Live on PSN: Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Pack Tour

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The Resurgence Package is here! The second game add-on for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is now available on PSN, and brings with it five additional multiplayer maps, including some of the most unique and awesome places you’ll ever have a firefight.

Modern Warfare 2: Resurgence Pack for PS3 (Carnival)

As always, we’re focused on bringing a little something for everyone in the Resurgence Package. Take Carnival, a desolate and large amusement park that’s perfect for objective gametypes and offers some amazing vantage points atop the wooden roller coaster “Dragon’s Den” or the looming sniper spot positioned high above “The World Of Tomorrow.” This place is like nothing you’ve ever seen in multiplayer before, with distinct locations all around the map which are perfect for calling out enemy positions and working tactically with your team.

Modern Warfare 2: Resurgence Pack for PS3 (Fuel) Modern Warfare 2: Resurgence Pack for PS3 (Trailer Park)

Fuel is a sniper’s haven in this massive desert oil refinery with wide-open areas and extremely long sightlines. If you’re running and gunning, stick to the buildings in the center or take the underground tunnel route to get out to the snipers in the surrounding rocks and oil pumps. Trailer Park is maze of thin sheet metal fencing, torn up trailer units, and cluttered recreation areas. Trailer Park is ideal for the FMJ mod, and offers some insane Headquarters matches due to the soft cover points and thin walls that surround the objectives. We’ve also brought back two more fan favorite and classic Call of Duty 4 maps; Vacant and Strike. We’ve made some key tactical changes to both maps that veteran Call of Duty 4 players will pick up and start taking advantage of immediately. Such as the opening of the back room by Objective point C in the marketplace on Strike, and the now more accessible top floor of the flower shop overlooking the main street. On Vacant, the back gate of the office complex that leads to the hallway will now be open on specific gametypes like Demolition to give the defending team a faster route to the objective.

Modern Warfare 2: Resurgence Pack for PS3 (Vacant)Modern Warfare 2: Resurgence Pack for PS3 (Strike)

That’s just a bit of the new details you’re about to discover when you jump online and start exploring the five new locations the Resurgence Package adds to Modern Warfare 2. You’ll also notice we’ve changed up the playlists to introduce some new game modes and accommodate the new maps. You can now choose to play exclusively on the new Resurgence maps by choosing one of the two Resurgence playlists at the bottom. Just like last time, Resurgence and Hardcore Resurgence offers a variety of game modes to play. We’ve also introduced two completely new mosh-pit style playlists called “Barebones Pro” and “Objective Barebones Pro” which both have Killstreak Rewards disabled. So set up a new create a class, strip off Cold Blooded because you won’t be needing that, and see what it’s like to go head-to-head with no air support to worry about.

Most importantly though, let us know what you think. We’ll continue to change up the playlists based on YOUR feedback. So if there is a gametype variant or cool combination you’d like to see in a future playlist update, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@fourzerotwo) to keep track of those changes and let us know your thoughts!

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58 Author Replies

  • thats a good point i got nuked from it the otherday

  • I think that the game is well thought out and from this point on everything will be compared to MW2. There are a few issues and exploits, however; they have always existed in almost every game and there will always be people who take advantage of them. Great work, job well done and I look forward to your teams new projects in the future.


  • I think the maps were great but honestly I think it’s worth it killing 10 yr old kids and making them cry into their head set

  • I love hearing people about all these unfair tactics. You guys all have the same options other people do, instead of resentment to the CoD organization, get back at the players, become the hated. Constantly getting nubetoobed? Make a nubetoobing class. It’s not that hard, and after you get used to it, you yourself will be shockingly surprised on how much chaos you create, and how much haters you earn. People who trash talk, do this, and set them straight. I love going like one and nine, getting completely dominated in a certain game mode, then switching to a fail proof class that brings me back on top to like 20 and 10. OMA and nubetoobs is a classic, those requesting it to be ridden of are just the ones being overpowered. Or you know, you’re camping, just about to get a killstreak, and someone pipes a noobtube right up your alley. Well, all I can say is that’s what you get. Move around a bit you lazy imbecile.

