Later today, in a coordinated intercontinental maneuver worthy of NATO, both SCEE Blog’s Jem Alexander and myself will swoop into Japan for this week’s Tokyo Game Show.
While we’d love to take you all with us to TGS, we can only do so in spirit. So please, send us packing with some great questions to ask the developers we’ll be meeting in Japan.
Developers of which games? Ah, I’m glad you asked. Here’s a (somewhat complete) list of games whose developers we’ll be meeting with:
- PixelJunk Shooter
- PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe
- White Knight Chronicles
- Gran Turismo 5/ GT PSP
- Heavy Rain
- Valkyria Chronicles II
- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
- Quantum
- Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll
There’ll probably be more (fingers crossed for 3D Dot Game Heroes), but this is a good start.
Ah, and some clarification of what we mean by “great questions”; the ones we’ll pick are the ones that everyone else *won’t* be asking (you know, dates, inclusion of trophies… the easy stuff that will get announced anyway). Make us look intelligent! Or at least reasonably so.
OK, fire away in the comments!
See you (virtually) from the show floor,
Jeff & Jem
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