PS3 3.30 System Software Update

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Hi everyone, in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible, we’ll be adding a few new features to PlayStation 3 (PS3) via the latest system software update, which is a mandatory update and will be available shortly. Most notably, you’ll see some new sorting options within Trophies that make it easier to claim bragging rights among your friends on PlayStation Network.

  • Trophy enhancements –- Now you can more easily sort trophies in the [Trophy Collection] and [Comparing Trophy] sections. Sorting can be done with [Trophy Collection] in the [Game Category] and also when comparing trophies with your friends in the [Friend Category]
    • Trophy Folder (Title List) can be sorted by game name/ by title according to the date in which you earned your last trophy (ascending/descending)
    • Add-on list (Group list) can be sorted by original/the date in which you earned your last trophy (ascending/descending)
    • Trophy list can be sorted by original/trophy name/grade/date of obtaining the trophy (ascending/descending)

In addition, this update preps the PS3 system for some upcoming new features, including 3D stereoscopic gaming, which is coming soon to PS3, in time for the launch of Sony’s 3D BRAVIA TVs.

Let us know your thoughts and as always, we look forward to your feedback.

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  • they also changed the ps3 system image when you restore your ps3 to default. it is a slim now and the ps button is highlighted in red.

    just another minor change

  • @Puffin_Nugs Yay for more pointless crap no one needs or cares about.

  • Regarding the browser. I find it HILARIOUS that I can view “youporrn” however not “youtube”. WTF? :o


  • that sorting your trophy rubbish was a waste of time no 1 really wanted it.what’s the point of having blog.share if you wont even add at least one thing from den.the trophy section was fine as it was y add that rubbish when its not going to benefit us u feeel m3?the problem with youtube n da net should have been fixed not the trophy section.what a waste of time giving us stuff we dnt need

  • Here a list I’ve been waiting and it’s not on this 3.30 yet.
    – SKYPE

    Skype and Internet Radio we already had on PSP 2001. I don’t know that didn’t add that to PS3 firmware yet.
    Change DVD region as we can do in computers, at least choose another region option to add to the default region 1 (e.g. region 4 in my case, ’cause I have hundreds of Region 4 DVDs (not BDD)).

  • The last firmware update stole something that few people used, and this one gives something that few people want. I guess it makes sense.

  • we are meant to be teamed up with psp so y dnt we ave some of the things they ave.

  • i still think there is something behind the update thay are hideing and just wont tell cause we dont see it

  • few people bro aint enough.i guarantee you if u ave a vote or sutn like dat regarding who thinks the sorted stuff added for the trophy section is needed.most people will say its not needed

  • Whow ! SONY, what happen to your stock ?

    In one month, you loose more than 10% !!!

    It’s the counter part of abusing your consumers ?

  • this update is nothing more than a trick/trap for those who have chosen to not give up os support.

  • so more than anything this was about the new 3D stuff. thats cool. i was expecting that update very soon.

  • correct me if im wrong init
    on blog share you got thousands of people voting for cross gaming,thousands not a few.y cnt that be added cah that would be needdd big time.the things we request fo da most we don’t get lol dats bs

  • Can we PLEASE Delete trophies with 0%???

  • “in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible”

    Oh! oh! You know what would be great? How about if you could run some form of open source system on your PS3 that would allow you to run 3rd party stuff, like word processors and up-to-date browsers and stuff! Oh, wait…

    Yeah I gave in and upgraded to 3.21 and lost functionality… Sucks to be me…

  • Plz would you guys bring out cross game chat i want to talk to my friends when were not on the same game it would be really good


  • @REloaded666

    There is. Auto-updating. From the ToS:

    “Some content may be provided automatically without notice when you sign in. Such content may include automatic updates or upgrades which may change your current operating system, cause a loss of data or content or cause a loss of functionalities or utilities.”

  • And trophies of games you just rent and plan not to play again or just got rid of.

  • Also:
    “You authorize SCEA to provide such content and agree that SCEA shall not be liable for any damages, loss of data or loss of functionalities arising from provision of such content or maintenance services. It is recommended that you regularly back up any archivable data located on the hard disk.”

    In other words, remember to back up your PS3 HDD frequently, since Sony can now brick your console at any time without warning.

  • and thus giveing them the power to do what ever thay want sony just said bend over

  • psn in comparison to xboxlive is a kinda joke. i have both xbox360 and ps3 but when i sign in to psn i find it very very boring in comparison to xboxlive the playstation store design is sucks and it freaks me out. how many updates you want to release without changing dashboard of playstation3

  • Seriously Sony?! No sort trophies by % completion? I’d love to see all my platinums and 100%s all grouped together.

  • I would really love to be able to disable trophies temporarily while I’m playing a game. I’m playing Uncharted 2 for the first time, completely immersed in the story, and up top pops up something telling me I’ve earned a trophy for 20 kills with a certain gun. And then I remember I’m playing a videogame. Let us disable trophy notifications please!

  • Hey, Sony do you wnat to get your finger out your ass and add some decent features in the next update. Xbox Lives thrashes our system, its far better organised and has the oh so lovely CROSS-GAME chat. It’s startying to become embarrassing and I’m oh so tempted to get a 360 purely because PSN is becoming a bit of a joke. The PS3 is by far the superior system but Xbox has better features. Sure, we have to pay a premiuim for Xbox live but I’d rather pay for something decent than bear with what feels like a half assed service.

