Guten Tag! This week, Jeff and I traveled across the pond and will be bringing you coverage from the Gamescom show floor, behind the scene interviews and exciting news on PS3, PS Vita and all things PlayStation from Cologne Germany. Stay tuned!
PSone Classics return this week, and No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise finally makes its much deserved high definition debut on PS3 with PS Move support.
PlayStation 3
No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise — Anime geek Travis Touchdown wins a Beam Katana and starts a new career as a professional killer in this remake of the first entry into the unusual action franchise No More Heroes. There’s only one way to the top ranks of the underground world of paid assassins and it’s going to get messy. Lucky for Travis Touchdown, he just knocked off the world’s eleventh best without breaking a sweat. The life of fame and fortune couldn’t be closer. Heads will roll and names will be taken, but everything is not what it seems. It all started after Travis was assigned to take on the drifter known as Helter Skelter, the United Assassin Association’s 11th ranked assassin. After a grueling battle, Travis emerged the winner, collected the spoils of battle and claimed his title as the new 11th ranked assassin. However, the situation turns out to be more complicated than Travis first thought. It is after the mysterious beauty, Sylvia Christel, appears that the real adventure begins…
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron — An action title with a story based around the flood depicted in the Book of Enoch. You take control of Enoch, an ordinary man who was chosen by God to serve as a clerk in heaven. Enoch must now save humanity by journeying through the world in pursuit of fallen angels. As the story goes, the angels were tasked by God long ago to watch over the world below. Some grew to admire mankind and chose to commit the high crime of descending down to the surface. Angered by this, God considered covering the ground in a great flood. Enoch stepped in and convinced God to hold off on his punishment if he manages to track down the angels. Enoch will be supported on his journey by the angels, who were tasked by God to support him. One angel in particular, Lucifer, appears to have taken a liking to Enoch. (Read More: El Shaddai PS3 Interview: From Japan With Love)
PlayStation Network
Driver: San Francisco (Multiplayer) — Driver: San Francisco marks the return of the blockbuster driving franchise. Gamers play John Tanner, a hardened detective involved in a relentless manhunt throughout the City by the Bay. Thanks to a groundbreaking gameplay feature, players can now seamlessly shift between more than a hundred licensed vehicles, keeping them constantly in the heart of the action. With its timeless atmosphere, unique car handling and renewed playability, Driver: San Francisco offers the free-roaming, classic, cinematic car chase experience.
Medal of Honor: Frontline — The Nazi invasion is in full swing, and you’re the Lieutenant who’s going to put a stop to it. Step into the shoes of Lt. Jimmy Patterson once again, sweeping across Europe to rescue the innocent and destroy the opposition. The 15 assignments range from saving captured OSS operatives from a Nazi-held Dutch manor house to dismantling a German naval base. Your job is a little too tough for any one man to pull off on his own, so you’ll have a loyal group of soldiers and a slew of weaponry including the Liberator Pistol, Panzerschreck, MG42, and B.A.R. all of which will come to your aid in the heat of battle. Divided into five main missions, the gameplay is extensive and meticulously constructed, resulting in an experience that trumps earlier series installments.
PSone Classic
Breath of Fire IV — Princess Nina’s sister, Elina, has disappeared. Nina and her friend, Cray, set out to find her. Along the way, they encounter a young warrior name Ryu who has no recollection of his past. This troupe is about to find out that their quest to find Elina will lead them to something much bigger, which will require them to save the world. Take control of the three-member party (there are a total of six playable characters), and lead them into battle. Any member of the group not in the active party can be rotated into battle. When the going gets tough, have Ryu use his ability to transform into a dragon to give you an extra edge. If your characters keep getting killed, have them train under a master to improve their skills. Will Nina and the others be able to find Elina and save the world? Play Breath of Fire IV and find out.
[Editor’s Note: The following dates are subject to change. Game details are gathered from Press Releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]
Sucky drop, I do wanna see what special sales there are this week, Ive got $4 left and Im fixin ta use it :D
driver demo was weak son
My motorstorm bundle ps3 just YLOD on me a few hours ago and it doesn’t look like its going to be fixable…already be inside it and everything, its done :(
so when you say “ps3 news” you mean a ps3 price drop right??
I have been all over the internet looking for a good deal on a slim (bundled games, gift card, etc) but with no luck, so that means i have to wait :(
I have a game shipping from gamefly tomorrow and my birthday is on the 26th, also the resistance 3 beta is available to me now as a amazon pre orderer so I am currently missing out!
PLEASE announce a price drop this week, even if it is only a $50 one (every little bit helps), i have gaming to do!
thank you
Ummm mr. Rey i think you are missing a couple of ps1 games that are supposed to be released. Like ff6 and ff5 -_- right sony??? Since euro had ff6 the whole summer so its not like ppl have been waiting for it nah.is ony releasing ff6 and ff5?? Andif so, what day ? Answer back Rey or flipn Sony cause it is rude to not answer a PAYING CUSTOMER’S question.
