What better way to prepare for the start of the holiday shopping season than with the PlayStation Store’s annual Fall Sale? Starting tomorrow, you can feed your hunger for great games with discounts on exciting PS3 titles such as Limbo and Gatling Gears.
For one week only, you can catch up on some of the great titles you may have missed during the past year at a 30% discount. PlayStation Plus subscribers will get a special 50% off the regular price. There’s never been a better time to login to PlayStation Network and download Limbo, a game PlayStation: The Official Magazine is calling “one of the most impressive titles that PSN has to offer…an experience that no gamer should pass up.” Or maybe Might & Magic Clash of Heroes is more your speed. Take it from IGN, who said “this is a game to get lost in, providing hours and hours of single-player and multiplayer fun.”
Check out the full list of PS3 games and add-ons that are part of this year’s PSN Fall Sale:
Limbo (Sale price: $10.49; PS Plus price: $7.34; Regular price: $14.99)
Might & Magic Clash Of Heroes (Sale price: $10.49; PS Plus price: $7.34; Regular price: $14.99)
Outland (Sale price: $6.99; PS Plus price: $4.89; Regular price: $9.99)
Gatling Gears (Sale price: $6.99; PS Plus price: $4.89; Regular price: $9.99)
Galaga Legions DX (Sale price: $6.99; PS Plus price: $4.89; Regular price: $9.99)
The Fancy Pants Adventures (Sale price: $6.99; PS Plus price: $4.89; Regular price: $9.99)
Section 8: Prejudice (Sale price: $10.49; PS Plus price: $7.34; Regular price: $14.99)
Section 8: Prejudice – Blitz Pack (Sale price: $1.99; PS Plus price: $1.39; Regular price: $2.99)
Section 8: Prejudice – Frontier Colonies Map Pack (Sale price: $2.99; PS Plus price: $2.09; Regular price: $3.99)
Section 8: Prejudice – Overdrive Map Pack (Sale price: $2.99; PS Plus price: $2.09; Regular price: $3.99)
Akimi Village (Sale price: $6.99; PS Plus price: $4.89; Regular price: $9.99)
Dungeon Hunter Alliance (Sale price: $8.99; PS Plus price: $6.29; Regular price: $12.99)
PlayStation Move Ape Escape (Sale price: $13.99; PS Plus price: $9.79; Regular price: $19.99)
Act fast because these deals will disappear on November 29th, even before you finish your Thanksgiving leftovers!
I was hoping flower would be on sale. My friend keeps going on and on about how awesome the game is and that I should play it. To make stop, I wanted to play the game so that he wont take about it again.
@44 – Because we are paying for those perks, its not we are getting it for free.
Damn so i guess its standard now for us non-PS+ ppl to only get 30% discount on stuff on sale now.
I think this years selection sucks, especially considering the fact Section 8 takes up 4 slots of the games, when the 3 add-ons could have just been put into the regular sale update and instead had 3 other games to put on that list.
i really think PS+ is gonna be standard for the next Playstation system, which is really gonna suck.
I only want Limbo and Outland, but i still can’t afford them… more pressing priorities to tend to… and im disappointed in the new take on Galaga… nothing will ever beat the original… the PacMan Deluxe Edition did a great job, but Galaga, not so much… i’d probably take that new Pixeljunk game if i wanted a shooter of that type….
Happy Thanksgiving yall.. ill be in Skyrim if you’re looking for me… which im sure ya wont be…
Limbo for me, this is the price I’ve been waiting for :)
I already have Limbo and Outland. Awesome games, this is a great opprtunity for anyone that enjoys platformes to get those, if you haven’t already. If you like their respective demos, these should be in your collection.
I think I will get Galaga and Gatling Gears. Both of their demos were really fun, but I had some other stuff to buy when they came out. I don’t know anything about the other games. Guess I’ll have to read about them and see if there’s anything else I would like to play.
Anyone knows anything about that PS3 activation/deactivation website? I recently bought a second PS3 for my wife and I would like to activate my games on it, but I previously had a PS3 that died and would like to deactivate it first. I don’t want to get into any trouble for activating 3 PS3s!
Sounds like a good time to get Limbo, Outland and Fancy Pants for me.
How about some more PS2 remakes on PSN…Im requesting MX vs ATV and THE SUFFERING and some Ratchet and Clank… that will get me started sony… happy thanksgiving,,, or sushi in japan ….
Wow people that complain about a sale because the items they want to go on sale dont. Amazing. They arent required to put anything on sale. I am personally not purchasing any of these items. No skin off my back. For those saying how PS+ is going to be a requirement, or complain about it being a rip off blah blah blah. For a one year sub it works out to less than $5 a month, wow how expensive. For the one who said cloud save should be given to every PSN user, really, it costs them money to have that running, go and check how much other cloud base services cost, and then you will see that just for cloud save alone the PS+ is worth it. Not to mention that since February I have over $400 in FREE content. Add the discounts on purchases I made. Hmmm, $50 for $400+ worth of content. Sounds like a deal to me. My plus sub paid for itself the first day I had it. You bought a PS3 at $300+ and you know that new games are normally $60. Dont complain just because you cannot afford it. You should have stuck to PS2 if it is that big a deal.
I’ll be getting a $10 card just to get MM COH, i have $0.60 on my wallet, i was about to buy an avatar for that money…
+1 they need BIGGER sales. Digital downloads are far different from retail and they need to step up where Valve lead the way. This sale is pathetically small and shows they don’t care much about it.
I wish Dungeon Defenders was on sale……some of these games are not worth the money
Made out like a BANDIT on this sale. Hope Section 8’s single player is good, cuz I’m not expecting many ppl on the multiplayer.
GET MORE FULL PS3 GAMES ON THERE!! AND NOT A YEAR AFTER ITS ALREADY BEEN RELEASED!! BE FAIR WITH THE PRICES TO, THE PRICING SYSTEM IS ATROCIOUS. Aside from said issues, these deals are pretty good, but it should be everything on psn with a discount, even if it’s just 10%. Thanks for hydrophobia btw, the game is great.
or get Limbo on steam for $4.99.
On sale at Origin also for $9.99
Why are you trying to screw us on the price of games Sony?
Oh playstations gonna have a game libary just as big as xbox live soon….they got call of duty black ops and call of duty 4 for download off the psn store hopefully fallout 3 :)
free demo ga,me
Got Limbo been wanting to try it out and Comix Zone.
Well, after my whining and moaning about the 5 to 2 playstations per thingy change I caved already and bought some things with this sale.
I was hoping that the change would lead to better pricing in the future since that change does reduce the value of titles for many. Of course, I do not know the full reasoning, if this was something game developers/publishers were pushing for or Sony deciding it would lead to less costs or more sales. I hope that this was necessary as opposed to greedy.
So, like others it sort of felt like these needed a bump in the discount department. Non-plusers seem to have felt it fell pretty flat. Anecdotally (new word!), 50% is the point where I will look at a game (assuming the game is appropriately priced), so if I were faced with 30% I certainly would have purchased less, maybe even none.
Awesome, hope they can lower the price of the full games :D
And add more full games i love having them on my HDD better than on a disc
This looks stupid…