PS3 Firmware (v3.21) Update

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The next system software update for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) system will be released on April 1, 2010 (JST), and will disable the “Install Other OS” feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009. This feature enabled users to install an operating system, but due to security concerns, Sony Computer Entertainment will remove the functionality through the 3.21 system software update.

In addition, disabling the “Other OS” feature will help ensure that PS3 owners will continue to have access to the broad range of gaming and entertainment content from SCE and its content partners on a more secure system.

Consumers and organizations that currently use the “Other OS” feature can choose not to upgrade their PS3 systems, although the following features will no longer be available;

  • Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat
  • Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later
  • Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings)
  • Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later

For those PS3 users who are currently using the “Other OS” feature but choose to install the system software update, to avoid data loss they first need to back-up any data stored within the hard drive partition used by the “Other OS,” as they will not be able to access that data following the update.

Additional information about PS3 firmware updates, including v3.21 (once it becomes available), can be found here:

PS3 owners who have further questions should contact Consumer Services:
800-345-7669 (800-345-SONY)

Comments are closed.


  • You know the…

    “I don’t use this feature so it must not be useful to anyone else”

    and the…

    “If you want linux, just get a seperate computer”

    routines have seriously gotten old.

  • will never buy another sony product again

  • “LMAO, George can’t program ‘too’ well he says that somewhere on his website but what he’s got now is an army of Linux programmers and geeks willing to help him.”


    Yeah, I guess riled up Linux geeks are more dangerous than docile ones. Eh, just stay away from my gaming experience and I have no problems with that, really.

  • ok so wats 3.21 features besides disableing something?

  • #dinkin, what are you talking about? One person doing a hardware glitch to deliver a tiny “hello” payload is not the linux community going black-hat. The fact that it’s taken this long isn’t a testament to sony’s locked system, it’s because those that wanted to use the machine for other stuff have been able to so without having to hack the hardware. Now that sony have gone out of their way to outrage those that bought the early systems, and happen to be technically inclined, they have most likely hastened a piracy scene for the PS3. Maybe when there are copied games available they’ll start to ship some units? Nah, they’re dying, enjoy the view.

  • Big companies make stupid mistakes like this even if its an April Fools or test the water thing. The seeds of distrust of Sony and their future practises/products have been sown.

    Once bitten twice shy. When the PS4 comes out I will be weighing up all factors including ones that are only in my imagination of possibly happening. Sony will have introduced fear into the market of their products by people questioning everything, their motivation, and the potential of how they will get shafted after sales.

  • @dinkin-flicka

    If I really wanted to, I’d just opt-out and install Linux.

    And stop playing with games you buy on PSN, and stop playing future games which will require >= 3.21 Firmware, and stop watching BD which need PSN access to verify ?

    What you do with your PS3 don’t excuses SONY from stealing every body.
    You don’t use OtherOS, great ! Some others use.

    Whe have bought a system which is a gaming station AND a personal computer.

  • @moog Yeah, we can cross that bridge when we get to it. How do you like God of War III?

  • @ dinkin-flicka

    You paid a premium for a whole set of features and yes I do think the PS3 was worth what they asked at the time. It’s just that many people couldn’t afford and/or justify paying for it. But OtherOS was a feature CLEARLY presented on the fats. Removal of a feature already on the machine is questionable. It would be another thing if they enabled that later. Then perhaps they’d not look so bad. But you paid for this feature as already included.

    Also I don’t use the browser too much because it kinda sucks. So if they remove another built in feature that I paid for, that’s still OK? Just because I don’t use it but others do? Sony has the right to keep stripping off included features you paid for? Who owns this machine?

  • I’m glad that all the games I was waiting for have been released. I’ve been boycotting the music and movie industry for almost three years now. Welcome to my list Sony. No problems whatsoever dropping you. Too bad, I’ve purchased 35 games new, PS3 at launch, and have a Bravia TV. I will not purchase another Sony product again.

    I’ve filed my complaint with the Better Business Bureau and await my refund.

    I hope the pirates hack your system to death.

  • @TechieXXDivaX You obviously own that machine. So what’s the problem here? If you want what you have now don’t opt-in to the firmware update. If you want the latest updates you have to play by their rules, sorry.

