PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read

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Here are this week’s PlayStation links, presented one hour later than usual.
Please share with the group, putting any of your favorite links in the comments area below. And if you saw any good PlayStation-relevant Halloween costumes last night, go ahead and share those as well.

The PS Blog weekly reading list (Week of October 26, 2009)

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13 Author Replies

  • I dressed my little son up as Sackboy for Halloween. Almost nobody recognized him. But one teenage girl answered the door and started flipping out with excitement. She called her parents to the door, and they all had a good laugh and said that they had just been playing LBP.

  • @46…

    Jeff put it in his Twitter Feed on Oct 27th.

  • “Demon’s Souls Gets Hellishly Hard on Halloween”

    So glad that I saw that. Just my luck, that the first day I play Demon’s Souls is on Halloween. I knew the game was supposed to be hard, but it was just pure brutal to me. 5 hours of playing and I hadn’t even passed the first place after reaching the Nexus.

    The next morning, popped it in after telling a friend how hard it was and wanting to show them. To my pleasure/discontent, I breezed through it. Happy to finally beat it, yet made myself seem like a liar.

    I don’t feel so bad anymore if getting my @$$ handed to me multiple times.

  • I just found out that Borderlands will not allow me to use 2 profiles at the same time on the same PS3(my brother is not gonna want to play co-op with me if he can’t use his character and vise versa) On the forums, a gearbox moderator stated that the PS3 doesn’t allow it(even though LBP and R2 can but he said its different with borderlands) So is this a problem that can be fixed with a firmware update that will allow devs to do multiple sign ins so that it can just be the norm in every game or are the devs gonna have to just work around it.Because this is the only thing between me and purchasing borderlands.

    As for Uncharted 2 I guess they should just lower the amount of loss for quitting in . But I hate it when people quit because I kept getting in matches where is was 5 on 3 or 4 on 2 so there should be some penalty.

  • Jeff is one hot piece…but he wont say hi or look me in the eye during GDC or the Uncharted 2 cinema event.

    Now that I got your attention, I entered the Kotaku Uncharted thingy but it was faulty since they ran the contest all last week but only the finalist were all the ones hours before the contest closed. It seemed unfair.

    Anywhoo I also signed up for the The Tester, when more news will come out for it?

  • Thanks Jeff for replying back.

  • @ Jeff hey I read your reply about Canadians and the FHE, if you are gonna post some stuff about it, mind doing it on Thursday of Friday? Just cause, I got work and school.

  • Jefff, when we will get an peek at God Of War 3 and White Knight Chronicles official box art?

  • thanks alot jeff, now i can properly view all the improvements.

  • Still loving Demon’s Souls, its awesome….

    It would be cool to hear an update with Castle Crashers on psn.

  • @ Jeff hey man thanks, just wanted to know in advance. I’ll be on the blog as much as I can, but those are really the only days I’m available to check it out. If it gets moved up I won’t really mind, just means I’ll have to work harder to make sure I check out the post.

  • Also I mean the only days I’m available to check out the blog are thursday and friday!

  • @53, I no longer have Twitter, only Facebook ;)

  • Yeah Frogger is coming to the PSN :-) Will you SCEA release the PS versions as classic? Loved the first game. Another wish… Discworld 1 and 2 please :-) Would love to play them on the PSP.

  • Sorry for the spam, *edit button please*, but I’d like to make a statement to everyone out here:

    GO GET RATCHET & CLANK CRACK IN TIME!! Its the biggest, the most hilarious and insane R&C game you’ve ever played! If you thought Percival Tachyon was a nutcase as bad ass you ain’t seen nothing yet :-)

  • hey Jeff, can you tell me why I can’t get my original 60GB PS3 back from repair or why you guys can’t copy my data off of the hard drive for the $150.00 repair tag? Especially since you guys knew that overheating was an issue?

  • You know how I can know what games my friends on my friends list are playing. You guys should come up with a way in which I can not join but watch them live. Please email me back if you guys are thinking about that.

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