Incoming: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package DLC Hits PSN Tomorrow

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Tomorrow, May 4th, will be an onslaught of Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer goodness on the PlayStation Network!

First and foremost, the first downloadable content for Modern Warfare 2 — The Stimulus Package — will hit the PSN Store for $14.99 and bring with it five new maps to the multiplayer of MW2. Included in those five new maps are two classic Call of Duty 4 maps that we all know and love, and three completely new locations that offer a variety of unique locations for your favorite gametypes. The Stimulus Package includes:

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Bailout ā€“ An American apartment complex that is amazing for objective gametypes, especially Capture the Flag, but one of those maps that works well regardless of what type of game youā€™re playing it on. Its long sightlines — like sniping from a blown-out wall of a second-story apartment suite — give it some nice spots for long-range sniping but also has plenty of flanking routes through the bullet-riddled gym, hallways, lobbies, and interconnecting units.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Salvage ā€“ A snowy junkyard covered in debris, crushed cars, and my favorite aspect — no place to hide (well, maybe one, but hiding in the dog house isnā€™t going to win you the game). This aspect of beautiful but simplistic design is what makes Salvage my new favorite map for Hardcore Team Deathmatch; it forces you to rely on your speed, accuracy, and skill. Itā€™s all about offensive, sorry campers! This map is about getting in and STAYING in the fight.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Storm ā€“ A rainy warehouse district on the outskirts of a looming thunderstorm with booming lightning and rolling thunder. A massive interconnected warehouse with overhead walkways and plenty of machinery for cover makes this great for big team games. With plenty of surrounding outdoors areas for flanking or cutting through the connected buildings, this is a map that benefits from two teams working together to control their area and lock down domination points. This map has a great atmosphere and always results in some insane HQ games.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Crash ā€“ A war-torn urban environment with a crashed helicopter surrounded by several great vantage points. Whether youā€™re taking pop shots from the three-story building overlooking the map, or covering the center objective point from the second story of the appropriately named ā€œblue roomā€ windows, Crash is the first fan-favorite map to make a return from Call of Duty 4, and is one those multiplayer locations that is perfectly balanced regardless of the gametype you throw on it. Team Deathmatch is king on Crash for me personally and weā€™ve maintained every cover, sniper vantage, and perfect ‘nade spot youā€™ve grown to love, but have also filled the map out with even more detail.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Overgrown ā€“ A massive and open village divided down the center by a dried-up creekbed. Overgrown is a snipers paradise with its high grass, super-long sightlines, and earns its cred as one of our largest multiplayer maps. Itā€™s back by popular demand from the community, and was one of my personal favorite maps of all time from Call of Duty 4. Itā€™s been updated with some new lightning and atmospheric changes, yet maintains its trademark flow and appeal for big team games.

When you jump online to enjoy the new maps, youā€™re also going to be greeted with a few new additions to the playlists structure in multiplayer. Youā€™ll notice two new playlists added to the bottom of the list: Stimulus & Stimulus Hardcore. These two playlists will allow you to play your favorite gametypes on ONLY the new maps. That way you get to experience them as much as you like.

Stimulus ā€“ This playlist will include all gametypes for 8-12 players and rotating through ONLY the new Stimulus Maps.

Stimulus Hardcore ā€“ This playlist will include Hardcore Ricochet Team Deathmatch, Hardcore Ricochet HQ Pro, Hardcore Ricochet Search and Destroy for 8-12 players and rotating through ONLY the new Stimulus Maps.

While these two playlists are reserved for those who download The Stimulus Package, the same day weā€™ll also be introducing an all new playlist for ALL Modern Warfare 2 players.

Team Tactical ā€“ 6-8 Players playing small team based games with Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, and Demolition. (First Person viewpoint)

This playlist is being added by HUGE demand from the community on our forums, Twitter, and other messages youā€™ve sent in to us; in addition to another requested change of adding the Ranger maps (Terminal, Skidrow, Highrise, Invasion) to the HC HQ Pro playlist.

When I said onslaught, I MEANT onslaught!

