Today, as a PS3 gamer, you should ask yourself only one question: where can I race a demolition derby car against my friends, build a fun house for my friends to come play in, battle monsters as a stealthy ninja, own a parrot and talk like a pirate, raise a dragon pet that poops hot coals, and ride a rainbow unicorn off into the sunset?
Starting today, the answer is Free Realms! That’s right, Sony Online Entertainment’s popular online virtual world makes its way to the PlayStation Network today and you can all play it for FREE. Free Realms is the first casual, free-to-play MMO ever to be offered on the PlayStation Network and definitely has something for everyone to play, adventure and experience.
Players can take on endless amounts of roles including ninjas, warriors, or wizards, while participating in a variety of activities such as adventuring for treasure, playing a soccer game, decorating their player house, or even entering a demolition derby! If you are seeking a totally different challenge, you can participate in minigames and quests that include decorating your player house, constructing a maze, or exploring the terrain on the back of a cool T-Rex Ride.
Much like the PC and MAC versions, Free Realms on the PS3 features the fun minigames, robust player housing system, adventure, and exploration that millions of gamers have come to love. The PS3 version adopts the console’s interactive capabilities: You can now use voice chat to communicate with your friends at the coolest dance parties and earn Trophies in combat instances or for completing collections. Be on the lookout for hidden Trophies while you’re at it!
If I’ve piqued your interest, download Free Realms for free from the PlayStation Store and immediately immerse yourself in a rich fantasy world perfect for sharing with family and friends. Join us and be a part of a whole new online gaming experience for the PlayStation 3 in a world where you rule!
*bangs head against wall* man im tired but i wanna at least see what the game looks like before i go to sleep
Lol the update servers are unavailable for maintenance. Please try again in a few minuets.
Bummer. :/ Lucky you guys. No more “Game asset could not be downloaded” and the bar went all the way but we’re back to “Could not launch game” here. Might be an overload of people still. Nice to see that it’s working partially at least. Hopefully they’ll have this all solved soon.
I’m just gonna wait till later since I’ve got a Dynamis run in 20 minutes. lol
It says (“could not load game”) for me.
Looks like its working, cya all online
Hello everyone, I was just able to get in
! Happy gaming to you all!
To everyone who made it in…. was it worth it???????
still saying “could not launch the game”. :(
still says could not launch game >.< im tired but i know when i log off the thing will start workin. thats just my luck lol
been on here almost 2 hours. not much has changed except different error messages. please sony. while im still young. make this thing work.
Still downloading, at a snails pace. Its new. and free. My kids should be excited tomorrow. (if it works). Glad to see this coming to the console. My kids play the hell out of it on the PC.
same here and I have been waiting since this blog was posted
almost 11pm and tired of waiting!
well it could be worse. the whole network and every games online capabilities could be shut down………
almost 10 here. i been on the blog since 8 and waiting for the game to release since 1 and been waiting for today all week. me and my brother
5+ hours now… wonder if they know how much hatred is boiling up at them right now. There’s no way I’m going to be able to enjoy it after all this, I give up, the game can’t possible be worth it.
Still no luck for me.
well I’m only reason why I stayed on after I said I was going to bed is because I read that some people where getting on
@237 go try it!!
Not working, it’s always saying that it cannot launch the game… at 1st it was a problem with the “textures” or something like that (the patch), saying that my connection was not working (at the same time I was on the PSN…). Now it simply says: Cannot launch the game.
I want to play, please fix this! lol
hate when they say try again in a few minutes!
so whats the difference between a member and non member?
I don’t mean to be ornery, but for pete’s sake, I just wanna get myself a pet dog and run around the realms, if nothing else…haha.
http://playstationlifestyle.net/2011/03/29/free-realms-psn-release-hit-with-launch-bugs-soe-fixing-it-as-we-speak/ heres an updae for you guys
I just kept trying over and over. Button mashing works sometimes
I watched the trailer.
But I still have no idea what this is.
the pc version is pretty cool. dont be thrown off by the cartoonyness of it all. theres so much to do and the world is huge. also you can get pets. i mean dragons and spiders to dogs and cats.
still not working. im about ready to just give up on this one.
would i be able to use my pc account on the ps3?
from what ive heard you have to make a new account.
I had to go into the playstation store to download and re-install but now it works fine.
So I made my character and gave him a custom name. The thing is as soon as I was done and tried logging into the world it kicked me back into the title screen! My character is nowhere to be found in the log-in screen so I decided to make my old one from scratch again. The problem is the custom name I gave him has already been registered by me (of course)! Will I be able to recover it sometime soon? Or do I have to wait for it to be approved?
sony your buggin me now
I’m gonna try reinstalling i’ll tell you guys if it works.
ok trying that now *crosses fingers*
still downloading…..trying to stay awake…..
ya same here lol gunna take awhile
about 12 minutes in and a little over halfway done. man i hope this game is worth it
it downloaded alot faster earlier today. i wonder what slowed it down
Seems like its fixed.
reinstalled and it works!!! do it!
Hah! Still not working for me.
theres no way i’m redownloading this. i’ll just wait till tomorrow for them to fix this epic fail. next time test this crap on live servers before making it available to the public.
As soon as I reinstalled ( which took allot longer ) it worked! good luck to everyone els. Try deleting it and redoing it all over again!
so i picked up a ramdom name just to try it out now im stuck with it, how do i reach the character select screen or erase this one to get it right?
i agree they shoulda done like an open beta test for it first. like they did home. it woulda saved alot of time and alot of angry people. going on 30 minutes and still downloading -_- taking twice as long as it did the first time.
im in
Cool its downloading faster this time :P
Might actually buy a subscription in a month when i have money.