The Sly Collection arrives this week on PSN, where we give you the sweet option of downloading the amazing trilogy together, or each Sly game individually, all in stereoscopic 3D. Before the DragonZord and White TigerZord dominated afternoon television in the 90’s, there was Voltron in the 80’s. This Mighty Morphing Power Rangers fan is envious of the Voltron game hitting PSN this week. Even more classics return to glory on PSone and PS2, and Modern Warfare 2 and De Blob 2 evolve into a full digital downloads. Grab your Thanksgiving leftovers and enjoy this week’s The Drop.
PlayStation Network
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus — Only one thing can make a thieving raccoon better at his job, and that’s the long-lost Thievious Racoonus, a collected work of thieving knowledge. Split into ten pieces, the writings are spread across the world, and it’s up to one young raccoon, Sly Cooper, to track them all down. Angered security guards, searchlights, and lasers are just a few of the obstacles Sly will have to confront, but luckily he’s got binoculars, swords, daggers, and all sorts of other fun stuff.
Sly 2: Band of Thieves — The sequel to Sly Cooper delivers the same crime detective style of presentation, borrowing heavily from movies, novels and comic books to create a beautiful, highly animated game. The story takes place two years after Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. In the first game, Sly was becoming a professional thief, but in Band of Thieves, he is a professional thief — so he retains all of the moves from the first game. He also earns new moves and gains different items to assist him in his dark craft. The biggest upgrade comes in form of the new multi-character gameplay. Players might start a level as Sly, and then after completing a particular task, players switch to Bentley, and Murray, respectively.
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves — The third edition of the innovative platformer series from Sucker Punch and SCE America. This time around, the cast of playable characters has been expanded even further to include Carmelita, a shaman from Australia who speaks in tongues, Dimitri, and some other characters that have yet to be revealed. Once again, the setup for each mission is with a series of events that need to be done within each large environment. By looking through the binoculars or simply tapping the L3 button, arrows point out the current events available that are color-coded for each of the available characters. If there’s a blue arrow, it’s for Sly, and Bentley and Murray have green and purple arrows, respectively. And once all of these events have been completed there is the grand heist-type event where the characters need to work together to pull off a grand plan that Bentley will have concocted.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 — Return to today’s war front with the second chapter in the Modern Warfare series. Modern Warfare 2 continues the gripping and heart-racing action as players face off against a new threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. Playing as as Sgt. Gary “Roach” Sanderson, your international squad of elite soldiers battle through harrowing combat scenarios that range from snowy mountaintops in Siberia to the crowded streets of Rio de Janiero, Brazil and beyond, facing a terrorist force hellbent on redefining the boundary lines of today’s modern warfare.
Voltron: Defender of the Universe (Demo Available) — Voltron is returning to defend the universe in this video game based on the revival of the classic 1980s anime series. Voltron: Defender of the Universe combines classic Voltron animation and style with high definition graphics and audio that deliver high-impact, real-time single and multi-player gameplay with up to five players. Relive the most defining moments from the classic series, including the discovery of the Lions and the very first time the Space Explorers form Voltron. Battle King Zarkon’s evil forces and journey across the universe, exploring a variety of environments — including planet Arus. It is up to you to restore justice and galactic peace. Get ready to activate interlock! Dynotherms connected! Infracells up! Mega thrusters are go! Let’s go, Votron Force!
De Blob 2 — In de Blob 2, Comrade Black is back and so is his war on color. Disguised as Papa Blanc, Comrade Black rigs the city’s election in order to win and take control of Prisma City with his brainwashing new cult. That is, until de Blob bounces back in full color-spreading force with his revolution to restore color and life back to the city and its residents.
Scene It? Movie Night — Scene It? Movie Night! offers a wide variety of media-rich trivia that provides movie fans and social gamers with a lively, competitive group gaming experience. Trivia content in the game includes recent hit movies as well as fan favorite Hollywood hits from four decades of films. Single-player mode challenges player speed and entertainment trivia know-how, while multi-player mode creates a challenging social gameplay experience.