  • @dinkin-flicka

    What do you think GeoHot was doing? He’s a researcher not a Black Hat. Black Hats keep information to themselves. I’m sure curiosity motivated him as well as the challenge but, at the end of the day he published those results so that Sony could see them. What they probably did was check some sales charts and network information and determined that it was more cost effective to limit the functionality than to fix the problem.

    Are you suggesting that researchers like him shouldn’t collaborate? Are you aware that you rely on those collaborations for your everyday data security? You should be glad people like him publish their findings both as a service to you by making you aware of potential vulnerabilities but, also by allowing the companies a chance to fix it with most of the research done for them. This was a stupid move by Sony no matter how you or anyone else tries to justify it.

  • dinkin, I dunno how you passed elementary school, but no…we don’t. They’re illegal.

  • Peharps one thing will make me less angry :

    We have to choose between Gaming or OS.

    So, give full access to the harware if we chose the OS, and get out your bad software from MY system.

  • @JANUS1980289 He published them and Sony locked it down. End of story.

  • I love when people end their posts with “End of story” or “Enough said.” Just the dumbest thing :D

  • So, give full access to the harware if we chose the OS

    Now that would be something ;-)

  • Sony didn’t lock anything. Sony removes.

  • @GreatTeacherDebo So we’re lobbing insults now instead of discussing the actual topic? Real mature.

  • Read his posts all through this. They don’t get any smarter.

  • He published them and Sony locked it down.

    Only if you update to 3.21

    Beginning of story ???

  • Not at all. I implied you passed preschool. I, personally, though it was a compliment.

  • I see here this board is just a breeding ground for whiners. I’ll leave you all to your complaints. It’s hard discussing a topic reasonably with people in so much rage. Cheers.

  • One last thing, if there’s anyone with a reasonable head on their shoulders, I’ll be free do discuss this on my PSN ID of the same name. I’m above slinging insults, so you’re safe with me.

  • The problem is removal of built in features that came with the machine. Meaning you paid for them just to have them stripped out. That’s really OK with you???

    And you must not have read all the comments. I own the stripped down version. I just support all those who paid the premium just to get shafted. That bites. $400-$600(or more for some) isn’t exactly chump change to many. And people didn’t buy this machine at those prices just to get features stripped, I’m going to bet you. If you have money to burn, good for you. But many don’t. As a Sony consumer(I have other Sony products) this doesn’t make me happy.

  • DMCA ? What’s this ?

    No DMCA in EU … SONY, bad bad move !

  • I guess i have to start messaging a “goodbye” to all the people on my friends list since i won’t be updating…

  • Anyone that doesn’t think Sony ran this through their hightly paid law staff is a fool. I am sure they have the legal right do make this change. Also all of you saying your going to use the hackers update to get around it are just supporting the idiot that caused this change to begin with. Good luck with your hacked FW.

  • samefa-

  • And yes, Lemmy, at this point…I will.

  • Anyone that doesn’t think Sony ran this through their hightly paid law staff is a fool. I am sure they have the legal right do make this change.

    Didn’t Sony lose a big case about illegaly put software on peoples computers a couple of years back?

  • Over 3k comments… guys I think Sony gets it by now.

    However, whether they care or not is a different matter.

    The only way to ever remedy this kind of behavior from them, which will never get done the way people live in psuedo-pretend-apathy nowadays, is to not buy anything from Sony on a large scale. No DLC, no games, no hardware, etc. Even 3.5k physical letter “might” have made a difference but no one that doesn’t want to has to look at this website.

    But like I said, this will never happen because the minute Sony releases something shiny, we all forgive and forget and pretend like they are not just playing demi-god with the market by fixing prices with its competitors, abusing DRM, etc.

    Message boards are basically the human anger equivalent to a cat scratching post. Your words (and these too!) are wasted here.

  • @Lemmy_TwoPutt

    Also all of you saying your going to use the hackers update to get around it are just supporting the idiot that caused this change to begin with.

    What else can we do ? SONY didn’t let us choice.

    Choose your side, dark or light. But when there is no light, you can only choose DARK.

  • @ Techie Diva

    If you don’t even own an affected unit, voice your opinion, move on, and let other voice theirs. This isn’t a forum, it’s blog’s comments section. In 80 pages, there are a handful of affected user and the rest is just pointless arguing.

