PS3 Firmware (v3.21) Update

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The next system software update for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) system will be released on April 1, 2010 (JST), and will disable the “Install Other OS” feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009. This feature enabled users to install an operating system, but due to security concerns, Sony Computer Entertainment will remove the functionality through the 3.21 system software update.

In addition, disabling the “Other OS” feature will help ensure that PS3 owners will continue to have access to the broad range of gaming and entertainment content from SCE and its content partners on a more secure system.

Consumers and organizations that currently use the “Other OS” feature can choose not to upgrade their PS3 systems, although the following features will no longer be available;

  • Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat
  • Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later
  • Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings)
  • Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later

For those PS3 users who are currently using the “Other OS” feature but choose to install the system software update, to avoid data loss they first need to back-up any data stored within the hard drive partition used by the “Other OS,” as they will not be able to access that data following the update.

Additional information about PS3 firmware updates, including v3.21 (once it becomes available), can be found here:

PS3 owners who have further questions should contact Consumer Services:
800-345-7669 (800-345-SONY)

Comments are closed.


  • I’ve decided not to upgrade. I’ve gone from being a huge PS3 fanboy, who has convinced several people to purchase the console, to someone who just ordered a XBox 360 this morning, something that would have been unheard of even a week ago.

    I hope Sony suffers for this move.

    Everyone who is unhappy about this should file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. It will just take a moment.

  • What does Sony say about the PS3? ‘It Only Does Everything’… not anymore it doesn’t.

  • LOL.

    It only does everything,except what you paid for it to do.

  • @ Wartech,

    My simple questions to you are these,

    how long has the PS3 been out?
    how many Homebrews/firmware hacks have been released for it?
    would you put a 25gb+ file on your ps3?
    Do you need a PS3 to pirate movies when most new computers and laptops come equipped with blu-ray drives and software is legally and commercially available to purchase to rip and or back-up these movies?

    Are Sony going to remove the hard drive and all USB ports next or even remove network interfacing now you can buy wireless media servers for less than $200?
    Are Sony going to remove video playback next?
    Or audio playback because people still download music illegally?

    Locking people up does not tackle crime it just means you have a huge section of your population behind bars. You tackle crime by dealing with poverty and social disillusionment. Similarly Sony could have better handled the issue of Piracy than just removing features they marketed the PS3 Fats with.

  • It’s funny, Sony is so arrogant they probably don’t even know what legal nightmare they set themselves up for! I’m just going to love to see the face of Sony mngt when they get all these complaints and go to their legal dept. with them and ask “how to handle it”. I guess their response will be like “What do you expect us to do? You screwed your customers, plain and simple. There are no mitigating concerns. We can’t do anything for you”.

  • fuk sony

  • Lol, I waited for months for a new update xD, and now we get LESS features :P, time to think about a x360…

  • I have some money and I’m split between spending it on a Lawyer or sending it on Mr. Hotz (who is the only one capable to get my PS3 to do what I wanted it to do, and even more)

    I could buy another PS3 but since I care about my consumer rights (actually it s not about legal rights, it’s more about being treated decently), I’d prefer starting boycotting Sony’s product.

    I did it with apple for years now and I’m feeling perfectly fine.

    The effect of SONY’s decision is that people will support the hacking scene, then install a custom firmware, because then they’ll be able to do what they normally should. And once they have a custom firmware, there is just a little step to start doing illegal stuff.


    I have to decide to keep my YDL installation or to keep the Sony’s PS3 system. There is no choice because if I keep the Linux thing how wise will be to me buy a game or a blu-ray movie with some kind of bug that can only be fixed with a patch available in the PSN?

    Right now I will not update. I can wait, maybe forever or till another solution appears down the road, who knows.

    I was spending like 10 bucks in the PSN each month and this is over. I also have an XBOX 360 (my 2nd and this time it’s a Japer model) and right now this will be the gaming system of choice. So I will aim to buy any new game or online stuff just for the XBOX.

    Posting anything in this blog is no longer useful at all – just serving the purposes of companionship with all other users here, revolted about the way Sony is treating us.

