Before we get to our regularly-scheduled weekly update, I wanted to give all of you Home-people a quick look at two new games that we will be releasing soon into the ever-evolving world of PlayStation Home. First up is Ooblag’s Alien Casino, a game made specifically for the PlayStation Home community as part of our Welcome Back package. Enter this interstellar casino and try your hand at Ooblag, a multiplayer game of craps…with a twist. Winners will be rewarded by being transformed into extraterrestrial high rollers while losers will be punished severely by Raaksu, the casino’s ruthless Pit Boss. As an added bonus, players that access the Ooblag Alien Casino space will be rewarded an active item version of the Ooblag game that can be played in their personal spaces. Check out the trailer for a peek at this exclusive (and 100% free) game – coming soon to PlayStation Home!
Next, I’m pleased to announce that the highly-anticipated top-down, shoot ‘em up game, Scribble Shooter, will be released in just two weeks! This charming arcade-style game (which was hand-drawn by a developer’s 12 year old son) will take over PlayStation Home’s Central Plaza on Thursday, July 21st. Play the first level and then purchase the full game as an arcade cabinet for your personal space. Those of you who played the demo of this game in our virtual E3 booth are familiar with Scribble Shooter’s addictive gameplay and unique style, but what you haven’t yet seen are the collection of awesome rewards, which will be granted to players as they beat each level’s boss battle. Mark your calendars, my friends – Scribble Shooter will be in your hands before you know it…
This Thursday, July 7th, we will be updating the PlayStation Home Mall with a ton of new items – from Sodium “Abyss Trooper” costumes to new LOOT space furniture and more. Here’s a short video that highlights some of the new content that will be on the shelves this week!
Speaking of new items, Codeglue releases a new batch of items under the Mesmo line this Thursday – including what may be my favorite companion to date, the hilarious Hamster in a Ball!
Konami launches their B’loons line of balloon weapons and costumes (with custom animations) this week. I foresee Central Plaza being full of B’loons this weekend – what do you think?
nDreams’ is bringing Barbarian back into style with their latest Fantasy Fashion costumes. Check ‘em out!
Our friends over at VeeMee are bringing some of Billabong’s most popular designs into the digital realm, with the first batch showing up in the PlayStation Home Mall this Thursday morning. Here’s a quick taste of what to expect:
Finally, Mass Media launches their hotly-anticipated “Brimstone Dancers” this week. Sure to turn up the heat at your next Home party, Lilith, Layla, and Brigette come as both active items and companions and will be available this Thursday from the PlayStation Home Mall.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is bringing the world of 2027 into PlayStation Home through the QR Missions Contest. Here’s how it works:
1. Download the QR Missions App from the APP STORE on your iOS Device (with camera).
2. Register and select “PlayStation 3” as your console of choice.
3. Using the App scan QR Codes like THIS ONE.
For each code scanned the community earns more points, reach 1 million total points as a community and earn your exclusive PS Home Companion VTOL Chopper! You can only get the VTOL Companion by participating in the QR Missions, so tell your friends and gather together for a piece of exclusive Deus Ex: Human Revolution content in PlayStation Home.
In addition, be one of the first 1000 people to scan 10 codes and get a free Deus Ex: Human Revolution Dynamic theme for your PlayStation 3! The contest ends August 23rd when Deus Ex: Human Revolution launches, so join in now for your exclusive content.
Of course, the PlayStation Home Community Theater receives a huge update this week. Join us this Thursday, July 7th as we air the latest episode of Platinum’d, the popular live-action comedy series exclusive to PlayStation Home. Next up, Urgent Fury returns with host Jack Delhouse covering the exciting new FPS, Brink. Next up, LittleBigPodcast returns with three more of their “Mind the Gap” contest winners.
See you in Home!
Why cant the android take part of the Deus Ex: Human Revolution QR Missions Contest. Pardon my language but why the [DELETED] doesnt android have more or any playstation apps at all?
Are there at least still plans to have a trophy room. I don’t ask because I think trophy rooms would be that great for HOME but interactive Trophy rooms is or was of the only reasons I thought trophies were better than achievements. Just curious since it’s never even talked about anymore. Oh yeah PLEASE some Marvel Love for N.A. We didn’t get Iron-man or Wolverine. I want at least a Captain America Shield Wall hanging or for my Avatar.
… Ugh… I got excited about the ‘Deus Ex contest’ until I read I have to use an ‘iOS’ device…. … …. [DELETED] that garbage – I refuse to buy that crap.
Sony is all over the [DELETED] damn place… I thought the idea of PS Suite on Android and the Experia Play meant that we’d start seeing some solid Android support…. Guess I was wrong.
hey locust star thnx for the updates btw wat ever happened to infamous 2 clothing ,cause cole’s evil karma costume looks cool id love having it on home PLZ REPLY
nice look love it
Are those hot dancing companions finally hinting at some mature content for the grown up community? I mean…sure its nice and fun to have some mini games and areas to chat…but some ppl want grown up stuff…poseballs for hugs and kisses like in second life would be a nice start. Some actual dancing clubs with poles would be a nice addition as well.
ios device?!?! really. why would I have an apple product?
