July is packed with amazing PlayStation Plus content – including Assassins, Fighters, Guerrillas, Axe-men, and much more – all coming in two publishes on July 12th and 19th. Don’t miss the July 19th update when the hot 2K Summer Sale starts. A Special Offer for PlayStation Plus users includes the Borderlands full bundle for $14.99 (sale price $19.99). This bundle includes the full game, and all 4 pieces of add-on DLC. Purchased individually these items would add up to more than $65!
Check out our highlighted offers below, along with the full list that follows:
Free Games and DLC
As a reminder, the free monthly games for Plus were released on July 5th, so the next set of free titles will be on August 2nd and announced on the blog on July 20th. With that said, Plus is still offering the SEGA Genesis classic title Golden Axe for free (and early) to Plus on July 12th!
Get ready to battle rebel soldiers and rescue hostages because Guerrilla War, a PS mini from SNK, is also available for free starting July 19th! This mini title is being offered as a bonus for the month of July in celebration of all the SNK minis releasing on PSN.
Huge Discounts
Speaking of SNK, PlayStation Plus is offering the following SNK minis titles each at 20% off their regular store price starting July 19th:
- Baseball Stars 2
- The King of Fighters ’95
- Athena minis
- Hal 21 minis
- Ikari Warriors minis
- Marvin’s Maze minis
- Ozma Wars minis
- Sasuke vs. Commander minis
- Vanguard minis
Plus is offering One Epic Game mini a month early to its release and at 50% off starting July 19.
Exciting Exclusives
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Full Game Trial comes free and exclusive to PlayStation Plus on July 12th!
As always be sure to check the full list of new items as well as items that are being taken down from the PlayStation Plus storefronts below:
PlayStation Plus Highlights for 7/12:
Full Game Trial
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (Free and exclusive to Plus)
Featured Games
- Golden Axe (Full game) (Free and exclusive to Plus)
Featured Themes & Avatars
- Dino Crisis 2 – 10 Avatar Bundle (Exclusive to Plus for $0.99)
- PlayStation Plus Anniversary Dynamic Theme (Free and exclusive to Plus)
- Summertime Static Theme (Free with Plus – a $0.99 value)
PlayStation Plus Highlights for 7/19:
Featured Games & DLC
- Guerilla War minis (Free with Plus, a $2 .99 value)
Discounted Games
- Borderlands Bundle (PlayStation Plus price $14.99 – a $65 value)
- Cuboid (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Magic Orbz (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Sky Fighters (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Smash Cars (PlayStation Plus price $5.99; a 20% discount)
- Wakeboarding HD (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Hamsterball (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Richochet (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Baseball Stars 2 (PlayStation Plus price $7.19; a 20% discount)
- The King of Fighters ’95 (PlayStation Plus price $7.19; a 20% discount)
- Athena minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Hal 21 minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Ikari Warriors minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Marvin’s Maze minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Ozma Wars minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Sasuke vs. Commander minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Vanguard minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
Featured Themes & Avatars
- Fast Draw Showdown Dynamic Theme (Free with Plus, a $2 .99 value)
- Amazing Earth: Volcano Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
- Apache Gunship Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
- Divine Light Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
- Destination: Japanese Temple Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
Last Chance, Get Them While You Can – Coming Down on July 12th
Featured Offers to PlayStation Plus Subscribers
- Streets of Rage 2 (Free with Plus, a $4 .99 value)
Discounted Games
- Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 (PlayStation Plus price $7.99; a 20% discount)
This is way off topic but I have a question about if you have pay for 3G on ps vita after you bought it for $300 please respond cause I might not get it if you have to pay for 3G.
PS has failed in keeping there customers happy and still offer nothing but old sega games and jap kiddy games to there online users what’s the point of having plus????? You really don’t get anything for your money. I’m done with playstation, Oh ya and the vita hype sure has died since like 2 days after E3, no info updates nothing. Cancelling my pre order today i’m not giving sony anymore of my cash !
Yes you will have to buy a 3g package through AT&T ! don’t have any idea on pricing yet though !
