Coming to PSN this Week: Peggle & Peggle Nights

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Hey everyone, Iā€™m Michael Santora, an Associate Producer from PopCap Games, bringing you all of our titles in association with Sony Online Entertainment. You may remember me from such blog posts as the announcement of Heavy Weapon on the PlayStation Network.

Peggle PSN

I am super excited to be able to tell everyone on the network that yes, we have listened, and yes, YOU CAN PLAY PEGGLE ON YOUR PlayStation 3 this Thursday! Peggle took the PC world by storm back in 2007, and quickly became the casual game that everyone – including a ton of hardcore gamers – played. Following on its heels, Peggle Nights was released and has also received major excitement and fanfare from the gaming masses.

Peggle PS3 fans, I bring you the double-shot of good news that not only is Peggle available this week, but Peggle Nights will also be available as additional downloadable content. This gives you two separate Adventure modes and two sets of Challenges to complete, in addition to the online Peg Party & Duel modes for multiplayer competition.

Just like Peggle on the other platforms, you have the ability to replay your best shots. Everyone has seen some of the amazing shots people have found ways to post to to show off their skills, right? Well there’s an exclusive new feature in Peggle and Peggle Nights on the PS3 that enables you to automatically upload your replays to YouTube without ever leaving the game! When I saw this for the first time, I was pretty blown away, and I am looking forward to seeing some really crazy and amazing shots from the many Peggle masters who have been waiting for PS3 Peggle to come along.

On behalf of everyone who worked on this title (and there are a whole lot of us) we all hope you love playing this game as much as we loved working on it.

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