Day 2 of E3 is the longest of the 3, and we’ve got the games you want to see lined up and waiting: Starhawk, Twisted Metal, Sly 4, UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, and PlayStation Vita. Watch right here!
If you’d like to watch a higher resolution version of the stream, please click here.
Here’s today’s programming schedule (all times Pacific):
10am –
Scott Rohde – Sony World Wide Studios VP
10:30am –Little Deviants
11am –Starhawk
Noon –UNCHARTED 3 live demo
1pm –Twisted Metal
2pm –LittleBigPlanet on PS Vita
2:30pm –UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss
3pm –Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
4pm – PixelJunk Sidescroller & Pixeljunk Lifelike
~5.30pm – Pulse E3 Day 2 Wrap Up
Not a bad lineup! Please keep in mind that E3 is a bit nuts, so things may move around, add in, or drop out at the last second. To keep up with last second changes, please follow PlayStation on Twitter. In between segments, we’ll be streaming out live footage from the booth. It’s just like being at E3, but without the smell!
Speaking of Twitter, we want this to be really interactive, so we’ll be asking you for questions right before the segments start. See you soon!
What were some of the other names that were considered for the PlayStation Vita?
that vita looked nice.
Is the Vita going to be region free?
Cannot believe people are still whining about cross game chat. Pick up a damn phone and get over it. It’s not that serious. You just want it because the other system has it.
How responsive is front touch screen ? couse in e3 press the lag i see in mode nation creation tools is horrible
Due to copywrite, Xgame chat will not be available in the same way as it is for Microsoft.
HOWEVER, it is on the PS3, sign into home, invite your friends to your personal space, start a voice chat, and then do Game Launching. You can all launch different games and the voice stays in tact.
Now the problem is, no one will read this!
enough e3 i want to be blown away this year so us a jak and daxter hd collection for ps3
i also want to get Infamous 2 and Assassins creed revelations but not enough money itll be worth the wait though
Is Minecraft coming to PS3 anytime soon, or will it be for 360 only?
Will the vita trophies include platinums as well?
is PS Vita with arabic language ? we hope arabic language in the PS3 and Vita too !
is sony hate the arabian ?!
I’ll also add my vote to not supporting the X-game chat obsession. Only reason it seems people are rabid for the feature is to have a bullet point in comparisons with you know who. I play mostly single-player games and all the multi-player ones usually have chat built in, so what’s the biggie? I don’t enjoy people interrupting my SP experiences with inane chatter either; a message and associated notification will suffice.
PSP Vita cpu/gpu ram specifications? :)
1 what was the choices of other names that was to choose from other then PlayStation Vita? I like to hear the other choices that where made.
2. Will we be able to do a Video chat with the PS3 and chat with someone on the PlayStation Vita?
I like the idea of Part on PSV will and or hope the Party option come to PS3 to share the communication between PSV and PS3.
3. Are we going to get Party on PS3 to interact with PSV
With A2DP support in the Vita, will Sony be considering bundles with BT Stereo Headphones?
For the Vita to be at 249.99/299.99, I have high hopes for this like will I be able to play PS3 games on this..? Like if I want to play my FFXIII-2 on it will I be able..?
The Vita looks great! I understood the comment about the screen, people exlaim out loud when they see my Xperia mini about the beauty of the screen. Black and white films especially are stunning on it. Deep velvety blacks, so true.
will it be available in white??
Does the device have any internal storage? What kind of external storage does it use (still using the MS Duo, M2 or SD?)
Does the Vita have trophies?
Is the Vita going to be region free?
Is that new UI here to stay? No option of something more like XMB on the Vita?
I would like to know if the vita will ever be available on other service providers besides at&t..please
1.Release date?
2Are anologe sticks like ps3?
3.Camera resolution?
how will memory be handled? inbuilt or mem card? and is it region free?
@ Jeff R. Can I get the mobile version of PS Blog back the site is a hog and chunky and takes up to much space to view comments and or posts.
Thanks Jeff you da man!