HAHA the casino looks beast . . . who wants to bet that the kids that ruined the godfather 2 space with their [DELETED] fam nonsince will be in the casino HAHA but i am totally looking forward to this
Are those robotic/gun arm things Hand/Glove items or are they Shirt Items?
Because, man, it’d be a bummer if you could only wear a rad robot arm with that tank top.
I’m excited for this update looks great, and I’m completely like 100% ready for scribble shooter and the Alien Casino when those are released. O yeah are there going to be more fantasy fashion content,because if not then that should be removed from the list of update items since the fantasy fashion was already released.
Still, I’m trying to have my master account holder put in some money so I can get stuff. But, with that SITE MAINTENANCE screen, he can’t do it. PLEASE HELP ME SONY!!!
No IREM? No care.
wheres the casino,did u not add it?
im not very happy with sony i just made a United states psn account and i live in the uk and you guys get much better stuff you have a better ps plus catalog you have much more free games and themes its unfair yet ps3 sells more in the europe.
Hey guys… I’m getting 80550403 error when trying to get into PS Store United States on PSP. Anyone else getting this?
store is having epic fail again
error error error error error error error error error error error error
open question to anyone willing to answer . . . so with the craps you get an X ammount of credit to buy you a outfit like alien heads and suites exc. ?
Will the Deus Ex items be purchasable over time because i have no such means to acquire these items so would be nice to buy them
Make deus ex promotion avalible to android. Plz
ya think people who preordered deus ex would have gotten those items
shame to think my preorder doesnt have them
Great update sony ty :)
I don’t think I’d pay money for a game I can only use in Home… Just to see it randomly disconnect while I’m in the middle of playing. :S
scribble shooter has powerups rite?
Hey Home Team!
Pass this along for me:
More cabinet games:) Not just props, launchers or active items.
Cabin boy, Conspiracy Code hack & that Mass media carnival shooter!
If minis were released with a Home cabinet bonus, I would go apesht.
How killer would it be to have a functional arcade in the personal space of my choice?
Sorry for the uncouth decorum.
(I’m not really sorry)
Some costumes from the movie SuckerPunch would be nice, I loved the girl`s battle outfits, they`re really cool. But I`m guessing cos it`s only for girls it won`t even be considered, cos US Home is only geared towards guys. It`s really unfair that you go all out for guys and get them exclusive costumes, but girls just get bikini`s. I`m so tired of the new bikini`s every week, and the insanely priced items, that I`ve stopped spending my money on there. Seriously, if I can get 5 costumes for LBP2 for 2.99, I`m NOT going to spend the same amount on one single shirt on Home. Sorry. Not only that, but you haven`t fixed broken or missing items, like the girl`s mummy outfit by CodeGlue. I spent 2.99 on that when it first came out, only to find that the Extra dance doesn`t work. I want my money back.
And whoever asked for the Bunny costumes in an earlier comment, I love you, lol. I`ve been asking for that for months!
I agree with the NON-iOS users, although I’m an iOS user myself, I DO NOT own an iPhone, iPad2 or the New Gen iTouch w/Camera; I am an Android. So, if PSH is having a PSH Community contest, then I believe the whole Community should be entitled to participate. If Deus Ex: Human Revolution is bringing The World of 2027 to PSH… “I would like to be there too, and say I helped” LOL (WTS) the contest seems to be a little BIAS…and I know that’s NOT what PSH intended!!! Right… I Mean If you want to give out Exclusive Content to Other PSH users, that’s cool, but don’t use Exclusive when you’re Excluding more than HALF of your users. (Juuust My Thoughts)
Any chance we’ll be seeing Portal items? Stuff like portals to place in your apartment (functional or display-only), costumes (Chell, Atlas, P-Body), companions (Atlas and P-Body miniature companions) companion cube (apartment furniture, avatar companion), turrets, wall-mounted Portal Device, Handheld Portal Device…
Just a thought.
REally? 1.52 fixed bugs? where? what bugs? cause none of us are seeing improvements. haven’t you 2 clued into the fact that home is a mess yet? really you guys need to stop listening to the few kissing your backsides and get back to work on the bug reports piling up. I’m far from the only one saying it either. But then maybe you should be asking why is revenue continuing to dwindle on home when the virtual items are ever increasing in cost. Has it not occured to you people are abandoning home in droves out of pure disgust? If those who are supposed to be keeping home running don’t want to deal they should step aside for those who will do the job. Home is seriously lacking in any sort of quality control and it’s been showing very clearly for a long time.
If you wish to have the furniture limit for your personal space raised, click on the link below and vote for the idea. Make sure you are signed in. :)
Sorry for this late comment, but i only got one question. Where are Ooblag’s Alien Casino and Scribble Shooter?
Come on, it has been promised, and it didn’t came on the promised date? This is the second time it happened, a bit sloppy if you ask me. Please work on the fact that you bring out what you promise Sony.