Hello, PlayStation fans! We’re excited to announce that this week PlayStation Plus celebrates its first birthday! Over the past year, we’ve given PlayStation Plus subscribers access to a number of great deals, including free games, huge discounts, full game trials, early beta access as well as additional exclusive features like online game saves and automatic downloads.
To celebrate, for a limited time, we’re offering “Birthday Bonus Months” for PlayStation Plus. Starting today, lasting through July 11th, when you purchase a PlayStation Plus 1-year package, you’ll get 3 additional months, and gamers who sign up for the 3 month package get 1 additional month. That’s 15 months for the price of 12 (just over $3 per month) or 4 months for the price of 3 (less than $5 per month). There’s no better time to sign up for PlayStation Plus and take advantage of these birthday savings!
So just what are the benefits that PlayStation Plus subscribers have gained that you won’t want to miss out on? In its first year alone, PlayStation Plus has offered access to:
- More than 50 Free Games
- Over 100 Free DLC Items (Add-ons, Avatars, Themes)
- 170+ Discounts
- Over 100 Exclusives and Early Access items
- $800+ in Savings
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we launched the program, providing subscribers with offers like the full PSN game WipEout HD, a number of PSP minis and PS One Classics, such as Age of Zombies, and more recently, the highly anticipated early demo of Mortal Kombat. Subscribers can also get early access today into the multiplayer beta for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception.
Thanks again for all of your feedback and dedication to the program. Here’s to more birthday celebrations as we continue to evolve the service for users to expand and enhance their gaming experience!
Happy Birthday!, I signed up from the start, when Sony sent me an email. I’m happy to subsidize the PSN so it can remain free for many online gamers who can’t afford to pay. Sometimes there are really cool benefits, especially the free Quore.
No complaints. Only a suggestion: a plus symbol by our gamertag like they do on the euro blog.
I thought PS + would get me laid and it still hasn’t. So I’m still unsatisfied. Sony send me one of your girls.. I’ll take the qore host, the psn asian girl, or the red head host girl from the show i want to be a playstation tester. Thank you!
I don’t know whether to buy BG&E HD or wait for it on Plus.
My gut’s telling my to abuse my credit card.
we do have a plus symbol next to our avatars, do you?
If I’m already a current PS+ subscriber and I still have a few months until my subscription expires, can I renew now and get the 15 months added on to the end of my current subscription? How does that work?
hmmm, after the welcome back program trial period, i think i just might be a believer! I’ll probably renew right after the welcome back trial while this offer lasts…
is there a way i can see when my subscription expires cause i would like the extra months
#54 that is the exact question i want answered also ^^^^^^^
Happy Anniversary but why the same offer as last year? A free game or something new for the celebration would’ve been more exciting. And yes subscriptions stack, so it will add 15 months to your current sub.
Should come out with a PS Plus Home outfit, avatar and maybe a new theme.
Been a plus member from the start and don’t plan on leaving it anytime soon.
Go to your account mangement, then click on transection mangement and then go to services list.
That should should you when your PS+ ends, you might have to go down the list.
The auto download should be for everyone, it’s a great feature for the ps3
Are the bonus months available only to those who purchase through the PSN store, or are they available if you make the purchase with a pre-paid PS+ card?
So if you were to purchase another year now, will it start after you purchased or after the three free months that were given to those early ps+ adapters? I want to keep my subscription, but don’t want to lose my previous benefits.
I wonder what the Europeans will get this time as they got Little Big Planet for signing up for PS+.Fortunately I have saved enough from the PS+ reduction on arcade games I am interested in to justify the cost and cloud saving is a nice way to backup my data.So I will be renewing but I just can’t help but notice how inferior the North American version of PS+ is compared to the Europeans.
playstation is better than xbox
You can check how long subscription will yet last in Account Management.
“$800+ in Savings ”
Wow and I’ve spent $800+ on PSN content! Maybe I should… *looks back at past year of PS+ offerings* …continue avoiding this rental service.
Cool! I’m not sure if I got my money worth (but guessing I have), but I quite dig the service. I love the 60 minute game trials, those have truly helped make decisions of buying a game or not. I have yet to use a discount to buy a game (but I was stuck with a 40 gig HDD, now I have 320 gigs so that will change I’m sure), but have enjoyed the free games.
I do hope the service gets better. Not that it’s bad or not worth it now, but I really hope for a service that would make it so everyone wants to join, not just a few hardcore gamers.
If I renew my subscription now, will I get the 3 extra months??? My subscription ends by november, so I want to know if I will get some extra months by renewing earlier :D.
@6 (Gogo_ZvC): You can check when your subscription expires in “manage account” => “Transactions” on the XMB.
From what I’ve seen from my free month I think I’ll pass.
this is pretty cool, I might do this.
My subscription now ends by march 2013!!! XD
So if I buy this will it stack onto my current subscription? I still have a bunch more months but would love to take part in this deal.
Wait. How about all of us that signed up for the year at the beginning? We still have months left from the original offer, plus what was added for the PSN downtime. So, we’ll miss this deal for our subscription not being over, yet?