PSone Classics
DARKSTALKERS: The Night Warriors — Choose from 10 horror-themed characters, including a Bigfoot, a vampire, and a werewolf. Every character has unique combinations and super moves, but be warned, as the arenas can have positive and negative effects on the fighters. Over 15,000 frames of gorgeous, hand-drawn animation bring the action to life. After beating the computer-controlled contenders, challenge your friends in the Versus mode. If they fear your superior skills, feel free to handicap the match. DARK STALKERS: The Night Warriors will challenge your skills as you fight to become the ruler of the night.
PS2 Classics
Tak 2: Staff of Dreams — Join Tak in an epic adventure, as he must learn all new Juju magic to recover the Staff of Dreams and defeat Tlaloc once and for all. Tak’s role in the great Prophecy of the Pupanunu people isn’t over. Rather, it’s just begun! It’s not easy being Jibolba’s apprentice, and Tak’s got the bruises to prove it. Now dabbling with new abilities, Tak is creating a little Juju magic of his own! He’s even working on mastering the ancient Juju magic of animal-morphing.
[Editor’s Note: The following dates are subject to change. Game details are gathered from Press Releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
ps needs to add stars knights of the old republic 1/2 :)
I would love if the three Jak’s dropped. And some DBZ Budokai and Tenkaichi games. The recent ones just aren’t the same.
@48. Yeah, my 6 year old son is watching Voltron literally right now. There’s a new cartoon Voltron Force on Nicktoons. Also the classic Voltron, including the vehicle Voltron episodes, is available on Netflix streaming. Mattel will be doing Voltron toys (of the new series at retail; the classic series via subscription). Voltron is BACK!
JAK AND DAXTER PLEASE I NEED IT I WANT IT I MUST HAVE IT. I wonder if there gonna make a new jak and daxter game for ps3? Naughty dog… I miss Daxter and his lame comebacks ); Bring that orange furry joy back into my life again.
That Voltron is gonna BE SOMETHIN SERIOUS!!!
can we get some demos please we miss them and new trailers for movies thanks :)
I haven’t played Darkstalkers before, hopefully I’ll try it this week. Thank goodness I should get a close-up look at the hot and sexy Morrigan and Felicia.
Wow I thought there would be no new games after thanksgiving, and that is true.
weak sauce
Already have the Sly Collection. Maybe Darkstalkers. Just waiting on the Jak and Daxter Collection, Silent Hill Collection, and Devil May Cry Collection. Also waiting to hear confirmation on the Kingdom Hearts collection that Nomura teased about a few months back.
Already got Platinum on all 3 Sly Cooper games.
Darkstalkers AND Voltron in the same week?!?!? Yes, please!!!!!
Next collections that should be on PSN with trophies:
-The Mega Man 25th Anniversary Collection
-The Mega Max X Collection
+ GRIM__REAFER on November 27th, 2011 at 2:52 pm said:
Man they really milking that Call of Duty Cow for every single drop. Wonder if MW3 will make it on psn. That would actually be smart. Better if its with in a few weeks.
I want (not the only one) Metal Gear Solid HD Collection though. When is that coming? No information on this, I was fooled into thinking it would drop the same day as retail.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collections is in stores now. I picked up my copy a few days ago. I feel it is a must buy if you are a Metal Gear fan.
psone classics missing: die hard trilogy, crash bash, intelligent cube, primal rage, parappa rappa, and rugrats search for reptar & studio tour.
onimusha please …!!!
Is there any news on when North America will be getting Final Fantasy Type-0 for PSP? can’t find anything about NA release date on the web.
Not a big fan of these PS2 classics. My ps3 can play those games fine. Wish I still had Linux.
But I would like “Cold Fear”, that game came out right before RE4 and was pretty cool.
Can’t wait for December to see what stuff I get with my Plus Membership
Is the mini games that is one Sly Collection disc going to on the PSN too?
Also, when will get A PS+ list for December update?
Also, What apen to The PSBlog Recap and What We Read on the Web?
Will modern warfare 2 come with the map packs?