Breath of Fire III: From what I’ve read it will not be coming to the PSN as it failed to pass some IP checks in the United States. Which sucks hard core. Hopefully Capcom can get it all straightened out and get it to us. :-)
I dont understand the fascination with old PS1 games. Did you not play them back when they were released? Or are you too young to have owned a PS1 (or 2) ?
Another snoozefest of a drop. What a surprise.
Yaaaaaaaa. Breath Of Fire IV. Great work sony.
Like everyone else, I hope to see some more PsOne titles released week to week. Thanks.
@107, there are some classic games that just need being replayed.
I know for me, I sold alot of my psOne games and totally regret it, so having a chance to own them again, its just a great opportunity.
@All the PSOne whiners..There..You happy now you little snot suckers?! Instead of crying you could have just bought the d a m n console and been a true gamer and go find the disk…You all sound just like the x-game chat diaper sporters…pretty sad derps
@Brozz65…I agree
I already have No More Heroes on Wii and imported the Japanese copy a year ago, I think I’ll pass this time. As for Breath of Fire, amazing game! I had the PS1 copy so long ago and traded it to gamestop for a good price. Wish I kept it now..
Anyone try No more heroes????
I really hope the move tracking is 1:1 and not another Wii waggle fest.
Sony I know you hear me, can we get a Starwars Battlefront remastering please?
It could go the GOW route and have 2 or even three packages.
My favs are the old school BF1/2 so that would make the first collection.
Then there was an xbox exclusive that you could bundle with the starwars BF PSP games for a second bundle.
This would be swet and drum up some interest for a BF3!!!!!!
If you build it, we will come.
some news to U3 at gamescom?? new demo??
DeathSpear666: I’m glad to see Breath of Fire IV on the PSN, so I can take it with me on my PSP. I own the originals but portability makes it all the better. And do yourself a favor before being disrespectful to the other members, read the right hand side. You know, Don’t be a jerk.
It is a mild improvement over last week but posting nothing at all would’ve done just as well. Rey, sorry to day but you’ve gotten just as sloppy & lazy as the rest of your co-workers. Must be nice being paid to sleep on the job week after week with absolutely no accountabiltiy.
@DeathSpear666 and the other guy
The reason why people go nuts for PSO classics is because they are good games. And you do realize that going out tracking down some of those classics will cost you a hell of a lot more time and money than just downloading it off of PSN for 5$.
Also, as others have mentioned, another BIG reason why people love classics on PSN is because a lot of us have PSPs and being able to take the games we love on the go is a much appreciated bonus.
@DJNorthSky: I agree with your comments for the most part. I also think LoD is horrid, but to each his/her own…alot of these people are simply remembering not the quality of the game/story but how it made them feel, so long ago.
the next installment in the Chrono series, exclusive to PS3 with Continuation Play option with PSV = intrawebz explodes.
@107 I agree with you. I remember though reliving some of the ps1 on my ps2 but could care less about them now. its 2011 and I want to play something new. Some of the older games are hard to look at these days as they are very unpleasing to the eyes. Very ugly blocky characters like cloud from ff7. Looking back at that game is hideous. Im sure on the psp they might be okay because the screen is so small compared to playing on a 50inch led. I tried spyro and i just watch it. I think the only game i might buy from the ps1 era would be fear effect 1&2. Still mad they never made fear effect 3!
but i still own the fear effect 1&2 as well as all the games i bought. I dont sell them. I think they are in a box in the garage somewhere. Maybe ill bust them out and hook it up to a boxy 32inch and remember the classics they way they were.
where is Puzzle Agent 2? Is there a release window for it yet?
People whom do, “not” understand “why”, certain people such as myself and countless millions of others enjoy reliving and playing the classics is just sad, but I suppose understanable. As many people well know the PlayStation era (PSone or for those whome enjoyed the limited PSX) has hit and pass the fifteen year mark. Which means by all accounts it’s “retro”, and undeniably has one of the most vast libraries of any single generation of gaming. On that note it also produced hundred of land marks in history for both gaming and IT (Informational Technologies.)
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Beyond that it was an era in which thrived and helped to rebuild an entire industry. Anyway. I digress. The point and reason(s) as which so, many of us love and want to see many of favorite games make their way to the digital market is because, it is a lot easier to not only obtain (again for many users and players), but to enjoy without the hassles of scratches, disc wear, disc rot, or simply having to track down said game (much less a functioning one.) Which has always been a plague to anyone whom enjoys retro gaming in any form. The PlayStation3 (especially the original sixty gig) with it’s software, and backwards compatability makes it highly apealing and easy. Which we want.