Enjoy your E3 coverage :)
@68: I think vita will have trophies,thats all I know.
cant wait to see Uncharted: Golden Abyss :D
jak and daxter hd collection for ps3 wheres it at we all heard about a dark dirty dangerous collection so wheres it at naughty dog
When the NPG was announced people said it was a portable PS3. Does this mean that trophies will be on the Vita & they will count towards our overall PSN trophy count?
Thanks for the Little Deviants demo it looks amazing. It also looks like it could be up there with LBP if Sony handels it right. Can we get some direct-feed gameplay on the blog?
– Thanks
@79: NGP not NPG :)
Damn, missed Little Deviants :(
This is the first time I’ve been able to log in to this site since April, as PSN has been inaccessible from Hong Kong for all accounts, including US accounts until this week. This is my first PS Blog post, I think, so “hello world”
Secondly, to those still asking for it, doesn’t PSVita, in some ways provide us with Cross Game Chat. If we can log in on both at the same time then you could play Killzone on your PS3, and send messages or run voice/video chat on PSV. Typing on the touch screen is much faster than typing with DS3 on a laggy XMB
Little Deviants day 1 buy !!!!!!
If you could spend more time with Dust 514, that would be cool too..
@83: I dont understand the big deal with cross game chat. I know I would never use it.
I’m not a big fan of ps home and i wouldn’t waste my time to open ps home and wait 7 min and then start launching games from their which will take more time just for x-game chat, we want it to be built into the software itself so we have access to it right away!
@yayday i know right.but its not new,people like to make a big deal over minor things.
wheres Sorcery? why you guys havent said anything about it yet ?
Uncharted: Golden Abyss. :D
@NinjaNabs I agree Its not that big of a deal.
So what’s the lineup for the PS Vita launch, and how much would the games cost? And also, how does the game cards look?
When Starhawk comes out, please put a version up on PSN like the old Warhawk. physical media is a dead man walking.
– Thanks
Things I want to see before the end of this summer;
Cross game chat
show others that I am offline instead of away
Ability to send short films/videos and music/voice recording to my friends via messages
An application store just like apple store/android store.
Ability to play videos/music from HDD in PlayStation HOME. (and why is HOME still a beta?)
I really hope PSVita has some good integration with PS3
I’m imagining local multiplayer sessions with us all playing on PSVs, but with a PS3 as a server, displaying scores, killcam replays, recording the match, or streaming our match to the web.
I don’t think even the WiiU could manage that, as it seems to only stream video to one controller, but a PS3 + half a dozen PSVs, with all their q.uadcore goodness, could handle it easily.
(Goes to PS Blog Share)
I have an idea for those of you demanding cross game chat: Get OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO USE THE TELEPHONE!!!! I dont care nor do I want to read in post people demanding that Sony give them something. You know they have a saying: How dose it feel to want? Now grow up and shut your hole, if PS3 get it fine if it dosent OH WELL DEAL WITH IT!!!!
If notifications annoy you then why don’t you turn off notifications while playing SP. And how will people interrupt you when your playing SP using x-game chat, you will have the power to who you want to join or not and who to invite or not; or don’t invite or join anyone. If your not happy with the feature that we want (x-game chat) then don’t be but don’t ruin it for others. If you think this feature will annoy people their is a solution for that Sony could add settings for it so you could turn off x-game chat notifications. By saying you are not supporting it then remember you are ruining for rest of the people who want this feature. I don’t care if Microsoft came with this idea but Sony could improve and make feature into something even better and call it something else. I just want this feature b/c this feature will help me in various ways and the people who want this feature.
@94 lol, I couldnt agree more.
I enjoy tuning in to these live streams. Keep ’em coming, guys.
Anyone else think PS4 is going to be like Vita where digital content is the main driving force?…i bet its not even called PS4. I bet its called – *drum roll*
PlayStation: Fortune
(u get it?)
Are these videos going to be put on the psn store? I’m stuck working late and would like to watch all of it, especially Sly 4 :)