    It’s time to action. I am subscribing a Facebook group called “Against the PS3 Firmware 3.21”. From there you will have more information and freedom of speech.

    Bye for now Guys!

    Farewell Sony!

  • i have question, when is PSN going to make a update that allows us to play music while in a game like MW2. i mean some game have that option but theres really no need, if MW2 had that opinion i love that game even more because i love 2 listen to music while i play. but recently my ipod broke and the warranty ran out 3 months ago so it will be a while till i get a new 1. but all of my music is on my PS3. but cant listen to it while i play. im not the only 1 with that opinion im just sayin though, but sony its somthing to look into :D

  • I don’t use this feature, and probably never would have.
    Now, that being said,i paid $700.00 for my launch 60GB console, and i want it with all the features i paid for when i purchased it.
    I have not used any of the feature that have come from previous updates.Online gamming just isn’t my cup orf tea, but for lots of people it is. Hell, i returned the latest SOCOM game when i discovered it could only be played online.

    But it would be nice to keep the console I PAID FOR, the way it was designed to be when I PURCHASED IT.

    Seriously,WTF are you circus freaks thinking?

    Is someone getting a perverse pleasure by screwing your customers?


  • this is totally unacceptable. I want my money back sony.

  • As an owner of the PS3 and Xbox 360 it is hilarious how people slammed Microsoft because Live isn’t free, there’s no blu-ray or built in wireless in the 360. Sure, you do get more for your money in the PS3 but the Xbox holds more value to so many people because Live is still light years ahead in the world of online gaming and overall experience. I’ve played the same game on both systems to see if either was superior in any way. The answer is no. The graphics are equal, the sound is equal. Everything is basically the same. The only thing that blu-ray is superior in is they can add more features on movie discs. 1080p is 1080p and the only time you get a better picture is when you watch it on a better tv. Anyway, if the PS3 was so superior then why do we have to use a disc every time if we want to watch a movie over Netflix? C’mon, REALLY????? I just use my Xbox because it doesn’t require a disc and I can get to the movie quickly.

  • Elr77: That’s a hackers fantasy that if I break into a company, one day the company I stole from will give me a job. Many of my friends in IT tell me they have never heard of any company hiring a hacker. Its always a friend of a friend. They say its not impossible. However, they never seen proof of it. Many believe that whole idea came from Stephan Glass article Jukt Micronics that was bogus. (see the 2003 film: Breaking Glass)

    Many say that all you will get is jail time if caught. And, ask “Why would you employ someone that stole from you? Why give them the keys to the kingdom? Could you ever trust someone that shown they believe stealing is okay?” And, If you did employ them chances are good they would install backdoor programs for their own use later. If you really want a job with Sony or any other fortune 500 company to build better security. Go to college, get a degree and apply for a job.

  • First of all I would like to say to everybody that’s down with anti piracy …GO [DELETED] YOURSELF …. YOU GUTLESS COWARDS … you think this qute supporting Sony on this cowardly move and I hope all your computers crash right up your A$$. People spend good money on these crappy A$$ game consoles and now they editing the software at will [DELETED] YOU SONY and every one that’s [DELETED][DELETED]. PS I hope you get a Linux virus and shut down forever and im sell your console for a XBOX 3[DELETED]

  • [DELETED] people really do not care about what we want or think.if you did then you wouldn’t have taken off the install the other os option and actually give us things we giving you sony a month to fix up n if you don’t im trading my slim for an xbox simple bro has an xbox and is on it every stinkin day becausd he enjoys his console.if mw2 wasn’t on ps3 i wouldn’t be on this.the internet is [DELETED] n slow.xmb is old n boring.

  • loool now my comment is being moderated because im expressing myself loool losers

  • Why are people threatning Sony (so typical America) with sueing them? Don’t you even read the legal agreement before you signed “I agree”? If not, then you should before start making accusations and you’ll find out that Sony Computer Entertainment has every single right to remove, change or add software in order to provide a better service for the PS3. As long as Sony are in their rights about this you’ve got nothing to say, except complain.