Digimon World 3 for the next week please :D
I’m still waiting for the PSOne Game (Brave Fencer Musashi). You guys have any clue if the game will be release on the US PSstore? :(
Tempted to pick up Tak 2: Staff of Dreams for my mother, she use to always want to try that but could never find it back when it first released on PS2.
Hopefully Tak and the Power of Juju makes an appearance.
Psychonauts as a PS2 Classic? A Psychonauts sequel as a PS3 Classic?
Darkstalkers, finally! gotta grab it some time later. right now I have nor money, nor time for it.
@PhillyTheCat the only Darkstalkers game I ever played was Chaos Tower. It has more extras than 1st game. It has chaos tower, where u need to complete a specific objective. And I believe it has more stages.
P.S.: Can we get BloodRayne 2 as next PS2 Classics? plz.
De Blob! I loved the first game on the Wii, and I’ve been wanting to get the sequel! From what I’ve heard, it looks better in HD, and 3D if I had a 3DTV. Too bad it will probably be the full price of $30-40. And it will most likely be a large download, which I won’t have room for since I only have about 5 GB’s left!
Also, for you Community fans (that didn’t watch the show enough to save it from mid-season pulling), did you see the Blob from de Blob on Abed’s t-shirt last week or the week before? Pretty sweet!
hey rey , is it possible to get madden nfl 98 ps one game as a playstation store download ? that is my favorite madden ever for ps 1 , thanks
From days of long ago,
From unchartered regions
Of the universe,
Comes a legend.
The legend of Voltron:
Defender of the Universe!
Darkstalkers is another PS1 classic that I’ve never even heard of, guess I was too busy playing Final Fantasy and Parasite Eve. Can anyone tell me, is it any good?
where are the Tomb Raider Avatars at the US Store still did not have them only EU does why is this ?
I miss Bully and grand theft auto vice city/san andreas would be great If you released them soon I’ve sent mail to rockstar already about those titles
PS2 Classics
Tak 2: Staff of Dreams
ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS? This game was never a CLASSIC and never will be!
Legend of Dragoon, please.
Voltron, Sly collection, AND Darkstalkers? Damn, I gotta pick up more PSN credit from work then! Thank you for another great week :D
No PSP games? ):
I wish they added Trophies & Rumble to ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’ :-/
+ nearly finished ‘SLY 2′(blu-ray) :P Brilliant games so far they are;)
+ I wish someone would do a ‘TimeSplitters HD Collection’ :P (YES i know its not a SONY owned games. Or bring back PS2 playback to a PS3)
@duke301, Its an awesome fighter. somewhat close to SF Alpha. You may have seen some of the carachters in other SF games. I suggest you pick it up. I know I will. Damb, my PspGo is getting alot of playtime this month.
I’m interested in De Blog 2 and Voltron. I’ll end up picking them up pending their price tags.
35 said it best: Intelligent Qube!!!!
Please, Sphinx and The Cursed Mummy for PS2 CLASSICS! I really, really wan’t this… if someone is with me, please, post this too… I love this game!
I’m so hoping it’s not terrible!
please say COD:MW 2 is gonna be $19.99. thats what its going for in retail stores. i want it cause one of my PS3 s blu-rays drive went out (old 40 GiG)
are we ever going to get a system update to get rid of the xmb to something better and more up to date after all these years with the same boring looking menu system??????
Mega Man X Collection, PLEASE SONY and CAPCOM!!!
I don’t see how Uncharted 3 could be 46gb, considering it comes on one disc, and the maximum amount of data that’ll fit on a single BlueRay is about 25gb. Even Among Thieves, which did run to just under 25 gigs, was un-optimized code, so could probably be fixed to be a considerably smaller download.
Also, if Infamous 2 runs to 15gb it’s not the biggest download on PSN. That’d probably be DCUO which is a whopping 16+ gigs!
I bought a steelbook Voltron box set at a 99C store for a dollar the other day, and it’s amazing. SO up for some Voltron videogame action… really hoping it’s at least halfway decent.
When will the new magic 2012 DLC be released the PSN network?
Do anyone know how much Scene It: Movie Night will be and if it will also be released on blu-ray disc?