Dead Island’s zombie epidemic has infested PlayStation Home for a gruesome limited-time game event. The latest in a series of on-going PlayStation Home “Total Game Integration” content offerings, this special event allows players to unlock an exclusive weapon for use in Dead Island by completing all 10 challenges in a PlayStation Home game based upon Deep Silver’s highly anticipated open-world horror action/adventure title. We’ve put together a list of challenges to help guide you through the undead mayhem as well as quick video that shows the gory and ghoulish action included in the Dead Island TGI event, available right now in PlayStation Home.
After you’ve taken the “Zombie Survivor Quiz” and unlocked Dead Island-inspired clothing items and snapped photos of yourself posing with the walking dead in the hilarious “Zombie Photo Shoot” game, approach the tiki bar in PlayStation Home’s Central Plaza to play the Dead Island-themed “Zombie Survivor Game.” Hack, slash, bludgeon, shoot, decapitate, and dismember swarms of zombies in a series of bloody, hyper-violent challenges that reward survivors with special Dead Island content – including the “Exploding Zombie Bait,” a mega-powerful weapon for use in Dead Island that can only be acquired by surviving the onslaught in PlayStation Home. Here’s a list of all the challenges (and what you’ll win for completing them):
- One Man Army – Survive all three waves of zombies in single player.
- Iron Will – Survive an entire wave in multiplayer without being downed.
- Nobody Left Behind – Survive an entire wave in multiplayer with all four players.
*Reward for completing challenges 1-3: Dead Island Deck Chair furniture item.
- “A” for Style – Kill zombies using every available finishing move in single or multiplayer.
- You Got Red on You – Stack up 100 kills in single or multiplayer.
- They Belong to Me Now – Cut off 200 limbs in single or multiplayer.
*Reward for completing challenges 4-6: Dead Island Suitcase furniture item.
- Handyman – Craft 10 different weapons.
- Here, Have Some Random Stuff – Craft and donate 10 items to the community.
- Smorgasbord of Stuff – Craft and donate every type of item to the community.
*Reward for completing challenges 7-9: Dead Island Electrical Machete furniture item.
- Completionist – Complete all nine challenges.
*Reward for completing challenge 10: Exploding Meat weapon for use in Dead Island.
After you football kick the head off of a twitching, dismantled corpse (yes, that’s a real finishing move) be sure to pre-order Dead Island directly from PlayStation Home’s Central Plaza and receive an exclusive “Exploding Zombie Outfit” for your avatar. Do you have what it takes to decimate the ranks of the undead menace or are you just another meal in waiting? Log in to PlayStation Home today and show the reanimated hordes of the walking dead what you are made of.
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