July 30th Update: The content per month isn’t determined as day one content and is content that will be made available through the month.
If you have been paying attention to all of the news coming out of E3, you probably heard that we introduced a new subscription service called PlayStation Plus, which will be available on June 29.
PlayStation Plus is a service that lives on top of the current PlayStation Network. So, while users will continue to have free access to PlayStation Network’s unmatched and ever-growing suite of new and exclusive content, services, and community focused tools – just as they do today – PlayStation Plus subscribers will gain access to an exclusive set of features and content designed specifically for gamers.
When you subscribe to PlayStation Plus, you’ll get free games and DLC (pretty sweet), frequent discounts on PlayStation Store, early invitations to select betas of popular games, and free monthly episodes of Qore – our high-definition, interactive gaming lifestyle show. You’ll also enjoy new functionality such as Full Game Trial where you can “try before you buy” – play a Blu-ray or PSN game for up to one hour and then you can buy the game, download it and keep your progress and trophies. Another cool feature is Automatic Downloads that will push select demos, game related videos, patches and firmware updates to your PS3 so you don’t have to think about it. Total it up and you’ll get hundreds of dollars of value through the year with exclusive digital content from both our World Wide Studios Group and our publishing partners. And every month we’ll be adding new content and continually adding new features, making PlayStation Plus an incredible value, time saver and ticket to front-of-the-line access.
At launch, PlayStation Plus will offer subscribers the full PlayStation Network game, WipEout HD, full game trial of inFAMOUS, PSP minis and PS One Classics such as Fieldrunners, Age of Zombies and Rally Cross, as well as premium avatars, themes and DLC levels and map packs. Additionally, subscribers will always have access to their virtual library of free games for as long as they keep their PlayStation Plus subscription. In all, subscribers will get an unprecedented amount of value, access and convenience and, in the first month alone, will receive more than $50 worth of content.
PlayStation Plus will be available for a yearly fee of $49.99. We are also running a “limited time offer” giving subscribers 3 free bonus months for signing up for a yearly subscription – so those who
sign up now will get 15-months of PlayStation Plus. Consumers also have the option to subscribe for 3 months for $17.99.
You can sign up on the PlayStation Store or learn more about the exclusive features at us.playstation.com.
The main question is, are the games downloadable on up to 5 systems? I have a few different PS3’s at various family members houses, and 2 PSP’s. I would like to play Age of Zombies and other games regardless of what system I’m using.
The only difference between this content and actual bought content should be the expiry date.
IMP! Plz reply
If one user on PS3 buys Plus does everyone on the same PS3 get all Plus feature for them too??
Sony stop wasting our time with these articles. All we want to know about is cross game voice chat and party features. This is the only way me, and anyone I know will bother getting PSN+. Is it coming to PS3 or should I take my business elsewhere?
Address this or don’t waste our time.
Where is cross game voice chat Sony? This is all we asked for, this entire list is a waste of everyones time. Where is this feature? Is it included with PSN now free, or is it in PSN+?
so…all you people complaining about losing the content gained from being a member, let me ask you something: you join a country club. you play golf at this country club all the time, because it’s a free benefit for being a member of the club. Now, money becomes unexpectedly tight. So you decide to not renew club membership. Do you expect to still be allowed to play on the club course? If you say no, then why would you complain about pretty much the exact same thing going on on the PSN?
OK everyone here’s how PlayStation Plus works:
Once you subscribe to the service, you’ll have access to download free content, games, betas and more as mentioned on this topic. For game wise, when you pay for the game at a discount which is 40% mentioned by Sony, it’ll be yours to keep, even if you don’t renew your subscription, but if you have access to free games or content, those will be gone if you do not renew your subscription. Hope this helps. :)
P.S. Sorry if I posted this tip before anyone else.
what about the ps1 classics they could let us get those for free
Sigh … no cross game chat no thanks. You pulled this before it was called Qore. Nice to see that terrible service bundled with it.
@247 Yeah, it seems like some people are new to the subscription model. It’s kind of funny.
For those new to it, see: Costco, Netflix, cable tv, World of Warcraft for some examples.
Has there been any mention as to whether or not one subscription will effect everyone on the same ps3 or if like the xbox we will need to buy a subscription for each user?
How long are you going to have those specific games available? For a 30-day launch period or just the remainder of June? My 60GB PS3 is broken and I’m saving up the funds needed to get it repaired, and the turn around time on repairs is like two weeks. Any chance I might make the window for the 3 free months?
im still not sure if im gonna get this or not. im leaning towards getting it but just not sure.
Maybe after seeing what firmware 3.40 (due out the 22nd) has in it and what it does, will help me decide on if im going to buy psn+ or not.
So basically you have become XBox Live? But unlike them, you lose content if you dont pay blood money?
Wow, are you trying to lose business to Microsoft?
add an option where a Sony employee can log into my ps3’s, play games and unlock the trophies i can’t get and you can count me in?
