This Thursday, September 8th will see a new Resistance 3 space invade Home, bringing its own public space complete with mini-games, rewards and more. What better way to celebrate the launch of Insomniac’s well-reviewed shooter than to suit up, win some rewards, and deck out your personal space with the spoils of war?
Home is also updating several core spaces, including Central Plaza (check it for a heavy surprise), and arcade cabinets for the Theater.
Magnus returns with a very interesting mixed bag of goodies ranging from a Monster Lizard Outfit to some cute Kitsune ears to the new Sweet Treats furniture bundle. Check out these sweet deals!
In Lockwood news, a new batch of Medusa hairstyles will hit the shelves of the Sodium store this week and a slew of new Sodium 2 items will be released, including racer upgrades of a most patriotic nature. Check ‘em out!
The PlayStation Home Mall is updated this week with new D.O.G. companions from LOOT, then meet Dusty, the new addition to Mass Media’s line of Brimstone Dancers. Head to the Mall this Thursday and add these items to your collection!
Starting soon, new episodes of both Ugly Americans and Deadliest Warrior episodes will arrive in the Theater. To be updated Tuesdays and Thursdays, several episodes of each will be there for your enjoyment. Bring your popcorn and some friends!
The PlayStation Home Community Theater receives an update this Thursday. Tune in this week and watch as HomeCast Rewind gives us the lowdown on all that’s up and new. Next up, Gamer Indepth interviews special guests, the Assassin’s Guild, a rather large clan based in the Home community who love everything Assassin’s Creed. While you are there, you’ll notice that Scribble Shooter arcade cabinets have been placed throughout the Theater, so step on up and give this critically-acclaimed PlayStation Home-exclusive a play!
Where to start? There’s so much coming this week. Check the Navigator for the New and Recommended places to go, then hit the Mall and Theater for more great stuff. Also, please join us in the Gamer’s Lounge every night of the week for our Featured Game Nights. Come meet and hang out with the Home Community Volunteers who host them from 4-8pm Pacific Time (7-11pm Eastern Time). For the schedule of events, either check the posters in the Gamer’s Lounge itself or on the calendar at the bottom of the PlayStation Home page.
See you in Home!
GlassWalls! why am i also missing items i bought like my Resident Evil 5 stuff? i’m gonna have to chill on buying things if stuff like this happens, it makes no sense.
Mr. GlassWalls, How about some animal costumes? Those hamsters can’t be the only ones running around on Home ! And I’m not talking about those recently released animal tails that come with a mask. (those were a total joke, by the way. ) Honestly, what’s the point of a mask if it doesn’t cover the face?! We need full coverage!!
@ Phantom_Outlaws and others – Check out the storage portion of your inventory. Everything should be there, as that is where I have found my returned items.
@ G_W – Multi-part question:
1) Is there any talks about further changing how apartment owners can add/move/remove furniture? (As in not have it register when moving around above or below furniture that is on a different floor, removing glitches, etc.)
2a) With the X-Men: First Class being the first movie-based reward item given on the U.S. server, will be be seeing future rewards tied to Marvel movie franchises… Much like the U.K. server has been receiving? And if not, any thought of having us be able to purchase costumes tied to Marvel and/or DC Comic characters?
3) When will Abel’s (Street Fighter IV) Gi top be available for sale once again?
4) Will the “Hub” created (possible reboot) portion of Home be even more epic than Kevin Butler?
5) Along with the Hub, will there be a chance we will see changes to the mall, theater, and maybe even see the rise of a music/dance hall (like the one seen in the Japan servers)? And will we be seeing less freeze, as in something that may have us be forced to reset our PS3s?
when’s the new home starting i like it more then this one !!
I Hope After Getting Dusty The Brimstone Dancer They Will Make Her Outfit Available For Next Weeks Update Because I Think The Outfit Is Pretty And Why Not Match Your Brimstone Dancer So Please GlassWalls Make Dustys Outfit Available During Next Week Update I Would Love It If You Could :D.
Hey GlassWalls, I want to know why we have to get the bundle of Dusty? I just want to get the dancer like i did with the first three. Any chance of that happening of having Dusty without the bundle?
Are you serious! So much Home support but ZERO PS3/PSN support!!! Still no new in-game menu (in-game XMB), cross party voice chat or universal game invites. What are you DOING!
I hate ps Home, too many no life jerks in there
I really wanted to play this to bad my mom threw away my ps3
ey CKLOERMM create one new account in the part of new user and create one account american
I have so many hopes and dresms for ps home. I wish I was the one of the devs who worked on it so that I could go in and add the features that many fans ask for :(
Resistance would have been cool if i could have gotten outside. After well over a hundred times having to reset my playstation because it freezes when trying to go out, I give sony a -10 for this. has it seems everyone is having this problem.
At the resistance dinner in playstation home when you go to the ladder the loading screen freezes.
hey, i hope u reply. when i go to central plazza, my guy spawns and then he goes through the ground and under the map. and also when i play resistance 3 on home, my ps3 freezes when i try to go outside.
Every time i try and climb the ladder the the loading screen freezes and i have to turn off my playstation.
Put something worth watching in the theatre on home. Anything worth watching would be nice. It would draw more people on home repeatedly. I went back on home for the first time in months this past week and nobody I knew was on so I went to the theatre. I was there an hour looked in several screening rooms and saw nothing but shamless and amateur self promotion. You’ve got loads of content on crackle, you’ve got even more on psn store that could be an excellent promotional thing but you use none of it to your advantage. You should be paying attention to this so you can draw people back on home again. People by and large get bored to tears on their first visit and never return. Nor do they spend money there if it isn’t fun.
I saw the Ugly Americans clip in the theatre, it was offensive and full of vulgar language that people get kicked (banned ) from home for, sexual innuendos, etc. I don’t feel that this is acceptable home content and I wish there was a rating or warning on this “cartoon”.