  • I think all u guys suck sony is the best thing that ever happened to my family and myself my 4 year old daughter to wii to kiss but when she saw LBP 4 the 1st time i buy all there products from earphones to digital pic frame and ive been a consumer since 1994 ive never been let down yet u got heads up ya ukw.especially when it’s free to upgrade and free network unlike that other console

  • 3993 Didn’t Sony lose a big case about illegaly put software on peoples computers a couple of years back?

    Which is even more reason they probably looked at the legal even harder.

  • If they didn’t use these points as selling features fine they can remove them but they did do this and I bought my based on what it had and the competitors didn’t have. No it is a whole new ball game as I feel cheated and mislead. Mine is less than a year old and now they are removing something that sold me on their system.

    and in August 2009 they said they would support it even though they are not including this feature in the new slim PS3.

    Please give me 100.00 refund back as I could have bought a slim for 299.00 instead of over 400.00 for the Fat PS3.

    anyone replying and just coming here to say we are stupid are the ones that should really take a look in the mirror as we are fighting for something we believe in but you are here wasting you time for what? Think about it.

  • @ Verdugo04

    Stick it somewhere.

  • @ zepala

    So when the law doesn’t react the way you want you join the criminals?

  • The law is made, if I remember well, to protect the crow from dangerous people, and not to protect dangerous people from the crow.

  • @ Techie Diva

    Internet anonymity serves you well no doubt. Very classy.

  • EpicNotion: Ever customer counts. One customer can cause so much damage to a companies reputation and with the net one person complaint can be heard all over the world.

    Do a search now about the 3.12 firmware update. A couple of days the search results were just showing this blog now it shows pages and pages about it.

  • Thank you Verdugo! That’s for people who attempt to order me around. Until the mods says I’m banned or soemthing, you can’t tell me not to post.

  • @Epic

    Sony did create, develop and sell the PS3 so they do have the right.

    No, as they have sold the HARDWARE, it’s MINE, and I can do what I want with it, SONY can’t sue me.

    I want to broke it, I can.
    I want to open it, I can.

    Yes, we can !

  • The PlayStation 3 is the only product I know that loses features throughout it’s life cycle. Software PS2 emulation, SACD playback, and OtherOS support are all just software switches you can flip. It’s unbelievable you would go and flip one, not just on new boxes you are shipping, but on tens of millions already in the field.
    Again I’m sorry users. Sony, I expected more from you.

  • First off, I want to apologize to all the people who use Linux on their PS3. Before releasing, I weighed the pros and cons, and considered the possibility of an impact on OtherOS support. My logic was this. OtherOS support had already been removed from the Slim(not for technical reasons; I believe it only existed in the first place to promote the Cell for IBM) The builders had apparently no intention of including it in future products. So for the purposes of openness why not release? Not like anything else has(or probably will be) done on the PS3.
    Now you go and remove a feature that people expected to be included with the expensive device they purchased, citing “security concerns”. What security concerns? It’s not like the exploit can be run even close to without the users knowledge. You have to open the [DELETED] thing up. How could this harm users? Your blog post doesn’t list positive reasons for upgrading like I think most users expect. Instead it lists things you will lose if you don’t upgrade. Seriously?**

  • It doesn’t matter I posted it here and I’m free to make up terms and conditions of you reading my posts. I gave you two choices.

    Wait till they start charging for the online play as I heard they are thinking of this then we will see who is laughing as you will still be able to play Blu-Ray discs. They will give you the choice pay to play on line or watch Blu-Ray.

    You just a troll looking to fight behind your screen brave to sit behind a screen and try to start things.

  • SACD wasn’t just a switch. It required the removal of a laser pick-up.

  • I see the Troll is back.

  • EpicNotion: you might consider dispensing with the -chan vocabulary. It’s making you look foolish. Just saying.

    Back on topic, I haven’t heard any cogent argument as to why Sony *should* disable Other OS. It will do nothing to forestall piracy, and may in fact accelerate it, as has been explained multiple times in the 4000+ messages in this thread. I’m half-tempted to create a summary post if it would do anything to stop arguments from being posted over and over.

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