I hope Sony Give me In game cross chat on june 22 firmware update as exchange in having a not so good e3 without surprises… and by surprises i mean: No FF7 ps3!, no Uncharted3? no Resistance3?, No Sephiroth SackBoy YET!!!? No kingdom hearts III, no Footage of FFvs13, No Exclusive content for Metal Gear Rising, no NOTHING! Only that DAMN MOVE! they wasted so much time on it that i was in such a letdown….until the only surprise arrived, twisted metal, but everything else was Full of fail Sony… WTF!
is this for psp too ??
So are any of the devs reading this blog?….
to all the ppl complaining about PSNPlus are you kidding me ? 7 what is wrong with you . Did Sony say they charging Cross voice chat
PS+ should also have UMD transfering to the Go. You guys promised it, and it really pissed me off that i havnt gotten it.
ppl Sony is not charging you to play online
sounds cool..waiting for more information though…
Probably subscribing day one.
If you loose everything when your not subscribed it may be a deal breaker for me. Paying 50 bucks for select things that are temporary may not be worth it. Being able to keep DLC for full blu-ray SONY first party games like Uncharted 2 would probably be worth the 50 dollars. Assuming you by enough of their games.
all sound sgood but 2 things
1. how will this affect current Qore subscribers
2. from how i read it anything you recieve free, like Wipeout HD, will not be playable or useable when your subscription runs out, so how will that affect stuff like avatars, themes, and any content in general. like if i get a map pack while a subscriber and then i try to redownload for whatever reason when i’m not will i be able to
love how there are no official replies to this topic even though there are no valid questions. Typical Sony service I guess…
Well considering that most of the comments are people losing their freaking minds over assuming cross game chat is a paid service, and that online play will be removed from the basic service.
Yeah they won’t respond to the mass of irrational people here.
PlayStation Network Plus seems cool, I’m thiking about buying it, but I have some questions:
If I have more than 1 PS3 console, can I use PSN+ with my account in every activated console I would have?
What about multiple users on one system? My siblings have their own PSN account, and they are linked to a main account (mine). Do I have to buy each of my siblngs a separate subscription?
And my final question… Will PSN+ be available in all countries?
Thanks in advance.
I am not completely sold on PSN Plus, but I do like the idea.
I like owning my own games and DLC, though. I might get it if, after I subscribe long enough, I get the older stuff for keeps.
if this includes full downloads of movies & tv from psn count me in.
Is there any way for those of us who recently purchased an annual subscription to Qore but plan to sign up for a year of PlayStation Plus to either get a partial refund or transfer our Qore subscription to another user so the money we just spent doesn’t got to waste?
i have 128 games purchased through PSN (existing content)….will this play as part of the new PSN+ service if i sign up….?? Or will these games still belong to me if i cancel my subscription…?? Also – if i sign up on this subscription….will the option to purchase full games still be available….and will i keep these even though i may cancel my subscription….?? i ask this question because i may sign up for the other features offered (i prefer to purchase my games at full price so i may keep them).
What about the Cloud service for backing up saved games? During the Portal 2 presentation the speaker mentioned something about the Cloud service so is this going to be part of PSN+ if so this is the only thing that is worth getting PSN+ for me. All the other stuff I don’t really care about but I own 2 ps3s and I have many games a lot of which are copy-right protected which means I can only play them on one ps3.
Sony keeps advertising the ps3 slim and trying to get everyone to switch over to it but when I get mine I am not able to copy a lot of my save files over which sucks especially for games like Dragon Age where I have put over 100 hours in. Cloud would also help everyone that keeps ylod to not lose all their saves.
Please just give us Cloud service in PSN+ so I can keep all my saved games even copy-right protected ones on the database to access anywhere I’m at and wont have to worry about the chance of losing my save games.
Is little big planet included too?
this is what im thinking, dont hate. but since the AC: B beta is coming out soon and only on ps3, they’re probably gonna make the AC beta for plus subscribers
ok can some one help me it says u get the extra for pre-order well how the HELL! do i do that! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
For people defending this, saying people that are complaining here are new to subscription services, at least the corporations behind those subscriptions listen to what their fanbase/consumers want…XGC has been asked for and has been at the top of the IDEA list since ohh when…launch maybe? Yea. If i wanted a rental service for games i would just use gamefly or some other means. At least it wont be a PSN title, or 1 hour of a full game…It would be a FULL GAME/NEW RELEASE. Sigh, im glad that Sony has dumb consumers. The revenue from them will get what we actually want probably.
Ok how can I say this politely and respectfully?
Senior Director of Playstation Network I want you to know when I first of Playstation + knowing full of the terms and strings involved I still intended to sign up day one.
