PS3 Firmware Update (v3.01) now available

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Hi everyone, PS3 system software update 3.01 is now available for download. This is an optional update that improves system stability during use of some PlayStation 3 format software.

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1 Author Reply

  • CMON SONY we know someone from your staff is reading this thread. Stop freakin BS’in and make an (optional) revert back to 2.80.

    I cant even watch Bruno on my ps3 anymore and I love that movie!

  • Ragionieri @ 650 – I am working on trying to find a way to get us to be able to go back to 2.8. The problem is that I dont have access to a computer with Linux on it, otherwise, I think I know how to do it. Right now I am working to find one of my many tech friends who may have a Linux box for me to play with.

  • need know why playing online games getting kick out put still logged in PSN

  • this is my post on the Playstation forums, I’m doing all I can to get sony informed.

    My Asia 80G Software-BC PS3 (Fat) has experienced the freezing issues as well. It is a 1 year old machine, my problems of freezing happens during:

    1.) When trying to install a disc-based game
    2.) When playing a disc-based game

    I’ve tried

    1.) Full Format, Quick Format

    2.) File System Restore (safe mode)

    3.) Database rebuild (safe mode)

    4.) Putting in a new HDD (PS3 compatible)

    I’m guessing this is a firmware and bluray drive issue, sometimes i get the 80010514 error after a unsuccessful installation of the game.

    what sony needs to do:

    I hope sony is listening and will come out with a firmware soon to fix this, I know this is not an isolated incident and I’ve heard some people even bricked their systems after the update (yellow light).

    Please allow users to roll back/downgrade to a previous stable firmware

    Use redundant/dual firmware images, one for primary and one for secondary (backup)

  • @652 – I think you would have a ton of new best friends if you found out how. Including me.

    I just cannot understand why Sony says its a hardware failure. If it was hardware, then wouldn’t BR discs not even work? Playing a BR movie for 10 minutes then freezing does not sound like hardware to me. Same with PS3 games, why work for 10 minutes then freeze?

    Does anyone else have the freezing problem with only BR? I just tried a DVD and watched the whole Step Brothers movie, tempted to now try PS2 games (have 80gig BC) to see if those work.
    Maybe issue with BR drivers? Who know…. Sony, fix this….

  • I use my PS3 99% as a media player and 1% for gaming, but when prompted to updated, i foolishly did.
    Now, i can still play games, but the interface for media listings is screwed.
    What is with the entire listing disappearing except the highlighted item after about 2 seconds?? If i am trying to decide what to watch, i have to be constantly scrolling the list or it disappears. Where is the functionality in that?
    Lucky my upstairs PS3 (which is what my kids use for media) hasn’t been updated, as they are 4 and 6, and can only recognize their shows by making out some of the letters in the title. If their lists disappeared… sigh..

  • I have been a loyal Playstation customer since the very first Playstation.. I cannot believe Sony is claiming that this is just a coincidence systems are being rendered unfunctional IMMEDIATELY after an update. Requiring payment to fix their own faults is even more outrageous.. With each passing day I am growing so impatient/frustrated I am almost considering purchasing an Xbox and selling the PS3 once (hopefully) a new firmware is released.

    I would be understanding and patiently wait if Sony had just admitted to their fault and let us know they are working to fix the issue. Instead Sony is making the many unfortunate customers who have been affected feel as though there is nothing we can do other than pay 150. I’d much much rather pay $300 for a brand new Xbox knowing this kind of garbage would never happen. I have been an Xbox hater until 2 days ago when I updated my PS3 from 2.80 thinking the 3.01 was now safe, however I am now resorted to playing demos of online downloads.


  • You can download older firmware versions from the forum site:

    Specifically, 2.80 is here:

    If anyone wants to try loading it on a new hard drive, please let us know the outcome.


  • 658, this will not work, it is like updating a bios on a pc. You donwload the new firmware on your hard drive or jump drive than the new firmware is installed over to the chip on your PS3.

    So if you get a new hard drive and install 2.80 on it, it will not work since the firmware is installed on the chip and not on hard drive. It will come up saying no new firmware found.

  • So I’ve just updated to 3.01 and now I have absolutely no sound.

    So thanks Sony, you’ve just rendered my PS3 completely useless.