  • “All is fair in love and war.” “Everybody pities the weak, jealousy must be earned.” “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” “The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.” “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” Take these quotes, and recognize that nothing will help you become better at playing this game than your own will. Taking stuff out, because it is “unfair”, will not make you better, it will only satisfy you, and being satisfied, is not something that the world must do for you, you must do it for yourself. Take out OMA and the exploitations of nubetoobs. The nubetoobs will not go away, just become less of a nuisance. I for one, will continue using nubetoobs as long as they are available to me. Not because I am a “nubetoober”, but rather because they work, and why not use anything other than what works? I have a 1.7 k/d and I’m not the greatest player on here, in fact, I’m really far from it. Get inside people’s heads and you’ll be amazed at what damage you can do.

  • You need to fix the ricochet system in hardcore. If you shoot your teammate he should not die, just you should. And knifing needs to be fixed. and why not throw in something like if i player looses 200 points he gets kicked. Thanks

  • do you guys consider to make barret and intervention 1 shot kill? its really annoying and there is a lot of videos with sick shots that ends up with a hitmarker on youtube…

  • Hi in the next patch can you please please get rod of commando im tired of getting stabbed from 20 ft away

  • the maps were epic but ive seen a lot more glithes on Carnival like jumping on dat fence around that spinning light thingy mabober near by the fun house adn getting on the clown and camping 10 year olds are getting pwned by me

  • oh and The_NERD_397 remember, if u cant beat em, join em. dats wat i did

  • next mw
    1: multiplayer trophies .
    2: prestige gives you something better than a extra class slot
    3: need more guns , maybe 200 choices .
    4:killsteak reward would be call in the juggernauts.
    5:i like small maps , i don t like to run around forever to find someone to kill.
    6:customizes callsigns ppl seems to do this with clan tag even they are not in a clan
    I just got spawn trapped witch sucks i think they put tactital insertions in all our spawn point , i think i died 40 times in a row. this is bad when you are new to the game it makes you never want to come back , good for me i knew whats going on.

  • First off I want to congratulate you and IW for making yet another great game. But I want to say something. Its not fair that xbox has a 30 day exclusive because some kids have both systems and they come on ps3 the day it comes out and rape everyone. And OMA danger close is getting really old. And COMMANDO IS NOT A GOOD PERK. Knife farther and if you have pro you can jump from the roofs and survive, really. Besides that I love mw2 and hope you guys make MW3 even better. PS on the next map pack I would love to see BACKLOT. Keep up the good work =)

  • Hay Robert are there more map packs coming out, I thought IW would be cranking out 4 map packs for this title. I would buy them if you guys decide to put in the over time to get them ready. Something with a Gulag feel would be a good map I think, and one at the white house. Still the best game ever.

  • lol robert bowling once again pretended to be interested in customer opinions yet this has been on 58replies for the past 2 days he obviously got bored of pretending to do his job

  • yea good point

  • For the Hardcore play-lists, I would like to see Hardcore Ricochet Team Death-match. In HC Team Death-match now, people team kill all the time, we need to put a stop to that.

  • id like to see noob tubeless team deathmach

  • if you played battlefield bad company 2 look how they balanced the grande lancher attachment…

  • i have and i have it but i think the online maps on cow mw 2 are better. i agree the grenade launcher balance is awesome. but the problem is the online modes arent aqs good

    by the way where is robert bowling why ist he talking anymore o i know why he knows where right and dosent want to take the time to fix the problems

  • Why do u have 2 delete old playlists 2 add new ones cant you just add em AND keep the old ones!???

  • is there a chance you guys will bring out some cod:waw maps? i would love 2 go spazing on the station

  • bringing back waw maps one casnt happen because made my diff companys and 2 the graphics arent as good.

  • SucculentSausage

    commando is the stupidest idea ever

  • SucculentSausage

    commando sux

  • SucculentSausage

    patch commando!

  • SucculentSausage


  • i agree commando is redic u can knife someone from 15ft a way

  • I was just wondering could there be a way to create your own gun like choosing a barrel, stock etc. and then being able to unlock diffrent stocks, barrels, ammo types and stuff you can probably think of and then name the gun and have a contest on the best or coolest gun

  • u want something like that than cod isn’t ur game to play try the Moh Beta or MOH full game cuz they allow to customize the stock barrels sights etc but they give the gun to base off as well as ammo like standard clip, extra clips etc as u level up i know cuz i have the MOH beta and its a sick game

  • Most hours per buck… hmm… lets think….. ZOMBIES!

  • this map pack iz the i’ve bought since the CoD: WaW map packs. i think the range of the spas-12 needs 2 b reduced.

  • can u guys come out with a map pack that has new maps, game modes, and wepons?

