To celebrate the return of the PlayStation Network and welcome you back to Killzone 3’s online battlefield, we’ve got a Double XP Weekend lined up! Starting this Friday, May 20 at 17:00 PM UK time, and lasting until Monday, May 23 at 10:00 AM UK time, all XP you earn in Killzone 3’s multiplayer matches will be doubled.
The upcoming Double XP Weekend isn’t the only Killzone-related goodie in the pipeline. As you may know, Sony has revealed that Killzone: Liberation is part of its Welcome Back Program for PSN members, meaning you’ll be able to download the critically acclaimed PlayStation Portable shooter absolutely free of charge. And there’s even more… But we’ll announce that at a later date.
So stay tuned to Killzone.com, and remember to brush up your Killzone 3 multiplayer skills. This weekend, you’ll have a chance to catch up on 3 weeks’ worth of rank progression!
P.S.: During the Double XP Weekend, the Score Screen will display the message “Fast Starter Bonus” instead of “Bonus Points” – this is a string error that will be fixed in future Bonus XP events.
@80 I was using wireless and it dropped again. i ran cat 5 directly from the router and have no problems.
I just finished the campaign a couple of days ago with the sharpshooter and let me say that I’m not going back to the dual shock 3 which also goes for the multiplayer.
what time in America please respond
Rather play COD double XP. Killzone 3 was a disappointment.
@ 104, Double XP is going on in America right now.
Thanks Guerrilla.
gonna be on that tomorrow since i just got BLOPS lol
Sweet! see ya on the battlefield!
socom 4 ownz socom 4 better than kz3 i wish sony gives double xp for socom 4
of coarse NOTHING ABOUT RETURNING OUR MAP PACKS jusT MORE PROMOTIONS FOR other new games….service after the sale and citrus you no where to put it…
After 2 – 3 weeks of boringness, you give us THIS?! I like the way you think.
Playing Socom 4 right now and am getting double xp, just wondering how long this will last of if it is just a fluke? I know that you guys said that Zipper had something planned is this it? I know this has nothing to do with killzone 3 but you dont have a post on Socom 4.
A word of advice for Killzone 3 medics. Don’t heal a team mate right in front of the enemy!
u no ive been tryin to reset my password for a week now and still cant get into my main account and its pissing me off that i have to miss double xp on blackops
psn u need to give us free dead space 2 online pass
Aaahhhh….My Dog just had her Pups so, I’ll be too busy, But. Everybody else enjoy!
Is it happening now? Its 10:20 over here in new york. I suck when it comes to timezones. ALso thanks for the double xp. I was waiting for this to happen for a while.
i like killzone 3 but i just get killed so fast that i can’t even get a chance to aim at the enemy i like botzone better than regular mutiplayer.
Just played for 2hrs, i’m finally leveling up! good bonus sony
finallly i can leave a comment lol
Nice One Sony :D But…. I Don’t Have Killzone 3 xD How About Socom 4 Double XP??? Eh? Yeah. Keep Up The Good Work Sony You Guys Are Doing Great.
i cant wait. the poor souls wont know what hit em!
I was there. I thought that lag issues were going to be fixed and other glitches?
Thanx for getting the network back up, thank you. Please get the PSN store back up!!!
Woohoo! See we never get left out. Better system and 1 more day of double xp? Can’t beat it? I hope my comrades that haven’t Prestiged once in Black ops take advantage of this.
i buy killzone3 :D just waiting for it
way too much homework to play !
Awesome was just playing right now work tomorrow. Buu
Thank you Sony I love you.
Bought the game when it came out Plus Sharpshooter but have only played through game once,how do I participate?3d tv wants input and I really need some fun or as I ve been told Just go hang myself…”.and that was from my family I need to be part of something bigger than me .Hopefully someone will let me just play for FUN ,thank you.
I will be there as soon as I get off work today, Gotta brush up on my killzone points anyway, Does anybody have any pointers on how too use the shooter, I hate too see it go too waste, Also what is the best peripheral too hold the playstation eye.
so wait is psn back up or they mean sumthing else
sweet double xp weekend!!!!!!!
Glad I got KZ3 Helghast Edition for cheap (brand new as well). The same price as the standard copy of the game :)
Get your Portable ID!
Anybody got any idea’s on how too play better with the sharpshooter?
Awsome defo goin on killzone 3 to whip peeps =]
thank you sony.
When will the playstation store be back up?!
just wanted to know…with all of the “its all about the consumer” talk….when will the damn Playstation Store b back on..as its Sony only giving us a 30 free day trial which almost a week is already gone due to the fact that the PSN Store is down?????
yes even tho i suck at kz3
I was racking up the points last night and now today i cant kill a damn thing
@KILLERCRAIG your free 30 days doesnt start til the psn store is back up
Dang time to try this game
Killzone 3 is awesome and is there a avatar of kiilzone 3 for free
@ Aryeh Loeb
I am from Brazil. Here, we have very big number of players that cannot play in the Playstation Network more because, when we enter in a link of the e-mail that was sent, appear that it isn’t for us region. Please, my friends are very sad of this.
Please, remember us and help, please!