It’s 11.1.11 and we are pleased to announce that UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception officially storms store shelves in North America today!
Nathan Drake’s latest outing will force him to confront some of his deepest fears as he sets off on a globe-trotting journey that leads him into the heart of the Arabian Desert in search of the fabled “Atlantis of the Sands.” You’ve seen the power of fire (Chateau level), air (Cargo Plane level), water (Cruise Ship level), and most recently sand (Desert Village level) in the game. The Dogs strove to outdo themselves in all facets of production, as we aimed to innovate upon the core tenants of the UNCHARTED franchise.
Keeping the narrative compelling and the characters authentic and relatable while delivering a top-notch cinematic experience was paramount to our past success and the foundation of where we wanted to go when we undertook the blockbuster task of building UNCHARTED 3. Pushing the capability of the PlayStation hardware and using a myriad of technical innovations, we took our in-game physics, particle effects, and visuals to a whole new level. Aside from these elements, we strove to make Drake feel even more connected to his surroundings as players move through different situations in different environments. To that end we integrated high-resolution stereoscopic 3D into the architecture of the game. You owe it to yourself to experience the full stereoscopic 3D gaming UNCHARTED 3 has to offer. We feel you and your eyes will be delighted.
Additionally, the competitive and co-op multiplayer is more robust than ever with many gameplay refinements and the inclusion of those cliffhanger active cinematic experiences that can only be found in the UNCHARTED universe. Hopefully you had a chance to play some of the full multiplayer during the Subway Taste for Adventure promotion and you’re now ready, locked and loaded for the November 1st rollout of the full retail release. We’ll be updating and refining our multiplayer experience together as we all hit the maps for some fortune hunting.
Along with the retail release of the game we’re announcing day-one DLC will be available as well. Three classic skin packs featuring a grand total of 25 character skins from UNCHARTED: Drake’s Fortune and UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves will hit PSN as downloadable items for your UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer experience. Members of the Fortune Hunters’ Club will be getting these three classic skin packs for free and a second dose of DLC is just around the corner—very close, in fact – so if you haven’t become a member of the club yet now is an ideal time to do so.
We hope you’ll enjoy all the gameplay, graphical, and technical flourishes we packed into UNCHARTED 3 as much as we enjoyed developing them. Our goal was to create a truly unforgettable interactive cinematic experience that everyone can enjoy. We think we achieved this goal and we look forward to hearing about what you think of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception. So let us know what you think and thank you for playing our game! Have fun!
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