To celebrate the return of the PlayStation Network and welcome you back to Killzone 3’s online battlefield, we’ve got a Double XP Weekend lined up! Starting this Friday, May 20 at 17:00 PM UK time, and lasting until Monday, May 23 at 10:00 AM UK time, all XP you earn in Killzone 3’s multiplayer matches will be doubled.
The upcoming Double XP Weekend isn’t the only Killzone-related goodie in the pipeline. As you may know, Sony has revealed that Killzone: Liberation is part of its Welcome Back Program for PSN members, meaning you’ll be able to download the critically acclaimed PlayStation Portable shooter absolutely free of charge. And there’s even more… But we’ll announce that at a later date.
So stay tuned to Killzone.com, and remember to brush up your Killzone 3 multiplayer skills. This weekend, you’ll have a chance to catch up on 3 weeks’ worth of rank progression!
P.S.: During the Double XP Weekend, the Score Screen will display the message “Fast Starter Bonus” instead of “Bonus Points” – this is a string error that will be fixed in future Bonus XP events.
is it me or is there still an error with the internet and signing in to psn
Hmmmm it’s weird before psn is down no {Double XP} after the wipe it’s have double xp im thinking before the wipe there’s no xp hmmmm did you have plan before ?! ….. im just thinking nothing else.
Lame Killsone suks
Im still waiting to die. We are all going to die today thats what Camping says and i still wont have the PSN store up this sucks lol j/k
cmon is the SOCOM 4 has double XP too?
any news bout playstation store
i played killzone like twice good break from black coc:s
it seems it was suppose to be Judgement Day today… which didn’t happen. good news for all you guys who got a jump on the double XP while the “believers” were pissing themselves over the end of the world! :D
I’m lovin this double XP. I was only a lieutenant 1 goin into today and within 2 hours I was a Captain 3
SWEET kz3 is my favorite game by the way is there any new maps for it? and how long will the double points stay?
Does anyone know how exactly how the kilzone3 rank system works????
Its nice! i m fan of KZ wil soon resume playing Ooops I m field medic girl n will revive u as many as I can so don shoot me whmm becuz I lke u doesn`t mean I do not shoot u lol.I love u all KZ guys !
I m fan of KZ will resume playing let me see becauz I like u doesn`t mean don t shoot u lol.Reviv u guys for fileld medic see you KILLZONE gentlemen
I just unlocked EVERYTHING in KZ3 multiplayer today because of the DOUBLE XP!! But I’m still level 40… GG seriously NEEDS to make more maps for Operations bruh!!! KZ3 is getting kinda boring for me because of the lack of maps in EACH game mode. I need something to motivate me to keep playing KZ3. Maybe in KZ4 or whatever you guys can make a worthy game that can be called the “Halo Killer” Better luck in the the next game you make! This one was a fail………..
Oh double xp!!! Wait i dont have it. A man. Im still deciding if i should get this game or not. It looks awsome.
koo but i cant wait till the store is up i got money to spend
Isn’t the store suppose to be back up the 31st on tuesday anyone?
I regret not getting this game….Oh well I’ll have to suck it up and wait for a Killzone 4 if they do intend to make it.
Great ill be on there
for anyone who plays killzone 3 please add me suncrest80. also I have a blutooth headset can I use this to chat with other players so long as they are on my friends list.????
Sony,you guys are awesome. I have been a fan since the ps1 came out. Keep up the good work.
hey any one wanna add me please do need more people to play black opps and kz with im hightech2505
KZ3 BABY!! lol
it would really be nice to finish a round of this double xp without getting an error code before the round is over.wtf is the deal with that sony
Lol Playstation you guys make a KZ3 and Black ops double xp. How did you pull that off?
I’ll be playing Killzone 3 all weekend, yeah buddy!!
AWESOME,you know i’m there
KZN 3 sucks
add me if you dont have clan
in kz3
yo 85 how did yu get that avatar?
join my page and play some games of mario bros and the legend of zelda and seee some of information of it so click fanaticofzelda.blogspot.com
I agree with @BROKENGuN12 4real we should have atleast one or two more weeks for the XP we been offline for to long just to have 3 quick days of xp time -_-
cant you guys do the new alien vs predators? it whod be really cool with your grafiks.
Is somebody doing the new alien vs predators?
Killzone is awesome!!!
Rats! Looks like I missed it. Was busy working all weekend…figures.
It should be 1 whole week :P to celebrate PS3 & KZ3
We totally need more of these!!! Plz GG! Keep the good stuff coming!! Woot Woot!! :P
I’m going to get this game soon it looks very interesting and fun,can’t wait
the soldiers showed in the picture are called capture troopers. They are the only enemy that does not have a gun. They have a wrist sword and they WILL charge at you and try to cut your head off.
hell no!!! i lost it!!! damn!
@victor hey victor… do you know when ps store is coming up?
Okay, what the hell??? I played Killzone 3 all weekend, and never saw any indication of a double XP weekend. I still got 50 for a repair and 100 for a kill and, at the end of the match, it said 1.5, like it always does. Nothing said double. Did this actually happen?
will there be more double XP events i know games like red dead do it every few weeks they turn on the double XP maybe somthing similar can be done with kill zone 3 ?
SwEeT dOnT hAvE kIlLzOnE 3 yEt BuT dO hAvE tHe DeMo AnD iT lOoKs AaAwWwSsSoOoMmMeEe!!!!! PrObLy GoNa GeT iT pLuS aDd Me LoL potatoboy8
im the 200th COMMENT! woahhhhhhhhhhhhh!