Am I the only one who has noticed that the DLC I paid for on black ops, first strike , Escalation , these maps never show up on free for all or any other games for that matter , you see them every once in awhile but for the most part PSN only cycles the old maps that came out with Black ops. I can hop on my Xbox right now and play free for all and get nothing but the new maps from Annihalation and the past 2 packs which is awsome! [DELETED] sony thought you fixed PSN still just as crappy as ever! I stood by sony! But now I’m pissed it’s getting ol,d they’re turning into a joke online!
I love paying for DLC that you never get to play!
I have a question about the 1 year anniversary plus deal and would like to buy it but I bought my Plus on day one so I got the 15month deal already the first time . plus the 30 days that the network was down So I think my subscription isn’t over until I think October. Will this 1 year special run until then? or Will there be another special for early adopters/ day one purchasers? or Can we buy this now and it doesn’t start until the current subscription ends?
Thanks! I already have a unlimited data 3G subscription with AT&T for my iPhone 3GS. I hope I can use my iPhone 3G plan for ps vita. If not I’ll get the wi fi version.
Ya not sure what is up with the avatar issue, hopefully that gets fixed. I don’t have an issue with the online pass thing, but a few things i hope to see soon are the back to the future episode 5 released. I know there were crashing issues on the pc release as i bought that version as well so hopefully that will get fixed soon. I would love to see a trophy reward system as well as a spending reward system on the store for those of us that spend a lot every year. Also i agree that ps+ definately needs to put up some more attractive content and deals, i will be signing up for a year subscription within the week as i did like what i saw from my free 30 days but think they could do even more with it. Also they need to start pumping out ps2 game titles like kingdom hearts, evil dead games and even mk shaolin monks just to name a few,, they would be great to get to have on the hd as my ps2 discs got ruined by my kids and i don’t want to buy them again and would rather just use my ps3 for my ps2 games that i like.
Here is hoping
i am so getting borderlands for 14.99 thats a steal no doubt
Borderlands full bundle for $14.99 (sale price $19.99)… does it mean that if I don’t have PS+ I can get this bundle for 19.99?
I read through four pages of comments, and only one person mentioned not being able to download the Bomberman ULTRA/MediEvil/Me Monstar/other Mini? I’ve tried once when they were first put up, then again, and again today. Still nothing, just a blank page. I’ve waited for half an hour just to see if my connection was crapping out on me, and still absolutely nothing. Plan on fixing this, guys?
I was kinda turned away from Borderlands at first, but for $15 and all DLC included? Borderlands…you shall soon be MINE!!!!
Oh WOW they got my avatar up by my name now.I see you guys fixed it.
im a big sony fan and glad to be back. so far ive had psone, ps2, psp and ps3. as a long time fan i like to go old school and was woundering… are we going to see any more great psone classics like maybe tekken 3, need 4 speed 2, and mortal kombat trilagy?
also im a BIG resident evil fan, what happend to re portable for the psp??
NO more psone classics we had those games 10 plus years ago.Or if you do cont to put out old games atleast put in a full downloadable game a good game though not some kiddy game.Adults do play PS3 too.
How long will the Borderlands deal be on for, since the day it releases I’m going on vacation and wont be able to get it.
why is it that when i try to download the game trial for assassin creed brotherhood i keep getting an error along with all the other plus game trials
Im so confused about this, i would like to know if the Borderlands bundle will also be available for non Plus members. Im guessing thats what you mean by sale price $19.99? Please because that bundle is the greatest deal ever. I would be ticked if it werent available for non Plus members, even if its $19.99.
About 4 people have asked the exact same question i have, for PS PLUS members the Borderlands bundle is $14.99, but for everyone else its $19.99? If its not for normal members, i will be gravel annoyed!!!!
Borderlands :)
Oh. This is the arcade edition of Golden Axe. Would have thought they’d use the Genesis version, you know, the one with the better music.
Should of waited to activate my plus, what was I thinking.. could of saved $15 in two months. Ah well.
I must know though, is there going to be a “DLC-only” bundle or just the “Full bundle”? Also can I just download the DLC packs (to save bandwidth) and use my disc copy of borderlands? (not sure how these bundles work, if there all in the same download or what)
Ok its the 19th where is Borderlands
woke up early to find the store still doesnt have borderlands and its 10am. WHERE IS IT?
It was too good to be true…
Thank you Sony any1 who just got borderlands add me
oops its there!
Did anyone get Brotherhood? I don’t know if I should get that game first or play Assassin’s Creed 2 first.