If you caught GameTrailers TV last night then congratulations! You had an exclusive first look at two previously-unannounced goodies from SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs – both of which we’re going into detail about right now.
The first new element ties directly into gameplay and it’s one that we’re really thrilled about. In select missions during the solo campaign, players take control of female South Korean 707th covert operations expert “45.” Acting as the team’s primary form of reconnaissance, 45 slinks into various locales under the cover of night to capture valuable intel and sabotage enemy operations. Armed with silenced weapons and a handy stealth meter that lets players know how visible they are to hostile forces, 45 is a sneaky badass that adds a lot to the already-intense SOCOM 4 experience. We really think you’re going to enjoy playing her missions and we’re glad to finally let that secret out of the bag.
Part two of our double announcement is just as exciting! In addition to the standard version of SOCOM 4 that you’ll find in stores across America on April 19, there will also be a special limited run SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs Full Deployment Edition. Priced at $149.99, the SOCOM 4 Full Deployment Edition is packed with all kinds of awesome. What kind of awesome are we talking about? Check it:
- SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs video game on Blu-ray disc
- PlayStation Move Motion Controller
- PlayStation Move Navigation Controller
- PlayStation Move sharp shooter
- PlayStation Eye Camera
At the heart of this limited edition bundle is the PlayStation Move sharp shooter, giving you pinpoint precision and a streamlined and authentic design. On top of all that, you also get easily accessible buttons, responsive digital trigger, realistic pump-action, a firing mode selector, adjustable shoulder stock and convenient access to the navigation controller. Sold separately, the contents of the SOCOM 4 Full Deployment Edition are valued at nearly $220, making its $149.99 price tag a savings of more than 30%!
Regardless of which version of SOCOM 4 you purchase, you can still pre-order it at participating retailers to receive two unique slug-powered shotguns (one each for both the Spec Ops and Insurgent teams). Of course, folks who pre-order SOCOM 4 at GameStop get the shotgun plus the exclusive Suppression map, “Abandoned,” inspired by the classic map of the same name from SOCOM 1 and II.
The SOCOM 4 information train isn’t done yet! We’ll be back again next week with a ton of new details including the dates in which our multiplayer beta kicks off and a few other pleasant surprises to boot.
See you then!
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