  • OK, so what we need to do is Twitter/Facebook etc etc all this stuff. The only people on this forum are PS3 owners. If we risk future sales they might actually do something about it.

  • @654 I have done all the steps you have done also. This has not fixed the problem of having a disk stuck in the drive, while not showing up on the homepage. I cannot eject the disk. I also cannot play any downloadable media, or access the Playstation Home area either. So basically I can get to the internet and thats pretty much it. I got a 60gig first gen machine that was working just fantastic prior to the 3.0 update and 3.01 did nothing to fix my problem. This is a long time to go without playing my damn games, which is why I bought the machine in the first place. I don’t care about the sparkles, or the grey boxes around my friends. I could care less about turning off the “whats new” section. I just want to be able to play games again like I was able to BEFORE the download. How is it fair to charge $150 to fix a problem that was started by Sony in the first place. I realize that it didn’t happen to everyone, only a select few. But this still doesn’t change the fact that it is a problem caused by Sony and it is something they should fix fast.

  • I’m still wondering that after more then 600 post there still only 1 reply.
    Sounds to like a new kind of ignorance.
    What I think is, that SONY is now killing potential PS4 buyer.
    For me the FW 3.0 and 3.01 worked, have no technical problem at all.
    But the GUI also called XMB is really a shame, the problems on that have been posted enough in this blog I’ll skip that now.
    For me the PS3 has definitively lost reliability that I thougth it would have.
    Now PS3 is just as bad as XBOX360.
    Bravo SONY!

    Sorry for Bad Englisch

  • I also love that the one reply is only to say, “yep, problem solved.” Nice work, Sony!

    In fairness to the bloggers, I would bet they’re either explicitly or implicitly barred from responding to us.

  • Forget Twitter, spend your time filling out the forms here: the Federal Trade Commission found here: and/or to the Better Business Bureau found here: I will say when you fill these forms out, be professional about it. They will not take it seriously if it is filled with curses or Sony bad mouthing. The goal for us should be to get Sony’s attention that we are serious and all we really want is get back to gaming but we will not be ignored. The 3.0 update was a mandatory update that caused these failures and needs to be corrected. The forms take a few minutes to fill out. I filled out both. Take the time to fill these out folks and put Sony on notice. I mean since our PS3’s aren’t working, you’ve got some free time on your hands.

  • Add me to the growing list of 80GB B/C owners whose BluRay drive ever so coincidentally bricked with the 3.01 update.

  • As posted before, yes 80 gig BC stopped working the second I downloaded 3.0, 3.01 did not fix any problems

    PS3 games – do not work, freeze after 10 min
    Blu-Ray movies – freeze after 10 min
    Tried to download games that require HD install, freeze in the middle of the install (MGS4 and GTA4)

    PS2 games – played GOW2 for an hour and okay
    Watched Step Brothers DVD with no freeze.

    Sony, please post update. Will not spend $150 to fix it. You know, xbox 360 is s/b $250 with rebate (read today). Just saying… Never owned an xbox (owned all 2 PS systems)… You never know….

    Why doesn’t or report these problems? Think its like 10 people with problem, or thousands? I think later.

  • Hello,
    Since updating my original PS3 (60Gb) to version 3.01 it no longer recognises an external usb drive. This worked fine till the update.

    Anyone else have the same problem?

    I use this method of transfering music and films to my PS3

  • Well, my last comment was “moderated” and not posted. Cleaner version below?

    80gig, BC PS3

    Still trying to test and one day, magic will happen and my PS3 will recognize BluRay discs

    PS3 Games – Still freeze after 10 min
    BluRay movies – Still freeze after 10 mine
    PS3 games that require HD install, freeze during middle of it.

    PS2 Game – Played GOW 2 for an hour yesterday with no problem, was I luckey?
    DVD – Watched Step Brothers with no freeze.

    Becoming even more frustrated, with not only my PS3 not working the second I downloaded 3.0 (3.01 did not fix) and now after 10 days after 3.01, no other response.

  • I have officially reached a point, 52% of the way into BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM, where my saved game will not load at all, no matter how many times I try (all that loads is a portion of the sound meter that appears in Croc’s lair; the rest of the screen is empty). This varies from previous freezes, which could be overcome after a dozen or two tries.