Can’t remember when I signed up. Was definitely worth it though.
I was going to but so far this whole free month wasn’t worth it for me. I want to buy stuff, but none of the discounts were for things I wanted. Tumble was the only decent thing. I wouldn’t pay for Qore anyways, nothing free comes with it anymore. The free games were okay, and the free trials are neat but they expire and ive used them all.
PS+ has been pure awesome, love it like it and can’t wait to get more of it.
I just got a new PS3 Black Ops bundle (My current slim is running out of space so I will upgrade new PS3 to 500 GB transfer all my goodies over and sell it on eBay) And inside the box I found a promotion for PS+, buy 1 year get 2nd year free. Now that is a great deal.
PS+ actually made me buy new PS3 because I got so many awesome items my hard drive run out of space, I have to delete items almost every week just to add more, 120 GB is just not enough anymore. I am even worried that my 500 GB won’t last either.
Wife and I decided just the other day that we’re going for the year package on Friday, and this totally sweetened the deal! Thank you and Happy Birthday!
@77 You bought a new PS3 because you ran out of space, and you’re going to upgrade the new one?? Why not pay only $50 for a new hard drive and upgrade the old one? That made no sense. Sounds more like you bought the new one for the Black Ops bundle and that’s it.
Really? Celebrating the coupon book’s birthday?
I’ve never been really impressed by any of it to be honest. Unless you dip a lot of money into PlayStation Network yearly (several hundred or even thousands); I do, not really feel like the savings are worth it. I feel it’s done more damage then anything. Giving fragile ego’s an inflated boost and dividing the community when you have people whom assume because, they have PlayStation Plus that they are better then a user who say does not have the program.
I got chance to try PS Plus, it’s really interesting. I might give it some thought. But I think there’s a lot into this.
Needs more free games. Not free PS minis.
Yeah I agree with Rorek in a way. Ego is to be expected with the service, The savings are hardly worth it as most of the discounts aren’t really worth it. The free games, for the most part, have been subpar. We got Lilo & Stitch at the same time that EU got Burnout Paradise? EU also gets more free avatars and I’m sure they get some other goodies.
Please, up the quality of the service. Try to be on par with what EU is doing with PS+. As it stands now, it’s a cheap cash-in that I will not be renewing.
i got this deal back in march! and i have to say im satisfied with the ps+ i like the discounts and early beta demos and game releases!… thinking of getting this deal again while its hot!!!
Happy 1st Birthday PS+!!!!!
Wow! I was hoping for this before renewing my PS+ from the Welcome Back package and here it is! Thank you Sony!
Joined day 1 and I love it, great program!
sorry but PS+ is not worth it, why do you give discounts on game no one wants.
add FEATURES TO PS+ to make it worth something right now it should be free.
Seems to be worth the 50 bucks, at least from what i’ve seen via the welcome back free month.
Did anyone else get a message from Modern Combat offering the full game for $2.99? I did and want to “pull the trigger” on the offer. I’m wondering if this was a Plus thing or not. Has anyone played the full game? If I recall the demo wasn’t bad. Not amazing but I have seen much worse (Damnation–worst game ever).
Just bought the 3 months with 1 month free. Now I have Plus until May 5th 2012!!! I hope PS Plus carries over to the Vita with my PSN account.
I hear most people don’t like the program.
not really worth it
For everyone asking about renewing and getting the 15 months if you are already a member, read my post on #36.
so far have only been on ps+ from the free 30 days and have liked it thus far. nothing overly spectacular but enough that it does justify the purchase price. i will definately be getting the year subscription shortly.
one suggestion i have is that for free dlc it should be something other than map packs. not all of us are fps
Ever since the release of the “Uncharted 3-Drake’s Deception MP Beta” today, there have been some issues within the PSN. The beta itself is not working proper due to time freezes during game play, some PSN users have been unavailable 2 log into their accounts, some third-party MP games causes major lag issues, & certain downloads off the Playstation Store will not work. I know all of this is not the cause of A simple beta, so Playstation do use A favor & tell your consumers the real issue. Don’t leave the users in suspense of what’s going on in the PSN like that last time
I just renewed a few days ago again!
WHAT i dont get about ps plus is why cant subscribers keep whatever they downloaded after the ps plus expires i understand to those who didnt pay that are receiving it for free throught welcome back packs. but those who pay for it should keep the downloaded games/items. that is the main reason most people buy ps plus for free things and early access and what not. but than if we cant pay for it right away before expiration date,all our stuff is locked.the only reason im using it is because WB PACKAGE , if it werent for that i would not be using it. alot has to be done on ps plus. hopefully one of these days.
@ #87 were did u get that god of war legendary avatar. psn has no gow avatars to buy. funny huh? and i also got a message taling bout a game at discount.
Hi grace, you guys need to find a way to add some more information regarding the games on the ps store. for example.
RELEASE DATE: 5/11/2011
DEVELOPER: **************************
PUBLISHER: Electronic Arts
GENRE: Action & Adventure, Strategy & Simulation
Offline co-op 1 – 2
Online co-op 2
Leaderboards – YES..