Incoming: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package DLC Hits PSN Tomorrow

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Tomorrow, May 4th, will be an onslaught of Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer goodness on the PlayStation Network!

First and foremost, the first downloadable content for Modern Warfare 2 — The Stimulus Package — will hit the PSN Store for $14.99 and bring with it five new maps to the multiplayer of MW2. Included in those five new maps are two classic Call of Duty 4 maps that we all know and love, and three completely new locations that offer a variety of unique locations for your favorite gametypes. The Stimulus Package includes:

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Bailout – An American apartment complex that is amazing for objective gametypes, especially Capture the Flag, but one of those maps that works well regardless of what type of game you’re playing it on. Its long sightlines — like sniping from a blown-out wall of a second-story apartment suite — give it some nice spots for long-range sniping but also has plenty of flanking routes through the bullet-riddled gym, hallways, lobbies, and interconnecting units.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Salvage – A snowy junkyard covered in debris, crushed cars, and my favorite aspect — no place to hide (well, maybe one, but hiding in the dog house isn’t going to win you the game). This aspect of beautiful but simplistic design is what makes Salvage my new favorite map for Hardcore Team Deathmatch; it forces you to rely on your speed, accuracy, and skill. It’s all about offensive, sorry campers! This map is about getting in and STAYING in the fight.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Storm – A rainy warehouse district on the outskirts of a looming thunderstorm with booming lightning and rolling thunder. A massive interconnected warehouse with overhead walkways and plenty of machinery for cover makes this great for big team games. With plenty of surrounding outdoors areas for flanking or cutting through the connected buildings, this is a map that benefits from two teams working together to control their area and lock down domination points. This map has a great atmosphere and always results in some insane HQ games.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Crash – A war-torn urban environment with a crashed helicopter surrounded by several great vantage points. Whether you’re taking pop shots from the three-story building overlooking the map, or covering the center objective point from the second story of the appropriately named “blue room” windows, Crash is the first fan-favorite map to make a return from Call of Duty 4, and is one those multiplayer locations that is perfectly balanced regardless of the gametype you throw on it. Team Deathmatch is king on Crash for me personally and we’ve maintained every cover, sniper vantage, and perfect ‘nade spot you’ve grown to love, but have also filled the map out with even more detail.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Overgrown – A massive and open village divided down the center by a dried-up creekbed. Overgrown is a snipers paradise with its high grass, super-long sightlines, and earns its cred as one of our largest multiplayer maps. It’s back by popular demand from the community, and was one of my personal favorite maps of all time from Call of Duty 4. It’s been updated with some new lightning and atmospheric changes, yet maintains its trademark flow and appeal for big team games.

When you jump online to enjoy the new maps, you’re also going to be greeted with a few new additions to the playlists structure in multiplayer. You’ll notice two new playlists added to the bottom of the list: Stimulus & Stimulus Hardcore. These two playlists will allow you to play your favorite gametypes on ONLY the new maps. That way you get to experience them as much as you like.

Stimulus – This playlist will include all gametypes for 8-12 players and rotating through ONLY the new Stimulus Maps.

Stimulus Hardcore – This playlist will include Hardcore Ricochet Team Deathmatch, Hardcore Ricochet HQ Pro, Hardcore Ricochet Search and Destroy for 8-12 players and rotating through ONLY the new Stimulus Maps.

While these two playlists are reserved for those who download The Stimulus Package, the same day we’ll also be introducing an all new playlist for ALL Modern Warfare 2 players.

Team Tactical – 6-8 Players playing small team based games with Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, and Demolition. (First Person viewpoint)

This playlist is being added by HUGE demand from the community on our forums, Twitter, and other messages you’ve sent in to us; in addition to another requested change of adding the Ranger maps (Terminal, Skidrow, Highrise, Invasion) to the HC HQ Pro playlist.

When I said onslaught, I MEANT onslaught!

