Starting today, finding the right movie or TV show on the PlayStation Network is easier and more fun than ever before.
We’re unveiling a whole new way to explore the library of more than 40,000 movies and TV episodes… discover everything from the latest blockbusters and popular sitcoms, to old classics and the next big TV series – it’s simple, fun, and intuitive.
Our new “Video Unlimited – preview” application, which can be downloaded later today if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, makes it easier and more visual to browse, discover, and search for movies and TV shows from your favorite actors, directors, and genres. While mirroring content found on the existing video section of the PlayStation Store, the new preview application gives you a fresh experience by providing endless related search results via a whole new way to find content. Check out the video to see how this all works and why we’re so excited about it.
PlayStation Plus subscribers can download the “Video Unlimited – preview” later today. It’s easy, just head toward the Media section in the PlayStation Store, find and download the “Video Unlimited – preview” application. After exiting the PlayStation Store, select the Video icon of the XMB (XrossMediaBar) and you will see the Video Unlimited preview icon. Select “Video Unlimited – preview” and discover a completely new way to access and discover movies and TV shows on your PS3. For those who aren’t PlayStation Plus subscribers, the application will be available to all in just a few weeks.
We promise this is going to be a great user experience that will change the way you enjoy video content on your PS3!
For more details, please visit www.VUPreview.com.
Can we stream the videos. I hote downloading and waiting for the download to stop to watch the movie.and can we pay with PLAYSTATION network cards to watch the movies.
I really hope to see this done for the game section as well. Also the netflix app would work great with this interface.
wait when this comes out wont there be another firmware update if so i guess ill never get to play online again.seems like the last few updats have been for nothing really or just for the psn+ members im tired of updating my firmware more than i play my system.lol this does cool though the history things gonna be a big help lol
This actually looks nice. :) hey did anyone see the article on why to buy a ps3 instead other that other system? Jeff if you see this put it in the what we read
Nice, but is your bad prices changes also???
With Netflix service on PS3, I dont understand the PSN store. Most prices of buying movies is the same as if you buy the DVDs or Blu-Rays that has many extras.
Rentals also have stupid prices. 4.99$ or 5.99$ for 1 movie and Netflix is 7.99$ for 1 month. Use your brain to see like me your prices are greedy!!!
I would love to browse games like this. Way better and gives users the preferred choice of browsing. Can you tell us whether a games app will also appear on the PS3?
When will other ps3 features be available for people outside the United States like Qrosity hulu or any like this one be avaible because they look really cool but why aren’t they made for other countries
Is there any particular reason applications like this cannot be made available outside US and Canada? Wouldn’t it make better business sense?
That’s a pretty sweet new interface I must say, it’s netflix-esque only much better. Definitely digging it.
I’ll never understand why the television shows, which are free to watch on television and online via my cable company, aren’t advertiser-supported so I could watch them through my PS3. I’d use the service quite a bit and watch the ads if it were that way.
My god I cannot believe in what my eyes are seeing…it goes beyond the sense of AWESOME…man this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen…and did I just saw Aizen at 2:35?it means bleach gonna be included in HD?more than this animes will be included?….PS3 is the 8 wonder of world.This is AWESOME.
this would sum A lot of money in the end.
I would prefer to pay a fixed amount of money for a period of time in which I will have access to all the content. ( NETFLIX for example) rather than having to pay for each content ( stupid rent psn thing)…..On the Other hand, people at Sony think that we users are so stupid that we will pay PLAYSTATION PLUS JUST TO watch a preview of a preview of a preview? so to make it short : you have to pay for PS plus- to watch a preview- then you have to pay for watching every movie or dumbly renting it—- this service is just to grease them with more money
.And talking about money I would like to talk about the VIdeogame marketing: WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?– nowdays you cant buy something called : complete game— why? because companies are selling unfinnished stories on porpouse: example: Lets take Castlevania Lords Of shadows: they sell you the game and one week later they sell you an aditional chapter in which the main character gains an explanation about something crutial to his story. After that they sell you the VERY ENDING of the story.. You have to buy it or You wont know about the conclusion..Take Mass Effect— more than 3 crutial expantions… take marvel vs capcom 3– street fighter IV— COnsume , consume consume, BUY BUY BUY– I would like to buy a game and feel good about thinking that I dont have to buy anything left!.