  • Why are people threatning Sony (so typical America) with sueing them? Don’t you even read the legal agreement before you signed “I agree”? If not, then you should before start making accusations and you’ll find out that Sony Computer Entertainment has every single right to remove, change or add features in order to provide a better service for the PS3. As long as Sony are in their rights about this you’ve got nothing to say, except complain.

  • Oops moderator please remove post 4745, 4746 is the correct one. Didn’t think the other post was posted since it took a long while to load.

  • damn u people really do not care about what we want or think.if you did then you wouldn’t have taken off the install the other os option and actually give us things we giving you sony a month to fix up n if you don’t im trading my slim for an xbox simple bro has an xbox and is on it every stinkin day becausd he enjoys his console.if mw2 wasn’t on ps3 i wouldn’t be on this.the internet is s h i t n slow.xmb is old n are getting boring no more linux.

  • And what about the people that we bought the PS3 because of this feature? will you return our money?

    I will not apply this update since I also use the PS3 for parallel computing in Linux.

    An step backwards for Sony … :(

  • As far as I can tell as a layperson (albeit one with some legal wins under my belt and the experience that comes along with that), this removal of an advertised feature breaches at least two clauses in Australia’s Trade Practices Act (which has a lot of similarities to the EU stuff mentioned elsewhere), regardless of what Sony think they can do via the EULA. I’ll be submitting something to the government authority here after Easter and I’ve got a few days to do that. Sony are not just arrogant, they actually seem to think they can flout the law and the fact these total muppets have proceeded wreaks of incompetency.

  • i’ll probably be censored, but there is a work around using a PC as a proxy to trick the PSN into thinking you’ve updated

    no doubt this will get locked out soon though!

    someone needs to publicise details of the class action suit. i’m in, in the very least i demand a full refund (as i have not got what i paid for) and a refund for my games that i can no longer use.

  • I will not update, I’m still able to connect to psn and use online feature bypassing the update.
    I’m using ps3 proxy to do that. Google for more info.

  • Its really funny. I remember when Microsoft just bricked all hackers and so many of then said the same exact thing.
    “I’m going to Sony. So Long Microsoft
    “Microsoft is only about the money”
    “I’m going to sue!”
    blah blah…. its really silly. With all of the complaints Xbox 360 still here. This small loss won’t change a thing. I used to work customer service. I heard these same complaints and threats to go to the competitor. NEWS FLASH! it doesn’t matter. For every customer that really does leave 10 more join. With all of the new software coming out for Sony and all of the exclusives in the past month and coming months. This isn’t a big enough deal to leave.

  • @ Arcticblue

    Rights? …. Read the license agreement Mr. educated American.

  • update just bricked my damn system. WTF Sony?

  • One little thing people could do is this. If you want to buy a movie on blu-ray, wait until it’s available used then buy it. Same goes for games. That way Sony loses revenue. I can wait an extra month or two especially in this crappy economy where sales of everything are down.

  • I REALLY hope some people will rip this system a new one. I’ll join their side for sure and take FULL advantage of it.

    Maybe those tards will learn not to screw with something that was there in the first place instead of biotching out and disabling it!

  • Thank you for contacting your BBB regarding your complaint.

    The complaint was received by the BBB on March 31, 2010 and has been assigned case# ######### in our files. Please make a note of this number.

    Your complaint has been applied to the following business:
    Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc.
    919 E Hillsdale Blvd 2nd Floor
    Foster City, CA 94404-4247

    The case has been reviewed by one of our Dispute Resolution Specialists and has now been forwarded to the business for their response. Should you hear directly from the company and the complaint is resolved, please notify us immediately.

  • what do i do now. i got a ps3 paperweight thanks to this P.O.S. update. Thank you sony. no wonde you are losing to Microsoft and Nintendo.


  • I am angry about this – I bought the PS3 as a media and gaming device because it allowed me to install ‘another OS’. I was sold the product with this facility. If SONY can remove this feature should I be able to ask for a refund as the goods do not comply with what the original specification and is not fit for purpose. Could we therefore, on mass, either sue SONY or demand our money back? I would have bought the PS3 slim if I had known this was to be the case or bought another product altogether.