That’s not even all. When all these updates hit tomorrow on May 4th, we’ll also be flipping the Double XP switch for the first time, ON ALL PLAYLISTS, FOR ALL PLAYERS! So when you jump online you’ll be earning twice as many XP for your kills and objectives to help you finish off that Prestige you’ve been working on or, for all you level 70s, the deciding factor to take the leap into the next Prestige.

Tomorrow is all about adding even more mileage to your Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, giving you all new locations to play, new playlists to play them on, and Double XP to make it all that much sweeter. I look forward to seeing all of you online!

You can follow official Modern Warfare 2 updates and news on Twitter by following @fourzerotwo.

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72 Author Replies

  • downloaaaaaadiiiiiiing slowly.. atleast im downloading ;)

  • finally someone replies to me. haha same even if i go to billing information, i’ve messaged them to see what they say but i think it means that we are blocked from adding funds to our account for 24 hrs.. >_>

  • they just messaged me back saying:

    Thank you for your question. You should receive a response from us within 24 hours.

    Question Reference #100506-002574
    Summary: PSN
    Date Created: 05/05/2010 07.32 PM
    Last Updated: 05/05/2010 07.32 PM
    Status: New

  • i hate them.. >_> lool i also just got this message

    You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down LOL. NO >:[

  • Any luck with the Bles code situation???

  • Wait… they have messed it up for another 24 hours? screw this im getting an xbox next week

  • 88% dl it would be so typicaly if it doesn`t work..

  • @ gh0000stman

    ty :P haha i have been following :)

  • This is overpriced shenanigans. Go play Bad Company 2, where the maps are free.

  • # Another tweak released to test servers. Will push to live if successful. Will keep updating you. 18 minutes ago via mobile web

  • gh000000000stman

    VEEJY – What are you looking for wrt BLES Code? It’s on the side of your case at the very bottom – download that one and that one only.

  • @ ryanuk1981, haha i know the feeling mate, i have considered getting it myself, im not 100% sure if it means your blocked, but i think it does mean, cos im just not getting error codes like everyone else. just that same message, idk XD grr

  • 80% :D

  • battle field bad company 2 is pretty decent, would be awesome if they had killstreaks i guess, or even a better UAV <3

  • 0 % :( lmao

  • well ive downloaded it eventually,im in northumberland,but when i go to play online,it just says i need to download the dlc which ive already done,anyone else with this issue?

  • @gh00000000stman

    basically my bles code is 00685, so can i download it or not

  • @darkerspace, I have the same problem, i’ve DL twice now and the game says it aint there. WTF

  • I just went into my downloads on psn and there they were the seven map packs, my bro said he didnt have them then he went off then came back on and now his are there so if you have been trying to download it log off then on and check your downloads

  • gh000000000stman

    @darkerspace, Mine simply said “Requires DLC” – but i simply clicked on Find a game and the two new playlists were there at the bottom.

  • ye mine is there,but when i try to play it just says i dont have it,do you have to pay for every download even if on same system?

  • no just the one with the right code for your game check your box for the code.

  • gh000000000stman

    @VEEJY – If your BLES code is 00685 then going by the list I see you should be downloading number 5 on the list which on my screen anyway is specifically for 00685.

    On my screen the list is as follows

    1 BLES-00691
    2 BLES-00690
    3 BLES-00687
    4 BLES-00686
    5 BLES-00685
    6 BLES-00684
    7 BLES-00683


  • Playstation losing more cred and counting …

  • Man this is total crap….and people were saying it will be good that it comes out a month after xbox cause all probs will be sorted ….this tops the lot…
    If i get charged more than once. i will defo be camping and pick you off one by one…..jokers

  • Are the servers crashing already? Got booted because problems with activision servers

  • gh000000000stman

    @darkerspace – Nope – Each ID gets up to 5 downloads, and then that content is playable by all IDs on the same machine.

    Example, I have two PS3s, one for me and one for my son. I bought the download once and then downloaded onto both my PS3s. My son also has an ID on one of them and he can play me on One machine with the new content whilst I am on the other one. Both just been hacking around in Bailout, Overgrown and Salvage.

