Today, as a PS3 gamer, you should ask yourself only one question: where can I race a demolition derby car against my friends, build a fun house for my friends to come play in, battle monsters as a stealthy ninja, own a parrot and talk like a pirate, raise a dragon pet that poops hot coals, and ride a rainbow unicorn off into the sunset?
Starting today, the answer is Free Realms! That’s right, Sony Online Entertainment’s popular online virtual world makes its way to the PlayStation Network today and you can all play it for FREE. Free Realms is the first casual, free-to-play MMO ever to be offered on the PlayStation Network and definitely has something for everyone to play, adventure and experience.
Players can take on endless amounts of roles including ninjas, warriors, or wizards, while participating in a variety of activities such as adventuring for treasure, playing a soccer game, decorating their player house, or even entering a demolition derby! If you are seeking a totally different challenge, you can participate in minigames and quests that include decorating your player house, constructing a maze, or exploring the terrain on the back of a cool T-Rex Ride.
Much like the PC and MAC versions, Free Realms on the PS3 features the fun minigames, robust player housing system, adventure, and exploration that millions of gamers have come to love. The PS3 version adopts the console’s interactive capabilities: You can now use voice chat to communicate with your friends at the coolest dance parties and earn Trophies in combat instances or for completing collections. Be on the lookout for hidden Trophies while you’re at it!
If I’ve piqued your interest, download Free Realms for free from the PlayStation Store and immediately immerse yourself in a rich fantasy world perfect for sharing with family and friends. Join us and be a part of a whole new online gaming experience for the PlayStation 3 in a world where you rule!
ummm no free trophies you have to sub to unlock trophies.
ok.. the ps store updated – time to turn on those servers guys. 800mb for “could not launch the game” is awesome and all but lets actually get the game started up k?
yea i know it sucks
P.S. – fyi, on your trailer video in this post, at 38seconds-ish, you managed to spell “Entertainment” wrong in “Playstation 3 computer entertaiment system”
downloaded the update/game and it says could not launch the game. i really wanna play again i played back in the closed beta and it was great.
Furries ftw! >_>….
@Malechai78 Well would ya look at that, they did misspell it. LOL Nice point out.
^ lmfao, they fail…
I’m so down for paying $35.00 for a lifetime membership…seeing as most new games are about $40.00 – 60.00 :P
I already have a freerealms membership for the pc, do I need another to play on ps3 or can I use my account??
-_- I wish the servers were up already
Too bad the game won’t load for me!!! I updated it, then it tries to load the game, no dice!! I am ticked… I’ve been waiting for this game on the ps3 for a LONG time, I play it on my PC all the time…
@160 Freerealms on ps3 is a seperate acct. you need to pay for a new lifetime membership…
I might get the lifetime if I want to try it out first but I can’t because it wont play
@163 thank you for letting me know
and the version that cost money should be free for ps+ users
Come on and get those servers up please
Wow.. There are about to be 3 kids tied up and duct taped if these servers are not up soon.
“Is it working yet?” “Is it working yet?” “Is it working yet?” “Is it working yet?” “Is it working yet?” “Is it working yet?”
LOL, My son is doing the same thing.
In regards to trophies, I understand you have to have membership in order to get them but… if I were to play the game free for a while to see if I like it enough to pay for it and complete the requirements for trophies, If I pay for membership will the trophies unlock that I completed requirements for prior to having membership?
@165 No problem :-D
I downloaded the game and patch but then i tells me that its unable to connect………….. any suggestions or answers when it will let me in to play?
@168 ROFL, im like that too and im 30!!!
I have been waiting all day for this and it just so happens that my son was home sick so I told him about this thing very early and now it is downloaded but no servers and it is making him nuts (me too and I am 45).
Whats up with the servers???? did you not think a billion people would download this FREE game on day one????
Hey I got in.
@166 PS+plus should have to pay, the Free Realms server is a game server, not PSN… Everyone will have to pay sooner or later… the game is level capped until you pay..
wow taking long enough! lol
My brother and I have been counting down the days and now we wait all day for it to show up in the store and it finally does at almost dinner time, now the servers arent up. dont you think people woulda wanted to play this when they downloaded it? not wait for 3 hours for the stinkin servers. im mad. please get this thing up and running!
It’s the big green button that says on! :)
i try like every 15 minutes to get in and it says the same thing. Could not launch game -_-
Just tried and still the same thing “Could not launch game”
hopefully they will let me log in with the free account i have for the pc
PC and PS3 accounts are not linked you wont e able to do that.
@47, if you like the PC version so much, the ps3 version will be so much better… I was thinking of buying a pc LT acct. but I heard of the game going to ps3.. now only if the servers would load!!!
oh well new start then :) that is if this thing ever starts working
I think Sony likes to see us suffer a little.
ok now a new message. Unable to download Game assets. Please check your network connection and try again………………..seriously sony???????
I just got the same message, lol
Getting the same new message on both my units in case anyone was wondering if was just them.
lol and i thought it was gonna work when i saw that msg got a little excitied!!
Phoenix, thanks for the feedback. My kids don’t even know about this game and I’m glad now I didn’t tell them. Back to LBP2 for us. They’ld probably play Moon Diver anyway.
I did too n then i was like oh you gotta be kidding me!
Well, I guess they are making progress
@heybob1978 oh thats lame! “Goes to uninstalls free realms” ;(
It’s not working, I downloaded the update, but now it says, (Unable to download Game assets. Please check your network connection and try again X Retry) Also, if you do what the trophies ask with a free account, if you subscribe, will it then unlock the trophies that i already earned during your free account?
i hope. otherwise im gunna be reaalllly tempted to just shut my playstation down for good