PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read

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Presenting this week’s PlayStation reading list, including stories on Heavy Rain, LBP PSP, Uncharted 2, Valkyria Chronicles 2, and MW2, plus reviews of God of War Collection, Buzz! Quiz World, Locoroco Midnight Carnival, and Braid. Add your stories to the list, and we’ll pick up with the news again tomorrow.

Make sure to return at 9am (PST) for an interview with Capcom’s Seth Killian on Super Street Fighter IV; you’ll want to see Deejay, Juri, and T. Hawk’s new Ultras in action.

The PS Blog weekly reading list (Week of November 9, 2009)

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11 Author Replies

  • So yeah whats the deal i posted with my Fersis PSN and it appears as Trey_Borbo :s

  • I would also like to see some FFXIII info on this blog.

  • @jeff
    will call of duty 1 come to the playstation store?

  • @Jeff

    Put my vote in for more FFXIII coverage from SE. While your at it, please check on Star Ocean: The Last Hope International and ask if there are any plans to revive the PS3 port of The Last Remnant.

    Us (J)RPG fans are still starved. ANY and ALL news about ANY PS3 RPGs would be appreciated.

  • @Jeff

    …and please ask them to bring DQVII, FF Origins, FF Chronicles, FF Anthology, FFVIII, FFIX, Xenogears, etc… to the PSN. We’ve got our money ready if they want it.

  • I’m of the opinion that Square Enix needn’t open their collective mouths.

    Why do we care what they want to post on the Blog, if anything? They’re just feeding sheep at the trough.

    Actions speak louder than words. SE is all words and little action.

  • Jeff,

    I would like to hear more things from SE as well.

  • Hey Jeff,

    Are you still talking to Namco about Tales of Vesperia NA release? If so, did they say anything yet?

  • Testing

    Hey, I had to do this somewhere :)

  • wich one worked?
    This one?
    or This one?

    By the way, so nice that Jeff take the time to answer to the community.
    I add my self to the list of people that want third parties to make some announcements here, maybe you guys should just be more pro-active, call those companies, ask for material, at least from the big ones, like Square Enix, Ubisoft, Capcom (wich is the must active here I think), etc.

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