    For the record, I’m using one of the 40GB models, purchased in April 2008.

  • well i did bite the bullet and upgraded my 60gb ’06 launch unit from 2.71 (thought it was 2.80) to 3.01, bypassed 3.00 completely.

    tested eveything (ps3 games ie: uncharted, and bd movies before update). all worked fine.

    also backed up all save games to sd card except 3 that were protected (kz2, hv bowling and motorstorm:pr) and did a complete backup (3+hrs) of my 120gb hd to an external 120gb hd.

    so far everything is working fine, played uncharted for a bit and bd movies, so far so good. disabled those sparkles and what’s new info, kinda annoying.

    but just a note, the file size differences between 3.00 and 3.01 are about 17kb or so with 3.00 being the 17kb larger update. don’t know what was removed from the 3.01 update, but at 17kb it couldn’t have been much.

    i’ll post if my system decides to expire, if so, then i might as well crap can it, cause if it ylod’s, they’ll end up having to swap units and my saves and other stuff won’t work on a different serialized unit.

  • anyone have any luck with going back to 2.8 or with customer service yet?

  • e with the 3.0.1 update, my blu-ray drive still doesnt work,. I can’t play DVD’s, Audio CD’s, Blu-ray Movies e.t.c… even games..need a solution

  • Count me in the broken blu-ray drive club! Upgraded to 3.01 3 days ago, and in the middle of playing a game a day later, the game locked up, and that was it. The drive cannot recognize any disc now. Tried putting in games, Blu-ray movies and DVD’s. Nothing. The drive will pull discs in and eject them, but that is it. Any answers before I spend $150?

  • Hi Sony Firmware Team

    Afte I update my PS3 to thr new 3.01 version, I lost one of the old feature in 2.8 version.

    When I turn on my PS3 (with 2.8), it automaticly run the gamed BD that it was in the system and also I was able to stop that automatic running with holding the circle key for a during booting the system.

    This cool feature is gine now in the new version. I suggest taht to add an otion in the seting menu for thsi, Something link:

    Do you want to start the dvd automaticly when you turn on the PS3?


    PS: I am not sure in teh good place for this request, but if not please somebody helo me to find the right place to post it.

  • I never knew most of the Playstation buyers are dumb.A firmware bug can cause a problem within the OS instead of bricking a console. The Disc read problem could be your hardware problem but not caused by the update. I got a PS3 Jap 60gb model. When i updated to firmware 2.0 after few days i got a disc read problem i planned to fix it myself with this part

    then it started working. I happened to know that i got a hardware problem instead of saying it a firmware update screwing it. Pls send it for repair.My PS3 is working perfectly even after this update all my games are proper tested after reading these complaints.

  • Hi Sony Firmware Team

    After I update my PS3 to the new 3.00 version, I lost one of the old feature in 2.8 version that I like.

    When I switched on my PS3 (with 2.8), it automaticly run the game BD that it was in the system and also I was able to stop that automatic running with holding the circle key for a while during booting the system.

    This cool feature is gine now in the new version. I suggest that to add an option in the setting menu for this, Something link:

    Do you want to start the DVD/BD automaticly when you turn on the PS3?


    PS: I am not sure it is the good place for this request, but if not please somebody help me to find the right place to post it.

    PS2: I just check the other comment, It seems sony is broken all the system be themself !!!!!!

  • Firmware release 3.0/3.01 has left me with a brick. My PS3 cannot do anything reliably with the blu-ray player. I, just like many others, can start a game (COD4/CODWoW) and it will fail within 10 min or so. Usually the game will lose a portion of the sound, then lock up when returning to the menus. For blu-ray movies, I can watch a couple minutes most before the unit completely locks up.

    In my view, Sony is being irresponsible by trying to couch this as an isolated problem to protect PS3 slim sales without providing guidance on when they’ll fix the problems.

  • Just got a new ps3 slim, updated to 3.1 and only certain blu-rays will play. Just wanted to add to the list of messed up hardware issues now.

  • Time to break out the ps2 for a few more years until this gets sorted out. Remember when you could put games in the console and play them whenever you wanted? And the firmware never needed updating, because they put all the features in before they sold the first unit?