People From Sony I state THIS:::: YOu are killing your own Golden Egg Goose!.. Stop treating this market as if we were Stupid Zombies!
Yes, whole store ahold look like this…
Finally I can search for video content easily! Thank you!
looks awesome, but let me guess america only :(
I spoke too soon, it is avail in canada, AWESOME!!!! Thank you sony!!!!
i like the new design
Do you have to pay a monthly fee to use it
Seems there is still no ability to buy or preorder tv seasons like on itunes. No foreign content like on itunes. No closed caption options. So far I don’t really care about this redesign at all.
Going to get it right now. Been getting a couple things from the video store here and there but with this my purchase rate might increase drastically if it’s as easy as they say it is.
oh my god I am so happy this is what playstation 3 needed. my only thing is do I pay monthly or do I pay for an individual video
How about an upgrade that will allow me to use my exterenal hard drive and make the PS3 a true Home Theater System with all of my own movies with the same fancy interface?
Well the day is almost over and still no update… grrr sony really trying to lose loyal customers aren’t you?
IM so sad i thought it was going to me some type of streaming for Ps3 to compete with netflex. i mean it would be awesome
umm…why would i need this when i have netflix and torrentz?
just leave the video section how it is, having it work better isn’t going to up your profits.
just make your video service “AFFORDABLE” LIKE “NETFLIX” you R&D guys are ridiculous.
I don’t see it in the store. do you have to be an annual Plus subscriber? I bought 3 month package.
horribly inconsistent store update times once again
New UI, same over-priced service.
If the PS3 handled television shows like every other service (free + ads) I would use it all of the time. As it stands, why in the world would ANYONE pay $1.99 to watch an episode of Two and a Half Men? Its just stupidity if they do.
If it wouldn’t be much trouble…. could any of you PSN guys reading this please go wake up Grace? I understand she needs her nap time, but the store really does need to be updated.
Why is it that the PS Store is always incredibly inconsistent with store updates? Is it really that hard or too much to ask for some consistency?
This is an excellent way to display content and a fun way to find what’s available. I look forward to trying it.
I hope an update allows for Move controls – the light that indicates the person’s selection makes it seem like a natural option.
“Sony” and “great user experience” don’t belong together in the same sentence unless joined by “are unable to create a”. I hope you can finally prove otherwise.
@caribbeanCLANK I live in the caribbaen (Puerto Rico) and i can access those things
This application would be nice to use, but Sony will not let me use the video side to watch video’s anymore,do to a old Ps3 that YLOD on me I was not able to deactivate the video side of the old Ps3 before YLOD,does anyone have any info on what i can do.
WHOAH Hold The Phone, after watching that video i thought video unlimited was gonna be like music unlimited where its a one time fee for #of months or days, now im really disaponited, i might as well just stick with netflix on PS3 as i only have pay so much per month.
I was just using this app and its amazing. Sony needs to scrap the entire xmb and implement this style through the entire ps3
Make a Crackle, Amazon VOD and Hulu (not plus) APP please. I would pay a one time fee for all. Or just make a better browser that supports Flash video. What about a awesome browser for PS3 that requires a one time fee or PS Plus.
P.S. yes I know you can watch Crackle on the current browser.
Is this streaming like VUDU or do you have to download the movie? It’s a lot easier to stream especially if its just a rental.
So…PSN Update…Battlefield 3 Beta…Castlevania…Dead Nation DLC…ummm…where?
Don’t get me wrong, I love the PS video store. I like that there are choices when I want to rent/buy. I just bought a season of a TV show on it instead of Amazon VOD because I can play it on more of my devices and it’s already downloaded. So don’t worry about adding the other video services to PS3 because of competition, the more choices the better!
I have and will never pay such avaricious pricing, now if they want my money drop price on 24 hr rentals to $.99 or even $1.49 for new releases and $.99 for catalog titles.
That will give them all of us who frequent RedBox. It’s ludicrous to pay more for stuff just because it’s on the ‘Sony’ site.
wait nooo… what about music unlimited powered by qriocity for Canada? i’m so sad :(
When you filter by Kevin Bacon does the PS3 just explode?
Can we stream videos on the Video Unlimited app. I hope we can because it sucks to download the movie in order to watch the movie. Please give us an anser…
Sorry but this is way too Expensive.