dragon – 12/6 |
Full Game Trials: | Dragon Age II – 12/6 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit – 12/6 Alice: Madness Returns – 12/13 Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood – 12/13 Red Faction: Armageddon – 12/13 Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway – 12/20 Carnival Island – 12/20 Motorstorm Apocalypse – 12/20 NCAA Football 12 – 12/20 Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands – 12/20 Sports Champions – 12/20 |
Media: | Qore Episode 43 – December – 12/6 |
Discounted PSN Games: | Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 and 2 (Bundle) – 80% off – 12/6 Beat Hazard Ultra – 50% off – 12/13 Renegade Ops – 25% off – 12/20 SEGA Bass Fishing – 30% off – 12/20 Sonic Adventure (Game + Add-On) – 30% off – 12/20 Sonic 4: Episode 1 – 30% off – 12/20 SONIC’S HOLIDAY BUNDLE– 25% off – 12/20 Space Channel 5 Part 2 – 30% off – 12/20 Tales of Monkey Island Bundle – 75% off – 12/20 |
Discounted PS3 Full Games: | Assassins Creed 2 Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Assassins Creed Brotherhood Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Borderlands Bundle– 25% off – 12/13 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Bundle – 25% off – 12/13 Homefront Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Red Dead Redemption Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Red Faction Armageddon Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Split Second Bundle – 30% off – 12/13 Warhawk Bundle – 25% off – 12/13 LA NOIRE Bundle/Complete Edition – 30% off – 12/20 |
Discounted minis: | Snowy – 75% off – 12/6 Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road – 20% off – 12/13 Psycho Soldier – 20% off – 12/13 Prehistoric Isle – 20% off – 12/20 P.O.W. – Prisoners Of War- 20% off – 12/20 |
Discounted Add-Ons: | Marvel Pinball: Captain America (Add-on) – 50% off – 12/13 Marvel Pinball: Fantastic Four (Add-on) – 50% off – 12/13 |
Exclusive Themes and Avatars: | I am Alive Dynamic Theme – 12/6 |
Exclusive Games: | Orbit (Early Access, Exclusive) – 12/6 |
Didn’t we already have Spyro 1&2 as rewards this year? Ah, well still a good update.
LOL, so nice!!! Thank a lot, this update is really really hot for a cold december, haha.
In fact, I almost bought Tomb Raider Underworld in a gamestop since it was in special, I finally did not get the game, hesitating, but what do I see? Oh yeah, the same game for free this december, really cool! I think I already got the spyro games in another month for free from PS+, but there is so much more that I can’t argue at all, haha.
I will also surely buy FF6 but not before Christmas, I don’t have any free time right now, and for a while I think, sadly.
There IS a problem now… Too much good games to play for our limited time, lol. I remember when we were waiting for another good game on the PSX, then on the PS2 it had more games, and now we can’t even play them all, lol.
Or maybe it’s simply because we’re now adults with tons of stuff to do, when we were kids in the time of the PSX, lol. Anyway, PS+ is really nice, now we only lack the features from Playstation Share and a new firmware to change the look! ^_^
Does anyone need a Battlefield 3 online pass? If you will use it please let me know and I’ll send it to you.
Well, what a luck. Of all PS3 DL full games we have, Sony had to choose the one that I already played :(
At least Marvel Pinball is new to me, but I am not a big fan of pinball :P
glad i am a ps plus subscriber
I enjoy my Plus membership but man this is the worst month ever for me. The free PSN games I already own and I don’t care for Spyro or the minis. I may pick up a few PSN games that are on sale but that’s still up in the air cause I already own most of those and the few I don’t not sure if I really want.
Oh well, I hope there is still more to come for Plus this month.
This is the second month in a row I have to spend money to get anything out of plus . Too many things given that I already have . Probably won’t be renewing this ps plus train is running out of steam for me .
You can keep Spyro. Give me Die Hard Trilogy, MDK, Return Fire, Soul Blade, and Tenchu.
Lookin good for December!
Why anyone is complaining about the content is beyond me. We are getting a full PS3 game and a PSN game that have never been offered before.
Every month you get a PSN game, this month we ALSO get a full PS3 game.
On some months we get more games (minis, classics) then the subscription minimum requires.
So far the repeat content is completely outweighed by the EXTRA content that goes beyond the subscription minimum requirements.
I will always have Plus because so far it does what it was advertised to do and then some. ….(besides taking the DLC ownership away)
5 o 5
Oh, is the new foliage on the front page because of the new game????
The Last of US
You know, I’ve come to a realization here.
It doesn’t matter WHAT they give you, people are going to ALWAYS whine and complain. I mean seriously, you have someone ( comment # 25, warrior_1979) complaining that he/she is going to microsoft JUST because they don’t like the xmb. Pathetic
Fellas, if you’re going to go, THEN GO. Stop whining and stop complaining and actually DO what you threaten you’re going to do.
I bid to you farewell Playstation Plus. Month, after month, I never found any desirable content for adult-like gamers such as myself. All you would offer was childish free junk(minis), and discounts on games the majority of gamers already owned, or nobody over 29 would be even remotely interested in. I even suggested offering a discount on movie purchases from PSN, to make the subscription relevant to me, but yet you refused to listen. At this point, even if the PS+ program was completely revamped, and offered every single thing anyone could ask for, I still would not re-subscribe due to the fact you made me endure 15 long months of fustration and suffering.
To all you ** Proud PS+ Members** keep bending over.
WOW cool, great update for PS Plus, really worth it PS Plus. Much better that others green companies. PlayStation rocks !!!
Just a suggestion, give a PS Plus one of those PS2 classics to give it a try
Im excited for this update but i read something about darksiders. Is darksiders coming to PSN or did i miss read? Hope it comes to PSN that would be great if its part of the sale.
75% off Tales of Monkey Island bundle? It would be kinda nice to have those games for a low low price. Wait… that’s $5 right? For Tales of Monkey Island?! Consider me sold. It would’ve been nice to have Sonic EP 4 half off though. I’ll look into the “Sonic Holiday bundle” when it comes out though. Anyways great month! I won’t have to do that much spending on the PSN store after tomorrow because I’ll be getting the Batman skins pack and maybe Back to Karkand. Oh and Nightwing too.
Months ago we were told on the forums. That plus will start offering Home items. Is that ever going to happen?