    SONY stink! I intend NEVER to buy another product from them again!!!

  • Sony should reconsider…. for now, I am not updating.
    Hope to see you again my online friends!

  • It’s time to take advantage :

    French law says: Article 1641 of Civilian Code :

    The seller is obliged to guarantee in respect of latent defects in the
    thing sold which render it unfit for the purpose for which it was intended, or that decrease this use that the buyer would not
    acquired, or would have paid a lower price if he had known.

    So, I will return my old PS3 to the vendor, get back my 600€. Or, better, get HALF of the selling price (300€) as this product now have HALF of it’s capabilities.
    After this, I’m free to buy a NEW ONE, with the ONE YEAR GUARANTY, for 300€.

    Thank you SONY.

  • Well, I’m off to stomp the competition in COD MW2 on the far superior and reliable Xbox Live. I’ll be playing the new DLC maps that the PS3 doesn’t have yet. Oh, the new maps are fun too. Yes, it’s well worth paying $39.99 w/free shipping at an online store for 12 long months of hassle free gaming.

  • Ah, and the conclusion :

    SONY permit me to play 3 years, and give me 300€ back, or SONY permit me to have 2 PS3 for the same price.

    Nice shot SONY.

  • @Wartech:

    Yeah, you “used to” work customer service. I wonder how long that lasted with that attitude… obviously not long.

    Companies do not survive very long in any industry by thumbing their nose at their customers. That’s why Sony’s in third place this generation to begin with. Now, just as they were catching up, they pull this jerk move. It’s self-defeating, self-destructive and it *will* hurt them both in the short term (in the form of the coming custom firmware war that probably *will* actually enable piracy) and in the long term (in the form of customers that either jump ship now, or buy competing systems in the future).

    People do not forget so quickly and easily. Believing otherwise is how many companies have lost their place at the top.

    And btw, I used to work customer service too, and now I own my own company. If you worked for me with that attitude, you’d be fired on the spot.

  • Sony is so boring at updating like at least put in longer comments, voice messages, be able to listen to music while playing a game *Not only WarHawk! Every game* and like the Ps3 menu is so boring Xbox has an amazing menu even though i hate xbox but most of my friends have one… :(

  • You bastards… I paid for those features, I use them, and now you tell me that I have to choose between my online gaming and installing other OS? I own a launch 60gb system and I have a right to use my system with all the features it had when I bought it, I really hope that if you go trough with the users sue you because you certainly deserve it, even if someone doesn´t use the feature right now, it was something that was advertised for the PS3

  • Wow…just wow…you guys like to whine about everything don´t you?

  • thanks sony for screwing me out of my other os i did use it for YDL 6.0 i understand that geohot used other os to hack your playstation but rather then screwing us out of the other os why dont you fix the read wright to the chips

  • muhamedmehmedovi

    sony is a [DELETED] why are u trying to [DELETED] up the ps3 just let it be it already great just leave it alown

  • Mouhahaha !

    Too good this one :

    http : //www. youtube. com/watch?v=dGZfMhZQp5Q&feature=player_embedded

  • muhamedmehmedovi

    you have to add staff not take

  • Waste of time and effort, why not spend a bit time in to letting me be able to change a sub-account in to a master account so i don’t lose all of my trophies…….!!!!! thanks

  • @Bruno_Malta

    Xiu ae :)

  • Its sick to see the way people act sometimes.. If the PS3 somehow does get affected by this over-hyped issue and does go down I guess i’ll have to go back to ps2 because you cant get titles like Uncharted2, gow3, infamous, mgs4, socom, demons souls, ratchet and clank and many other games on that lame xbox

    by the time they get through this so the %5 of the ps3 owners get their linux back we’ll see a feature update that actually benefits gaming by 2015 .. and watch it be something dumb then like facebook and twitter incorporated into the xmb because somehow having facebook on a video game system is more important than say cross game chat

    i just want to play the 3-4 thousand dollars worth of multimedia software i bought is that too much to ask?

    gamers have changed i guess …

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