Thatā€™s not even all. When all these updates hit tomorrow on May 4th, weā€™ll also be flipping the Double XP switch for the first time, ON ALL PLAYLISTS, FOR ALL PLAYERS! So when you jump online youā€™ll be earning twice as many XP for your kills and objectives to help you finish off that Prestige youā€™ve been working on or, for all you level 70s, the deciding factor to take the leap into the next Prestige.

Tomorrow is all about adding even more mileage to your Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, giving you all new locations to play, new playlists to play them on, and Double XP to make it all that much sweeter. I look forward to seeing all of you online!

You can follow official Modern Warfare 2 updates and news on Twitter by following @fourzerotwo.

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72 Author Replies

  • ok I just got 100% confirmation from my nieghbour who has an Xbox and the exact same thing happend for him when he got the new maps last month. he could only play a mixed bag of games just like us but 2 days later all play lists were up and running. so spread the word and help put a stop to all the b!tch!ng.

  • oh my god its a camping frenzy. Nice maps Crap Games

    TEAMDEATH match plz

  • I’m so angry right now that I can’t even put it into words. I’ve downloaded the map pack TWICE now, wasting one of my activations, and the game is still refusing to acknowledge that I have the map pack. WHY CAN’T I PLAY, GOD DAMN IT!? Seriously, I’m this close to killing somebody. This kind of frustration is what makes me want to read books instead of playing games sometimes. Yes, it’s that serious.

  • robert plays ps3. i thought IW was a 360 sided developer

  • and [DELETED] my ps3 got ylod and during this double xp week :(

  • Please don’t buy the new maps You’ll regret it! Double Xp on what bull there is no double Exp I should know I played it earlier today nothing! There already cheating pretty sad that they never patched up this new update Shame on You Sony! And Infinity Ward! I don’t trust you Activision they should’ve at least refunded us for the damn cheating and glitching The Flash Glitch the Shotgun Glitch The Skate Glitch! The List goes on and On!…THE FUTURE OF LOSERS HAVE TO GLITCH &CHEAT JUST TO WIN A MATCH!

  • All the camping is ridiculous

  • Honestly I don’t even play MW2 anymore and a unworthy $15 is not drawing me and to play again. Sad…….Price Drop Needed

  • and lolok everyone is complaining about the camping.. definitely a NO GO!

  • Add maps to all of them and all of the game modes i’m tired of S&D and wile u r at it make hardcore ground war and every mode hardcore.

  • I hate the random game modes

  • So I paid for the Map Pack… It showed me 7 download options, and now I realise my disc is BLUS-30377 and the Map Pack isn’t available for me…

    What can I do?

    Has anyone tried an incorrect Map Pack / Disc Combo? What Happens?

  • I got the DLC and I am enjoying the new maps. I never played MW1 online so even the remade maps add a nice new flavor for me.

    Curiously though, will the Stimulus maps eventually be added to the regular playlists? Or will I be forced to just play the 5 new maps in random game modes?…(which can get quite annoying)

  • i paid $15 and got ripped off for variety game modes…thanks activision.

  • 15$ !!! – no thank you

  • gh000000000stman


    Stop whinging and whining for Christ’s sake – You don’t like it don’t play it, don’t buy it, don’t do anything about it – NO-ONE is forcing you.

    Its $15, get over it or get a job

    NO – You can’t use incorrect Map Pack / Disc Combo – It doesn’t work – try reading previous posts from people who did this.

    @SNAKE-EYES73 – What planet are you on – Double XP has been there for two days now. Activision should refund you????? – seriously get a life.

    @PoloM29 – You don’t play any more?? – So what the hell are you doing on a blog for the new maps then – FFS.

    @RenSkins – This has been reported so many times in the last 4,000 posts it is not new news by any stretch of the imagination.

    @urmom102 – You go ahead and start your complaints forum (That will likely all be in CAPS as well), whilst the rest of go play on our new maps as well as our old maps.

    It’s a game, JUST a game. The additional content here costs no more than four starbucks, two gallons of petrol (gas), or ONE, yes just one trip to the cinema to see a 3D film for a couple of hours. Try putting things into perspective will you, and just stop whining all the time.

  • gh000000000stman


    We haven’t found a permanent fix yet. In the meantime the PSN Store can only handle a small number of transactions per second.

    about 2 hours ago via web

  • gh000000000stman

    If anyone with a code of BLUS-xxxx gets through to technical support, it would be good if you could come back on and let people know what their advice is.