    I hope Star Wars Battlefront still has multiplayer servers running.

  • It broke my blue-ray remote my arrow keys don’t work and i cant use the number pad only stop and play work through the remote. :(

  • I just got the word that a lot of people are having probs with the bluray player. I have experienced the same problems. I thought it was a hardware issue up until now. I have a first gen U.S. 80gb system. I was about to order another blueray drive, but now I will wait to see if the cause was actually caused by a firmware upgrade. I hope Sony can figure this out!

  • I am very mad right now as I cannot get any sound from games. I downloaded firmware 3.0 when it first came out and everything was fine, today I decided to play COD for the first time in awhile and I HAVE NO SOUND. I get sound on the XMB but not in games or in any demos. I don’t get it… I upgraded to 3.01 and no change. HELP!?

  • +1 for a PS3 Blu-ray brick after the 3.0.1 update.

    Much to the delight of my wife, the thing froze about 5 minutes into Star Trek III. She now shares my frustration as her bluray arrived from netflix only to be ignored by the PS3.

    Can’t read Bluray, can’t play games.

    Thanks Sony…. and no I don’t want to purchase a PS3 slim.

  • Add me to the list of people with bluray issues :( This sucks there goes my movie night!


  • 40GB PS3. Disc drive will not play any discs after this update. I went to put in The Bourne Ultimatum and it read it tried reading it for about 1 minutes and than gave up. Now the drive will not spin any discs and only inserts and ejects.

    I wish I knew this was widespread as I already cracked it open, ordered a new drive, and ordered a new PS3 Slim :(.

  • My 60G 1st generation PS3 will not read BD (DVD okay) after the upgrade to 3.01. HELP!

  • Count me in for those that got screwed by the so-called update. After installing 3.01 no more Beatles Rock Band. Haven’t tried a movie. SONY: PLEASE FIX!!!!!

  • ever since i got the new slim with 2.0, my 1080P on my LG television doesnt work. on 3.0 it wouldnt work at all and on 3.01 the image has hwite specks everywhere and is grainy.

    Fix it sony.

  • ready through this forum it seems the only ones that are having problems are the ones with the older system i have the newer 80 gig and i have not had a problem yet i have watched over 20 blue rays and played plenty of games since i updated to 3.01 my friend has the newer 160 gig he hasn’t had a problem yet either

  • sorry meant reading through this forum not ready

  • Add another brick to the pile ran the updat on my 80bg BC the pos wont run any discs.

  • when r they gonna make a update so that u can play music while your playing a game, cuz if the xbox 360 has it we should have it too.

  • i have a 2006 sony dvd player with hdmi connection that i use most of the time and ps3 80 gb with media card reader that i bought dec 2007; after this new update, it made my ps3 hdmi connection useless, no video or audio; the rgb connector is functional; called up sony customer support and did their instruction how to reset the video, no luck. the suggestion is to send it to them for repair as if his confirming the diagnosis is the hdmi is broken; i rarely used the ps3 and this is the best that sony can offer. i challenge programmers to prove to the US department of consumer affairs that this problem is due to the sony ps3 firmware program that they send to their consumers. sony does not want to accept their error. i will not hesitate to sign up for a class action lawsuit against this practice.

  • My PS3 will now not play any blu-ray videos or games, or dvd’s since updating to 3.01. I am strangely glad in a way that everyone else seems to be having the same issue, but very unhappy that a software updated could be released that would do so much damage.

    I have the original launch date 60 GB PS3, I was really looking forward to getting in to a bit of Uncharted 2, hopefully Sony will fix this issue soon.

    Also quite frustrating is that I hired Angels & Demons from Blockbuster on Blu-ray, have paid the rental charge but I am unable to watch the thing!

  • @693
    I also have the new 160GB version from November last year and just some hours ago my PS3 stopped playing Disks..

    I have posted before in this Blog but there I posted about Freezing-problems and that we’re unable to play music while doing something else in XMB.

    So now… yeah, count me in to those with a broken drive caused by the update.

    Sony, I beg you, do something against it, quick!

  • count me in with this firmware issue. mine doesn’t recognize any dvds (blu-ray, standard dvd, or ps3 games).

    i seriously hope something fixes this.

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