You can only fit so much into an E3 press conference, and with as many huge titles as we showed at Tuesday’s event, not every game got the full trailer treatment during the show. We’ll of course be talking about all of these games extensively in due time… but while we’re still at E3, why not take a closer look at some trailers you may have missed?
The Sly Collection
Now this is one hell of a deal – All 3 Sly Cooper games, remastered in HD, with Trophies, PlayStation Move mini-games, and 3D support – all on 1 Blu-ray disc. Oh yeah – you requested it.
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Go back to Kratos’ roots in his second rampage on PSP and discover what shaped the ancient world’s angriest man.
Heroes on the Move
Ratchet, Clank, Jak, Daxter, Sly and Bentley are together at last in this PlayStation Move enabled game.
Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip
This one will become available before the month is over. Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip was a hit at our E3 Meetup, and winners of doubles matches actually won pre-release copies of the game.
Hope you enjoyed this first look at some more of our first party lineup. Indeed, there are even more titles that we have yet to really talk about. Of course, we’ll be featuring everything on the Blog later this summer.
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