This all of course is just a few “simplified” reason(s) as to which many of us such as myself love and continue to support and want digital re-releases of some or most of our favorite classics. I cannot speak for us all, but hopefully it helps to ease the friction around here. Retro gaming is “huge” and is here to stay. Just because, some of you do, not want to see the re-releases of these digital titles just know that many more of us infact do, want to see them re-released. Sony has stressed in the past though that over time they will (or hope) to release most if not all major titles through the PlayStation Network. Which infact is an ingenious idea (especially within the realm of digital media.)
Anyway. I’ll just stop here. (lol?)
Really wish it was BOF3, But I suppose I can just play my PSP version for that.
Still… pretty much another worthless drop from our worthless friends at SCEA.
At all the gamers saying that they dont understand what the big deal about all the PsOne love is all about, I hope you guys know that when psOne games are released on PSN, most time they are the top sellers for that month.
and a bunch of others.
I have all my psOne titles on my pspGo and play them often.
bonk & aliens crush are getting heavy play time in my go also.
When is From Dust coming out on PSN? It’s hitting PC this week…
So getting Breath of Fire IV and I already got the EU release of Breath of Fire III on umd so I can’t wait for it to come out now.
hey rey, whats happening with parasite eve 2, and how come sony hasn’t released Legend of Dragoon, last i check, that was a sony in-house game. and how did BoF4 come out before 3????
No More Heroes for me! Already paid off!
First of all, SONY – Breath of Fire IV!! You Rock!!!!! Let’s hope that part III follows.
@ Rorek_IronBlood
THANK YOU for your posts. PSOne is retro at this point. The PSOne era is probably the most exciting one that I was lucky enough to experience. A true breakthrough that redefined gaming… Don’t these newer gamers deserve to try these games? Also, I’m eager to pick up a few titles I missed.
@ DJNorthSky
I feel your pain as far as the severe lack of turn based RPGs and agree that next gen sequels to tried and true classic franchises are way overdue. Perhaps this contributes to the constant clamoring over PSOne titles. Next gen is missing something that those people want. We’ve met on this subject before… I have a huge collection of PSOne discs also, but couldn’t manage to get every worthy title when they were reasonably accessible. I take pride in my collection too, but wouldn’t begrudge anyone the digital releases. I played through most of these games when they were new; but not upscaled to fantastic 1080P on my wicked big-screen Sony LCD. Now THAT’S the way to experience nostalgia!
Also – SONY! Please bring us Suikoden 2!! It would be nice if you could work with Konami to port over Gradius Gaiden as well. Is there any motion in bringing PS2 emulation to the PS3?? The PSOne emulation is great and the 1080p upscaling is an unexpected treat.
To those who protest classic re-releases – I want to see games move forward as well and truly enjoy my current gen titles. I can’t believe that development time and energy for new titles is wasted on these re-releases when I can already pop my PSOne discs into my 320 gig PS3 and play them. I also agree with those who feel re-masters and sequels for classic games are in order. Let’s celebrate the past as well as the future. Breath of Fire IV marks this as one of the best drops I’ve seen in months!
psone classic we need tomba!!!! please bring back tomba! sonyy
Iv had NMH preordered on amazon since the release date was announced. Cant wait to play.
Well Rorek_IronBlood said what needed to be said. Well done mate. Also THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON!!!!!
And that’s all. :)
Nice, picking them all up except Driver.
Would love FF6 to come to PSN …. ~Cough, Cough~ …
Breath of fire IV looks awesome! It looks like a great classic and the first one i’ll buy since Crash 3
That’s great and all, but where’s our portal 2 dlc we were promised to us this summer oh so long ago?
soon breath of fire IV will be mine …. but where the hell is he ? were august 16th and theres no breath of fire IV available to buy on the psn! is anybody can answer me?
and we absolutely want legend of dragoon as a classic psone this game was the best rpg i ever played!
Dont BUY driver…..Worse one in the series
the name Sanfransico after driver should have been a hint enough……….LOL
@theXsilentXchild..Thats EXACTLY my point lol…Now back to my last post..QUIT CRYING about PSOne games..There is nothing “retro” about any of those games unless you are under 20 yrs old lol
@120 Exactly! I dont want to look at a “x” year old PS1 game on my big screen tv. I want new games that look and play like new games.
If only all the “retro-kiddies” would head back to Wii-land, SOE might be forced to actually “drop” games worth buying and playing.
Sadly, I doubt this will happen, but ya never know.
so when exactly shall expect the PSN to update ? can’t wait to get my hands on BoFIV
finallay breath of fire 4. such a same i beat it through but where is three you wonder? i think sony of europe got it on psp.
there are no hot wheels racing for a ps3. ok plz bring back hot wheels turbo racing ps1!!!!!!!! for the ps3
wheres the update?? this is as late as its been in a long while.
What time do you add new content? I’ve searched for breath of fire and the call of duty and can’t find them anywhere. Any help?
6:30 here and STILL no update whats going on u forget its tuesday?