Fellow Spartans! We are now just over two weeks away from the September 13th launch of God of War: Origins Collection—an epic compilation of two of the most critically acclaimed PSP titles of all time, God of War: Chains of Olympus and God of War: Ghost of Sparta. Since I know many of you can’t wait to get your hands on this package, we’re going to sweeten the deal a bit and let you play God of War: Ghost of Sparta early. PlayStation Plus members will have access to the our demo starting tomorrow, August 30th, allowing you to play Ghost of Sparta on PlayStation 3 in HD and stereoscopic 3D for the very first time. This demo will then be available to the general public next week on September 6th. It’s a treat playing both games with the DualShock controller, and they look and feel like they were always intended for the big screen. If you missed our PSP vs PS3 comparison video, watch it now for a deeper look at how we’ve enhance the visuals.
I’d also like to take a moment to thank all of our friends in the media for their flattering impression thus far. If you pick up the September issue of Game Informer, there’s a great preview calling God of War: Origins Collection “a visual treat.” Here are links to a few other recent write ups and mentions about the collection: Wall Street Journal, Yahoo! News, Playboy.com, USA Today, CNET, IGN, Joystiq, Kotaku, Games Radar, and Game Informer.
Thanks, as always, for everyone’s support. Don’t forget: the war begins on September 13th!
Will this be downloadable as well? Also when are you going to patch the first 3 games with 3D support
I fell for the Resistance Double Pack… Never Again! ( I was hoping 4 Trophies…) I believe that I’ll wait for God of War Origins to hit the Bargain Bin while I play Deus Ex HR, Dead Island, & Ico/Shadow of the Colossus. Poor timing on your part Sony, but I have bigger fish to fry. Great games the GoW series, but not good enough to warrant the demise of my already aching wallet. Zombies, Colossi, and Cyborgs to the end of the year for me Thank You!
Aw heck yeah! That some madly epic boxart!
will download tomorrow and buy it on the 13th
Can’t wait to see what it looks and plays like in HD and 3D. I’m definitely getting this game, but I will be buying ICO collection first. Then when I have more money I will be buying this. I love GOW, but I have both the psp games so there isn’t that big of a rush for me. I have never played Ico either so that’s an incentive right there. I did play SotC and that is a great game.
Thanks for the early demo, was interested to see how this would look in 3D and I guess I’ll find out tomorrow. Wish the full game was coming out before the long weekend but I guess I’ll have to wait a couple more weeks to complete the collection.
Don’t get me wrong..I love the God of War series..but this is kinda lazy..sure it’s hard to make it HD and redo it pretty much..but seriously they need to make new games and stop going back so much..like resident evil 4 is being remastered for ps3 and xbox 360..seriously? Does that game really need to be bright up again..it was great on the ps2 and wii..seriously stop going back so much and go forward..HD isn’t everything you know..the only reasson I’m getting the ico and shadow of the clossus collection because I never play Ico..I know that off topic but jsut wanted to make it clear I’m not buying it because it’s been remastered. Just because Ico is rare and really price on ebay. Just remember graphics aren’t everything.
So this demo is only for us ps plus what about eu so far not liking ps plus only liked uncharted 3 beta the only thing I’ve downloaded, the resistance 3 beta is awful it’s put me off buying the game.
I love GOW series :D
Make a Remake of Max Payne 1 and 2 on HD and bring to Ps store , Total Hit ! =)
just want to point out a small spelling mistake: “If you missed our PSP vs PS3 comparison video, watch it now for a deeper look at how we’ve enhance[d] the visuals.” if you ever need a proofreader let me know(-:
So the demo is not available for Europe? :(
why cant i pre order it at best buy ?
Already completed both on PSp and can’t wait to play them again with trophies in HD!!!
OMFG since the first trailer at E3…this is a must buy with eyes closed…cant wait.
I Had The First On For The PSP.. Didnt Get The Second On Because I Sold My PSP And Upgraded To The PS3… Now I Will Have Both Sep 13.2011
Is this have a voucher or download only?
I can’t wait to buy the origins collection, on the same day I’m also going to buy god of war 3 ( I have 1 and 2 ) , these games are a must-buy, having fun is the best thing in life (:
hi excuse me i asking a question and no one answer me i need answer please will u release the character demois in Collection code or something 2 play it in gow3 ?? i need this so badly please need answer ??
OK well it’s 9/6 and I wanna download it already but i till can’t! PLEASE PSN
So what time is this supposed to be up???
I don’t need a demo for such game because i truly know what i am getting. =D