  • You want feedback, you say?

    *You’ve ignored highly anticipated features that your fans have requested using your (apparently worthless) PSBlog Share site.

    *You’ve still ignored a very angry fanbase for removing a long running feature that changes the way people use their PS3s for vague reasons. (Almost directly after releasing a statement that you had no plans to do so, I might add.)

    *You’ve added new stipulations to your ToS, which seem to *explicitly* grant you the ability to do whatever you want. (I assume so you can CYA a bit better when you ask your fanbase to bend over and take it again.)

    I’ve grown tired of you pretending to care about your customers. All of the negativity around your console is really hurting your image. You have people complaining about OOS’s removal. You have people complaining about worthless updates. You have people complaining about poor functionality that has not been touched in recent updates. If I did not already own a PS3 and I went around the net and found complaints like this (especially on your official websites,) I would be incredibly put off.

  • (cont.)
    And it’s a shame. There have been so many great PS3 exclusives, and many more to come. However, when I practically have to sell my soul to SCE to play them, it hardly seems worth it.

    In short, you have the tools and the console here to be an amazing company. Use them and listen to these people.

  • When i sync to the server it times out and i can’t even see my trophies now? Any tips? Anything u can do to help?

  • Restart your PS3?

  • I personally found this to be a pointless update and did anyone else notice that you can’t group trophies by dlc and original for older games such as Killzone 2, Warhawk or Little Big Planet? I was only able to use that feature for newer games like Uncharted 2, God of War 3 and Heavy Rain. I found this rather odd because those 3 older games I mentioned have a bunch of dlc and added trophies and to not be able to use the feature is just strange.

  • Thats all well and good being able to filter Trophies.
    What I really want is to be able to group and organise my friends list. I have a lot of personal friends and many random people that I will play with occasionally. I want to be able to group these people so I can view only the ones I want to view and only be alerted when people I actually know sign in and out.

    I can’t believe this functionality isn’t already available.


  • forget em,, Sony sold out like Houser to the green.

  • Please update the browser!

  • You know what would be great in an update? A way for us to sort PSN games in categories such as genre of the game (RPG, Adventure, Music and Others, Racing, etc), size or at least by name which last time I checked was NOT an option.

  • This is BS. I started the update, went to work. Returned 4 hours later and it still isn’t finished?! What the heck! I have cable internet and it shouldn’t be taking this long to do a system update!

  • thanks for another useless update too hog my space on hard drives
    at lest give me something like in game chat like the xbox has just copy there stuff its gotta be easy

  • Why this update is Mandatory and 3.21 wasn’t?!?
    O wait, update 3.21 WAS MANDATORY!

  • why this is mandatory ???

  • my netflix dics not working now

  • This update is to block those using the Geohot firmware I bet. seems so soon as they just released 3.21

    Oh well. Still doesn’t change my mind about Sony being crooks by removing the OS feature I was sold on when I bought my PS3.

  • @Hitman-Merc it’s easy to just slap on an Xbox logo on the PS3 too, but guess what? think before you write.

  • How about the ability to delete games with 0% trophies from my list as well as, more importantly, .mkv playback functionality? I like the upcoming 3D support, however wouldn’t that require specific 3D capable TV’s and accessories?

  • I want an 0sama b1n Lad3n trophie head so than I can sort it out of the othe trophies.

  • im a trophy hunter so this update was interesting enuff to log in and post some requests. Add more sorting options to the trophy folder.

    Sorting by % was what i was hoping for. 100% to 0% and vice versa would have been usefull for both comparing and searching.

    Sort by PSN vs Retail. Sorting disc based vs downloaded would be an alternative option.

    Sort by Platinum. This would tie into the top two. Basically Platinum games at 100% followed by Platinum games under 100% followed by everything else.

    Sort by trophy worth. Basically the ability to sort trophy listings by Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze. This would be inside the trophy folder when looking at the individual game’s trophy list.

    As for the most requested ERASE the 0%, i agree there too.

  • I stay with 3.15 because version 3.30 still misses an important feature.

  • well this was a great update but i guess a lot of people want better songs on PS Home
    Those MAG and Jak and Daxter songs are jokes
    you guys should bring DMB songs back like on July 2009
    would be perfect :)

  • dear play station i know my PS3 it only does everything but i think i speak for a lot of people asking for a web browser update if its not too much to ask, and a little request from my side i wish my PS3 could play videos from HULU that be pretty cool

  • A good start but we still need the option to DELETE GAMES FROM THE TROPHY LIST.

  • I agree with Darkakatosh…POINTLESS!! Why not add/update something that actually improves the system instead of piling a bunch of crap into it, making it run slower and hotter than ever before!! Oh and by the way, I’m fixin to have to fork out another $160 to get another referbished system. Thanks Sony!!

  • “in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible”

    Why do I not believe this statement? Oh right, the last update took away one of the features that made the PS3 one of the most comprehensive entertainment experiences possible.

    I’m sure the Trophy enhancements were high on the list of features the community wanted. The trophy subfolder feature has a whole +562 score, which is obviously more than the +13108 for Cross Game Chat, +6812 for MKV Support, etc. I’m sure we haven’t been asking for these for YEARS or anything, even before the Share site was put up.

    Thanks for listening to your customer base Sony.

    I’m sticking to 3.15 for now.

  • OOO Trophy Sorting, WoW!!

    SARCASM, Come on in..

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