Now I find myself hesitating. Why? Its really quite simple I just read the first 90 comments posted in full and you haven’t replied to anyone. Then I skimmed through the rest of the 276 comments. Over a 7+ hour time span you have not answered a SINGLE QUESTION!
Really? So you want me to sign up for a premium service with no feedback, no answers and no explanations? Do you really consider that a smart business move? If you had some kind of emergency I understand but no one is answering questions in your place no one has a single thing any of us have asked!
Now here is some insane irony for everyone here. I can answer a few of your questions with almost absolute certainty I do not work for Sony but I speak with some that do and every time I see them I grill them on absolutely everything!
Netflix will always be with the disc. At least until microsoft has to renew with them again
The only reason we have it is because Sony and/or netflix found a loophole in the contract.
Since my source came from a rep for both Sony and Microsoft seperately on the same day I am extremely confident in its accuracy.
Do Canadian’s get this? I’m a Qore subscriber and I’m looking to buy plus, but can’t find it in the store… What gives sony?
Thank you sony for not posting my 4 paragraph msg without a kb but posting the short part 2 of it so I guess I need to reiterate?
I read almost the first half of these comments took me an hour to do so then I skimmed through the rest to be absolutely sure?
YOU HAVENT ANSWERED EVEN ONE PERSON!!!! 276 comments over 7 hr timespan all prospective clients of your new service just wanting some info and explanations and you haven’t answered a single person. Well Done care to change and please correct such an easily fixed mishap?
This may determine whether I subscribe to Plus: What if you subscribe, download a bunch of games, you let the subscription lapse (losing access to the content)… and then resubscribe at a later date. Will you regain access to your previous downloads or only new stuff from your new subscription period?
You’re basically charging $50 a year to rent perks in essence. Since you don’t keep anything you get during your subscription if you decide to not renew.
Seriously you are making this so much more difficult then it needs to be. If you are busy thats fine have someone answer questions in your place. But you representing your entire network offered and told us about a premium service but no one is here to field questions?
IF you dont know or cant yet comment say so it doesn’t harm anyone. Please allow me to clarify here dont think I am insulting or demeaning you if i worked with you guys and I knew the answers I would help answer them but my comment won’t appear in bright red and I know there is red tape involved so instead I am trying to get you to answer some of their questions before any more credibility is lost!
I like the idea but Sony’s gonna have to be a LOT more specific before they start asking for people’s money. We need more concrete information about which games we’ll have access to, among many other things other users have commented about. We need to know how this affects Qore subscribers.
Most importantly though, we need absolute confirmation that this doesn’t negatively impact non-Plus subscribers. You absolutely CANNOT do things like delay content just so Plus users can have them or completely close off things that used to be available in order to increase demand for Plus. There’s a fine line between offering those who are willing to pay for it a greater service and…well, becoming Xbox Live. Most Sony fans (or at least people who frequent the Blog) have a pretty good feeling about Sony and how they treat their customers. Don’t let us down.
Will we be able to turn off automatic downloads and/or updates if we choose? Will the downloadable games be selected by Sony or will we be able to choose from a variety of games? We all know their will be another Sony console made and Playstation Plus could be replaced by something different. With this in mind, do you maybe have a plan for those who are diehard fans of plus to maybe keep their games if they loyally subscribe for maybe 5 years in a row and/or at least transfer everything to the new console? Will there be extra features added in the future? Could you possibly add a bonus feature every now and then to keep us interested?
Sorry for all the questions, but I think they are all extremely relevant to the topic at hand. Thanks Sony for listening to us.
I just read up on another website that Cross-Game Chat was on the list of features on all PS websites (language) and then was quickly removed, which leads most people, including me to believe it will be added for free. But what I want to know most is WHERE IS CLOUD STORAGE?! That was one of the main selling points for me when I heard the rumors. If I had the reassurance that my data would be safe no matter what I would buy this. Maybe it will be added later but who knows. I hope they release more information because they barely touched on the subject in the press conference.
Will my existing games be affected by subscribing to PSN+….and will purchasing FULL games still be available….?? If so…can i still keep my FULL purchase downloads if i let my subscription lapse or cancel my subscription….??
voice chat is free, only cross-gaming voice chat isn’t (something which also isn’t free on the xbox360)
the xbox360 where even basic matchmaking isn’t free!!! come back when u really have something bad to say, because it can’t be worse than what Microsoft is forcing their customers (with sony u at least have a good choice, as u don’t need cross-game voice chat)
@CHRISRHODE2004 nothing will change, with the payment u get more stuff and cross-game voice chat.
everything will be exactly like your used to as before, except u won’t be getting DLC or demo’s as soon as premium-payers and u don’t get free games try’s (besides that it’s exactly the same PSN as u have had for the last 2 years!)
normal voice/video chat features will still be free! i don’t know where people are getting their crap from?
i think Microsoft has seriously infected this page, because nothing is changing for old-time users besides extra-stuff u wouldn’t have otherwise gotten (before)