  • ok WTF are we ever going to be able to play team deathmatch or ground war or domination on the new maps?

  • infectedswinegut

    ok, im from NZ. Its now saying that the credit card details can’t be changed and to contact technical support.. to fix this do i need to actually contact them to fix it? If so, how? Or with the new fix they’re putting up, will that just fix it so i can do it later? Also, stop being such cheap bastards complaining about the price! It’s $27.50 here , get over it. And if you others that alread have the map pack are complaining about the random game modes, read previous posts! They’ll be running the normal modes once there’s enough people on th new maps to run without getting kicked…

  • In Europe, map downloads still not working, also i think it said ā‚¬13.99, why are we being charged more than the rest of the world, and why can every other part of the world download with no probs,,,, we get it last and then they won’t even take our cash.

    Sony Europe you might want to step up to plate here !!
    maybe you have too much money and and don’t want anymore,, once again Europens treated like second class citzens by sony corp,,

    I feel an Xbox coming on!!

  • @ infecftedswinegut

    i have that messaged too. it means we are banned from adding funds for 24 hours. >_>

  • infectedswinegut

    @ LukeTBH ok thanks man!

  • typical of PlayStation to bring something big out and then cant cope with the demand for it you would think they would have been ready for the vast amount of people wanting the new map pack i also have been locked out from adding funds for 24 hours and I’m not [DELETED] happy about it [DELETED] get it sorted PlayStation or who ever the [DELETED] is in charge of it and just get it sorted coz you have made a lot of unhappy and pissed off play stationers out there

  • typical of PlayStation to bring something big out and then cant cope with the demand for it you would think they would have been ready for the vast amount of people wanting the new map pack i also have been locked out from adding funds for 24 hours and Iā€™m not fuc**** happy about it get it sorted PlayStation or who ever is in charge of it and just get it sorted coz you have made a lot of unhappy and pis*** off play stationers out there

  • would some one please explain to me about the code on the spine of the cod MW2 case. have i got this right i need to mach the code on my case to the right code for the download file or will it download the right file automatically my code is

  • its faking annoying cos i dont even know why we got banned i only tried a few times in a row like 3 or 4, and then it just banned me out, i have tried to get in contact with someone and awaiting an email. but meh so frustrating, soo annoyed aswell bigdaz. XD i have work anyway today so should be able to download it later on about 6ish.

  • @BIGDAZ-22-

    im not sure i was on these forums yesterday and saw these codes, when you are able to purchase you have to select your bless code out of a list of 7 i think. its on a few pages back from a successful buyer, check a few pages back and see if that BLES code is on there. :) if not i’d get in touch with sony, or just follow playstationEU on twitter, that have sorted some questions out too. very helpful :)

  • gh000000000stman

    @BIGDAZ-22 ā€“ Once you hit the Mappack option on PSN store, you will be asked to confirm your purchase. Once you do that you will then be presented with the list of downloadable mappacks, of which there are 7. Make sure you hit the right one, which MUST match the BLES code on the bottom of the spine of your case.

    On my screen the list is as follows

    1 BLES-00691
    2 BLES-00690
    3 BLES-00687
    4 BLES-00686
    5 BLES-00685
    6 BLES-00684
    7 BLES-00683 << This matched my case, so I downloaded this one

    Make sure you hit download on the correct one, and NOT NOT NOT on the "Download All" button which is at the very bottom of the screen.

  • NEED HELP!!! I have an Australian PSN account but a US version of the game. If I download the maps apparently they will not work. I don’t want to lose all my accolades which apparently will happen if I open a US PSN or get an Australian version of the game. Is there a solution???

  • infectedswinegut

    @AdzLab i don’t think you’ll lose you’re accolades if you bought the australian version of the game because when i rented the game out.. then i bought it, i was just as far on multiplayer. But yes i do believe that you’d lose them if you made a US accoun.. but then again idk realy, it’s just my opinion

  • But the game isn’t an aussie version. it’s a US version game. but an aussie PSN account. doesn’t seem like there is any way around it.