  • @sickxboy1979
    Ok im in the UK and still no luck … where are you in the world?

  • gh000000000stman


    We’re just waiting for a report on the success of the latest fix. It doesn’t look like any further improvements have been gained. 10 minutes ago via web

  • Ken where is this screen your talking about?

  • i transferred funds,had to do it on my other account,im still not happy though,good luck all

  • gh000000000stman


    As soon as we have more info about this issue, we’ll let you know straight away here, so no need to call Customer Services for updates.

    2 minutes ago via web

  • I can’t believe I just paid $15 for this crap. You can’t select tdm only on the new maps. What about people that don’t like all this other crap. Treyarch kicks yall’s A$@ on this one with the selectable new maps and then game type. With this I’m forced to play ctf, dom., s&d, and all the other crap I don’t like just to see the new maps? Ridiculous…..

    !!! SAVE YOUR $15 !!!

  • looooooooooooooooooool

    take it they have no idea then


  • @zee88_fabio I’m in califrnia I got the maps and have been playing then all of a sudden the server
    stopped connecting and now I can’t sign in ps network I had a feeling it was gonna happen


    How does it take longer than 30 days to iron out problems?
    I look forward to the media attention this brings, as I anticipate Playstations biggest failure as a company.

    : )

  • This is really annoying me as I just dont understand it. Can anyone offer me any kind of explanation?

  • sseleriw_freedom

    Hey Tha_GHOST_ I had someone on here tell me that this is what they did for XBOX, then they put the rest of them into the mix once everyone has the mappack.

    Just an FYI

  • great working,just select yr code from th elist and dl,i guess those that have dl 5 times as they havent used the code that on front of disk.Anyone from my area,wants to add to as friends.

  • For now we are going to limit the number of transactions on PSN to improve the volume of successful payments until the problem is resolved
    5 minutes ago via web

  • gh000000000stman

    ashskull21 – Once you hit the Mappack option on PSN store, you will be asked to confirm your purchase. Once you do that you will then be presented with the list of downloadable mappacks, of which there are 7. Make sure you hit the right one, which MUST match the BLES code on the bottom of the spine of your case.

    On my screen the list is as follows

    1 BLES-00691
    2 BLES-00690
    3 BLES-00687
    4 BLES-00686
    5 BLES-00685
    6 BLES-00684
    7 BLES-00683 << This matched my case, so I downloaded this one

    Make sure you hit download on the correct one, and NOT NOT NOT on the "Download All" button which is at the very bottom of the screen.

  • gh000000000stman


    One of the things they said was that they may have to take down PSN for a few minutes to try certain fixes. This would affect everyone, even those that have managed to download successfully

  • They need to put the maps into the old playlists I hate having to play hq pro

  • gh000000000stman


    please bear with us, as soon as we have any updates we’ll post them here. Again, sorry about the problem you’ve been experiencing.

    2 minutes ago via web

  • gh000000000stman


    @_markwiltshire the issue we are addressing includes error code 80023102

    5 minutes ago via web in reply to _markwiltshire

  • i got MW2 as a birthday present,ive tried to change my billing details but it says”check details,card invalid”,weve tried countless times to contact customer support,and are currently on “hold”.After reading some of your comments ive checked my “code” and its BLUS 30377!! so i take it my game is the US version(im in the UK) and i cant download the mappacks anyway??!! Anyone got any advise or do i throw my phone at the wall as im pissed off with hearing “thankyou for continuing to hold,one of our advisors will be with you shortly” for the millionth time and snap my US disc in 2!!!!


  • What a shower of c*nts.

    Do they want my money or not?

  • hey dudes im also sufarin from this erorr. ITS Pissing me off nw! does any1 know a solution?

  • update:

    @hrnz by throttling down the number of transactions the issue is fixed for some of you however we are still looking into a permanent fix

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