July is packed with amazing PlayStation Plus content – including Assassins, Fighters, Guerrillas, Axe-men, and much more – all coming in two publishes on July 12th and 19th. Don’t miss the July 19th update when the hot 2K Summer Sale starts. A Special Offer for PlayStation Plus users includes the Borderlands full bundle for $14.99 (sale price $19.99). This bundle includes the full game, and all 4 pieces of add-on DLC. Purchased individually these items would add up to more than $65!
Check out our highlighted offers below, along with the full list that follows:
Free Games and DLC
As a reminder, the free monthly games for Plus were released on July 5th, so the next set of free titles will be on August 2nd and announced on the blog on July 20th. With that said, Plus is still offering the SEGA Genesis classic title Golden Axe for free (and early) to Plus on July 12th!
Get ready to battle rebel soldiers and rescue hostages because Guerrilla War, a PS mini from SNK, is also available for free starting July 19th! This mini title is being offered as a bonus for the month of July in celebration of all the SNK minis releasing on PSN.
Huge Discounts
Speaking of SNK, PlayStation Plus is offering the following SNK minis titles each at 20% off their regular store price starting July 19th:
- Baseball Stars 2
- The King of Fighters ’95
- Athena minis
- Hal 21 minis
- Ikari Warriors minis
- Marvin’s Maze minis
- Ozma Wars minis
- Sasuke vs. Commander minis
- Vanguard minis
Plus is offering One Epic Game mini a month early to its release and at 50% off starting July 19.
Exciting Exclusives
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Full Game Trial comes free and exclusive to PlayStation Plus on July 12th!
As always be sure to check the full list of new items as well as items that are being taken down from the PlayStation Plus storefronts below:
PlayStation Plus Highlights for 7/12:
Full Game Trial
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (Free and exclusive to Plus)
Featured Games
- Golden Axe (Full game) (Free and exclusive to Plus)
Featured Themes & Avatars
- Dino Crisis 2 – 10 Avatar Bundle (Exclusive to Plus for $0.99)
- PlayStation Plus Anniversary Dynamic Theme (Free and exclusive to Plus)
- Summertime Static Theme (Free with Plus – a $0.99 value)
PlayStation Plus Highlights for 7/19:
Featured Games & DLC
- Guerilla War minis (Free with Plus, a $2 .99 value)
Discounted Games
- Borderlands Bundle (PlayStation Plus price $14.99 – a $65 value)
- Cuboid (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Magic Orbz (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Sky Fighters (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Smash Cars (PlayStation Plus price $5.99; a 20% discount)
- Wakeboarding HD (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Hamsterball (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Richochet (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; a 20% discount)
- Baseball Stars 2 (PlayStation Plus price $7.19; a 20% discount)
- The King of Fighters ’95 (PlayStation Plus price $7.19; a 20% discount)
- Athena minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Hal 21 minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Ikari Warriors minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Marvin’s Maze minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Ozma Wars minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Sasuke vs. Commander minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
- Vanguard minis (PlayStation Plus price $2.39; a 20% discount)
Featured Themes & Avatars
- Fast Draw Showdown Dynamic Theme (Free with Plus, a $2 .99 value)
- Amazing Earth: Volcano Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
- Apache Gunship Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
- Divine Light Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
- Destination: Japanese Temple Dynamic Theme (PlayStation Plus price $0.90; a 70% discount)
Last Chance, Get Them While You Can – Coming Down on July 12th
Featured Offers to PlayStation Plus Subscribers
- Streets of Rage 2 (Free with Plus, a $4 .99 value)
Discounted Games
- Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 (PlayStation Plus price $7.99; a 20% discount)
haha it’s like u and @Digital-Big-Boss.. huge sounded like a 50% or 70% off but these games some of them i think they plan to put for free on ps plus download on next months :( ..instead of real games… on EU just burnout paradise as a free game on ps plus for a month tempted some ppl to get the subscription.. but unfortunately some presents arent avaiable for all
I didn’t even notice the boderlands bundle discount!
How about getting some PS2 games on the PSN store. Now that would be cool.
Still no Crash Commando??? Come on…
I bought ps plus when i got my ps3, and ps plus blows soooooo bad. I pay for xbox live as well, and getting ps plus i thought it would atleast be on par with xbox live…Golden axe? got that on xbox live years ago. PSN Doesn’t even compare or even want to compete with xbox live, waaaaaaay more content on live, faster downloads, no lengthy install once you download a game, better multiplayer connections…oh got a update live takes seconds not half hour.
and the psn network servers blow too
yeah i bought borderland the first day it was released on the PSN.
and 1 week after, the GOTY borderland edition droped to 29.99$ at walmart, best buy, ebgames…
@32, give me a break, on xbox you have to pay 60 a year to play any game online. Its only for used games. Places like gamestop charge ridiculous amounts for used games, (Often only 5 bucks cheaper), maybe this will drop the prices so it evens out.
Playing online on servers is costly to maintain.
Many companies already have an online pass.
@56, get your PS3 connection fixed, i have an Xbox, PC, PS3, barely any difference between live and PSN for Downloads….. Content is about the same….
Live is mandatory, Plus is optional.
well, so much negative comments from you guys, it makes it sad to read since I have been a Plus on day one and bought games disc and downloads on the PS3. I really don’t agree with you guys at all. Would you rather pay for the 60 dollars a year instead just to get online? Or would you rather have some sort of different stage of Sliver or Gold to go with that online service and you don’t get no free game at all with that. They offer the Deal of the week for just one game or just deal with Playstation’s sale of games that ranges up to 70percent. Be nice, play nice and I am a happy PlayStation fan and gamer. Thanks!!!
lol to the complainer trying buyina those snk games. they run about 80-200 usd on disk. If want them working correctly..
Ps plus is good if you on a budget,. if get it free then whats to coplain about.. And all online passes is just thing companies are doing becuase of redbox and amazons and gamestops are selling games used. I has nothing to do with sony..
Online Passes are a big deterrent, that notice about an PSN online pass for Resistance 3 was like a slap in my face.
I dont want Sony become a rippoff company like ACtivision or EA
Ahh yeah… >_>
I was wondering when I got to see my old school favorite game Golden Axe ahhh I can’t wait to download it and Altered Beast is coming soon awesome.
Cool looks like the free games on PS+ are slowing down, maybe its just me. And by the way guys sony confirmed the PSN pass its just like the EA online pass, just if you buy a used game you have to buy the online pass to get full access to the multiplayer some access or all will be restricted prior. It just ensures that sony makes money off of the used copies sold because they do not otherwise. Gamestop or any other store that does trade in’s makes 100% profit. Noo big deal they are usually 10$ so it’s usually still cheaper than new.
We’ve stayed consistent on the free game flow with our most recent additions for July being Bomberman Ultra, MediEvil on PSOne, Me Monstar, and Alien Zombie Death. Golden Axe is just the cherry on top for this month =)