Hey there PlayStation Land! I’m, here to tell you what to expect when NBA Jam: On Fire Edition hits PSN this Tuesday for $14.99. NBA JAM: On Fire Edition is all about three things: Value, Gameplay, and Community.
We wanted to make NBA JAM: OFE an irresistible item for PS3 owners, something all your friends are going to be playing… and, if they’re not, we want you to tell them “Get this game! You’re crazy not to!” Your $14.99 gets you a co-operative campaign against all 30 NBA teams (and some special teams too!); a competitive online mode that will give everyone a chance to be the best, every week; and a deep and persistent career system that unlocks the most teams, legends, and other swag than has ever appeared in an NBA Jam game ever before. For less than the price of a movie and a bucket of popcorn, you can get in on this without ever leaving your living room!
We’ve made over 1000 gameplay tweaks and additions to NBA Jam since you’ve last seen it. A lot of these tweaks are under the hood; uncompressed animations, changes to the shot timing, and so forth. but what you will notice right away is Tag Mode. That’s right — the way you played in the 16-bit era where you controlled both players is back! Also, by hitting R1, you can send your partner up for an alley-oop or call them to shove by hitting L1. We all know about getting three buckets in a row to catch on fire, but now hitting three alley-oops in a row will catch you on TEAM FIRE! Razzle Dazzle moves take the trash talk out of the living room and onto the court; Sit down and sink a 3, do the “Dougie,” and poke your opponent instead of shoving him. NBA Jam: OFE is the ultimate evolution of Jam gameplay. Don’t believe me? Download the upcoming demo!
We know NBA Jam is best enjoyed with buddies on the couch. But we also know that these days, it’s way harder to get all your friends together. This is why we wanted to make sure that we put as much of your friends in every possible part of the game. JamNet is, at its simplest, an integrated set of leaderboards that will constantly call out how you’re doing in your Jam Career in relation to your friends. JamNet tracks your career 3-pointers, total points, backboards smashed, and a ton of stats so you can show off to your friends and get those competitive juices flowing. When you’re playing NBA Jam: OFE, we never want you to feel like you’re alone.
With all this, how can you say no? Go get the demo on Tuesday and check it out, then get the game and call your friends. You’ll be playing with them and against them for months to come. It hits October 4th for $14.99, so get ready…
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