  • does anyone when we r gona get a cheaper price for this map pack?

  • someblindguy the range of the spas is already way below realistic if anything all the shotguns should have more range instead of dissapearing into nothing after 10 feet.

  • Sniper rifles in the chest should definitely be one shot kills too I dont think anyone could walk away from a 50 cal to any part of the body

  • I also like the new maps!

    much better then the first map pack.
    I think its because you guys added overgrown in the 1e map pack
    (and overgrown is the baddest map you guys ever made!! Sorry)

    I hope you guys make a third map pack..
    And dont ask another € 14 please, € 10 is much better ;)
    and add all old maps for free!!…i think all the loyal players deserve it. …(im 1 of them, lol)

  • The more i play MW2 the more i hate it because of marathon and lightweight, commando and the constant OMA noobtubers

  • if i were to get 1 map pack, which one would i choose

  • You need to fix the game lobbies. I can only play one or two boards online before the game lobby closes and I lose the points I have accumulated and have to start all over again. It is really frustrating, especially when I am on a good team. I don’t know what causes this to happen but something needs to be done to keep the lobbies open so you don’t have to keep starting over all of the time. I would also like to see some new weapons—how about a weapons upgrade pack? I like the new boards but the weapons are getting boring. I need something new to work for now that I have all the weapon upgrades unlocked.

  • in my opinion mw2 is the best game, but all the noobtubers are ruin it for all the real players. i dont mind them doing that once in a while, but it seems like every game i go to half of the team is noobtubing with one man army.

  • bring cage match back. im tired of all the boosters!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is a comment in reply to FJ1100_rider saying that
    He says that in REAL military people camp. And that people don’t play tactically on MW2.

    Well dude, the whole point of a video game is that is a VIDEO GAME, it’s not REAL! Yeah, in real life the military camp, but also in real life people don’t run around quickscoping and 360ing with 50 Kg Snipers!

    Grow up dude, people love MW2 because it’s a fun video game, and it takes something real and makes it unbelievably epic.

    And as for people not playing tactically, well, don’t cry?


  • it would be nice if at least 80% of the time you could finish a session without being kicked from the servers !!!!!!!

  • infinity ward u r waaaaayyy better than makin games than (Treyarch) no offence to them wen cod4 came out that was the BEST GAME EVER mw2 is fun i kno u guys try ur best which we appreciate but theres few things i want to include- is there goin to be a MW3?- and PLEASE why do u guys torture PS3! i mean u guys take 1 month every time map pack come out 4 us xbox always get them first n we have to go on youtube n watch xbox players play it i mean come on xbox is not the only game system out there- and PLEASE bring new gunz with map packs comes out i kno u guys try really hard on maps but bring new gunz with map pack MW2 suppose to take place in the future ¿right? bring future gunz that we have today -and PLEASE FIND ALLL THE HACKERS OUT THERE and return them to their original PRESTIGE i work hard to get to 9th prestige n ppl jus hack i kno u guys kno how to FIND them n FIX the LEADERBOARDS on PS3 patch the prestige hack PLEASE – and PLEASE BRING OUT THE SPINNING 10th prestige emblem out i hear its ONLY for infini

  • infinity workers but we want them to… PLEASE REPLY INFINITY WARD i want to kno wat u think about my statement here.

  • Hello Robert how are you doing can you consider these ideas for your next update 1)Stop the abusing of grenade launchers with oma 2) Lately i have been knifing people and they dont die instead they kill me by knifing how about fixing that 3) Lately i have been dying by people that kill me from a mile and they dont even have commando on as on of their perks 4) How about a new perk that allows you to not die while in last stand and you can get back up 5) This will be very unlikely there are a total of 15 perks you can only choose 3 perks for each class how about you can now choose 6 perks for each class like scavenger & bling. stopping power & cold-blooded, commando and ninja what do you think about those ideas

  • robert we need new patch bc glitches r still on mw2 make big patch to wipe em out for good

  • robert is done responding he really dosent care what we trhink or he would still be responding to what we have to say

  • i do realy enjoy this game…the best actually. only problem is, why did you removed cage match? is it better now? with boosters all over the playlists? since you did that, in 10matches that i join, 5of them are full of boosters… please bring back cage match so they can go back with they pathetic boosting to cage and we can have the real mw2 experience without have to spend the entire game boost hunting..thamks

  • yea agreed

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