  • @LukeTBH @gh000000000stman cheers for your input on selecting the right code to download maps just hope they sort out the transferring funds to the wallet soon so cant wait to play on new maps

  • yeah infinity ward did it again… NOT!!

    Why cant we play the maps in free-for-all. And only a stupid playlist with game modes i never play?!

    Robert?? What are you guys thinkin at IW?! that we wanna pay ā‚¬14 for a map pack and cant even play the game modes we like??

    dammnn i really wasted my money!!

  • gh000000000stman

    @AdzLab – I really think you need to call tech support to see what they suggest, however:-

    One possible option, and I must stress the “possible” because I DO NOT KNOW for sure, would be to create the US account, download the appropriate map pack, and then simply revert to your normal account, as all accounts on the same PS3 are able to use the DLC, eg I have 3 accounts on my PS3, one for me and one each for a couple of my kids, but we only downloaded the maps once, because that is all that was needed. All 3 accounts on my machine have the maps available.

    But, as I said, before i did anything I would call them and see what they suggest.

  • fojero they did this on XBOX LIVE as well. They’ll update the playlist after the Double XP week.

  • Thanks @gh000000000stman. What number am I calling to speak to tech support?

  • ok..and can we play free for all with the maps then ?!

  • me again still no luck with transfering funds to wallet does anyone know if i went to the game shop and bought a psn card will the playstation store except the code on the card and add funds this way

  • Get a psn card voucher and add to your wallet. Its a big con here in the the UK you have to top up with Ā£20 to the psn card and the maps are Ā£10.99 leaving Ā£9 floating in the wallet (meaning i spent Ā£20 on the maps)so you have to top up again to make more money in your wallet to get a decent purchace! You need a credit card to pay proper price but i dont have one or want one and psn know that! And to top it off me and my mates only play hardcore team deathmatch but you have to play search and destroy and other crap that we dont like, we played normal HTD waiting for a new map to play but nothing….I feel robbed its seems that the kids on mw2 got what they wanted (running round blastin you every 2 seconds in the face) even though they shouldnt be on a rated 18 game, i want HTD only and i think that should be available too..I’m not happy with my purchace i havent bothered with the new pack since yesterday its just loud mouth kids running around…….i’m pissed off with it and wont top up the wallet anymore you robbing fu@*ers….anyone still thinkin of purchasing the new pack READ ALL THE REVIEWS FIRST…alot of fed up people who wished they had’nt are all on there giving there rants


  • ************ READ ALL BAD REVIEWS FIRST BEFORE PURCHASE************ **


  • i feel cheated on three fronts

    1: this map pack is more expensive

    2: the more expensive pack is not all new content or ground breaking (like zombies, new weapons)

    3: with all the extra money they are making, i still couldnt buy the freaking patch on the day it came out as kept on getting error messages, so gave up on it

    i was excited about the prospect of a map pack after some good ones in the past esp the zombie packs as were small games within themselves.

    The fact you pay more for less and then it still doesn’t work is very fustrating.

    i am unsure if i will continue to pay cod and its future titles i may try a different brand of first person shooter…..

  • this DLC would be a lot better than just a mixed bag of game modes. besides, wheres the free for all?

  • OK I like the new map & all but hate that you can’t chose the game mode, like if I want to play only Hard Core Team Death match I would like to be able to & not have to play Search & Destroy all the time & for the price that cost me for 3 PS3 systems at $16.30 each. I would like them to change that.

  • sorry i tried to do what you told me to doin regards to creating a new account… i tired creaint a new account with a billing address to america and it wont even allow me to do that….. any other ideas

  • SOOOOOOO, does anyone know when or if this piece of crap map pack is going to let us choose our own game, rather than just throwing us in a mosh pit of different games?? I mean seriously.I dont give an F about a capture the flag or domination. Just give me my Team Deathmathc already!!! How stupid are these people from Infinity Ward to make the map pack like that, AND THEN have the nerve to charge $15????? I seriously Just wanna slap all of them over there at IW!!

  • Just to put it out there the new map packs made my ps3 freeze already. My ps3 has never ever frozen since i got it. Its the slim model. This should be looked into. Hope it doesnt happen again.

  • i rkn all this money that i

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